Discussion on Maintenance of Measuring Instruments for Electronic and Electrical Products

2019-01-23 13:46ShaoQinbin
中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Shao Qinbin

(Rongjun Hospital of Henan Province,Xinxiang,Henan 453000)

Abstract:Metrology inspection is the basic work of instrument equipment quality inspection,and plays an important role in ensuring the application quality of instrumentation.In the process of measurement and inspection,it is required to have a complete measuring instrument to ensure the integrity,so as to ensure the stability of the application of the instrument and the indication value is accurate.In this regard,this paper first introduces the content of electronic and electrical products measurement and inspection work,and then conducts detailed research on the maintenance points of electronic and electrical products measurement and inspection instruments and future development trends,in order to promote the technical level of measurement and inspection instrument for electronic and electrical products,and make full use of its application advantages.

Keywords:measurement instrumentation;maintenance;development

With the rapid development of science and technology,the accuracy requirements for electronic and electrical products are getting higher and higher.At the same time,the types of measurement and inspection instruments are gradually increasing.Only by maintaining the instruments can the accuracy of measurement and inspection be guaranteed.By applying the electronic and electrical product measurement and inspection instruments to the actual production of the enterprise,it is possible to monitor and manage the operating parameters of the equipment and production lines.It can be seen that the accuracy of the measuring instruments and equipment will directly affect the production efficiency of the enterprise,and the maintenance of the measuring instruments must be strengthened and promote the development of measuring instruments by applying advanced technology.

I.Electronic and Electrical Products Measurement and Inspection Work Content

Nowadays,with the improvement of the productivity level of enterprises and the improvement of product quality requirements,the selection of advanced and accurate measurement and inspection equipment has become an important direction of enterprise modernization development[1].However,the types of measuring instruments and the accuracy of measurement control in China still need to be developed.Compared with developed countries in the west,there is a big gap.In practical applications,problems such as success rate is too low and poor operation stability often occur.The development of domestic equipment production technology has a negative impact.Therefore,it is necessary to increase the development of electronic and electrical measurement instruments.In the measurement and inspection work,scientific detection method should be provided first and equipped with complete testing equipment.Nowadays,in the production of various industries and people's daily lives,the measurement and testing work has become popular,through the application of metrological inspection instruments,it can detect,record,analyze and control the quality and quantity of materials.It can not only transmit the standard quantity,but also detect,supervise and control the production process and production process of the material to ensure product quality.

Product quality is the key to product manufacturing.Only when the measurement and inspection work is carried out smoothly can the product quality be guaranteed.Through the measurement of the product,comprehensive product quality data can be obtained.Through data analysis,the actual quality of the product can be grasped,and then the product quality can be improved based on this.Through the measurement and inspection work,it is beneficial to reduce the problem of resource waste,reduce energy consumption,and promote the economic benefits of enterprises[2].With the rapid development of social economy,people have gradually realized the importance of measurement and inspection work,and the measurement and inspection work will gradually surpass the scope of measurement and gradually develop into various applications.

II.Electronic and ElectricalProducts Measurement and Inspection Equipment Maintenance Points

(i) Formulating a Verification Cycle

Considering factors such as the frequency of use and importance of measuring instruments,and reasonably determining the daily maintenance management cycle and planning of testing instruments,such as electronic belt scales,the frequency of use of this equipment is relatively high,and the requirements for detection accuracy are relatively high.In this regard,the maintenance cycle can be set to 6 months,and the accuracy requirements of some devices are relatively low.For this,the accuracy requirement can be appropriately reduced,and the maintenance cycle is set to 12 months.In addition,it should also be noted that in the process of routine maintenance management of the metrological inspection instrument,the maintenance cycle should be adjusted according to the actual situation,taking into account the enterprise production plan,mechanical maintenance requirements and so on.

(ii) Strengthening the Measurement Process of the Measurement Instrument

In the process of developing the measurement process of the measurement and inspection instrument,it is necessary to comprehensively consider the requirements of the type of the measurement equipment,the procurement,the inspection income bank,the storage protection of the measurement equipment,etc.,and also determine the verification standards before the equipment is used.For measuring instruments that do not meet the requirements of the use specifications,they should be recorded and isolated.In this process,the maintenance and management staff of the metrological inspection instrument are required to be proficient in the above steps,and the level of work will greatly affect the quality of the measurement management and the maintenance and management costs.

(iii) Constructing Maintenance and Management Work Charter

Before carrying out the maintenance of electronic and electrical products measuring instruments and equipment,it is first necessary to construct a complete rules and regulations for the maintenance and management of electronic and electrical products measuring instruments to ensure the integrity and comprehensiveness of the system,including regular maintenance inspection and maintenance systems,post responsibility systems,and equipment identification.At the same time,we should also pay attention to ensuring the cohesiveness between the various systems,so that the application value of the management rules and regulations can be fully exerted[3].

(iv) Establishing Metrological Inspection Standards

The metrological inspection work department needs to apply effective methods,clearly understand the objective needs,comprehensively consider the economic and social benefits to establish measurement and inspection standards,avoid the blindness of standards,and do a good job in the preliminary planning of measurement standards[4].When assessing the metrological inspection standards,it is necessary to comprehensively consider the following points:1.Investigate and count the detection range,detection accuracy,and inspection workload of the object to be tested corresponding to the preparatory construction project.2.When constructing measurement standards,the technical specifications of the standard and other equipment should also be clarified.3.Technical personnel are required to master the measurement standard requirements.4.Regularly assess and measure the measurement standards.5.Do a good job in measuring standards,substances,economics,and legal guarantees.In order to improve the traceability or transfer qualification of measurement standards,enterprises should also establish the highest measurement standards and conduct assessments of measurement and inspection standards,that is,technical certification.This is also the key to metrological supervision.

III.Measures for Measuring Instruments and Faults

(i) Manager's Perspective

Enterprise management personnel need to regularly organize staff to carry out professional technical training and technical assessment so as to promote the improvement of employees’business level[5].Managers should establish a sound management rules and regulations,register the testing instruments,and require each instrument shouldhave detailed records and supporting documentation.Some test instruments are relatively high in technical level and complexity,which requires the staff to master the perfect operation method and hold the certificate.Before each use of the instrument,it should be registered,and the maintenance and maintenance of the equipment should be done according to the rules and regulations.If the test equipment fails,it should be reported to the superior management department in time to organize professional and technical personnel to carry out maintenance management.In addition,if the instrument is scrapped,the corresponding registration management should be done,and follow-up treatment should be carried out according to the instructions of the responsible person.

(ii) Employees’Perspective

The user of the measuring and testing instrument is the staff,and the comprehensive quality of the staff will have a great impact on the efficiency and quality of the maintenance and management of the testing instrument.In the daily operation process,we must strictly follow the quality control objectives,learn and master advanced operational techniques,standardize our own work behaviors,enhance the awareness of fault control,and actively summarize work experience to promote the improvement of business level.

IV.Development Trend of Electronic and Electrical Products Measuring Instruments

(i) Application of Computer Management Technology

Microcomputer management technology is an application technology that combines sensing technology,automation control technology,computer technology,etc.Through the application of micro-computer management technology,it can accurately reflect all kinds of information in the production process of the enterprise,and at the same time,it can also produce to the enterprise.Through the whole process of supervision and management,enterprises can transfer relevant data to various departments through the application of computer network,and then provide decision-making basis for senior management of the enterprise[6].Microcomputer management technology is not only an advanced technology,but also has a convenient operation mode and low work intensity.In practical applications,it can avoid the problem of data change,thereby ensuring the accuracy of data and providing guarantee for the development and production of enterprise products.

(ii) Promotion of Measurement and Inspection Virtual Instruments

Nowadays,with the rapid development of computer technology,power technology and communication technology,the field of measurement instruments has undergone great changes,and many advanced technologies have been applied.Among them,virtual instrument technology is an important development direction of measuring instruments.Virtual instruments is an electronic measuring instrument that the operator can design by installing the measuring software and hardware into the computer and meets the actual needs[7].Nowadays,most of the metrological inspection structures mainly use digital detection instruments.These instruments are mainly composed of single-chip microcomputers and electronic circuits.The functions are relatively simple.In practical applications,operators are required to do data recording and printing.When the inspection work is completed,the workload of data processing is relatively large[8].In this regard,by applying virtual metrology technology,enterprises can set various instruments and equipment according to the actual situation to ensure that they meet the needs of daily production and testing reagents.


This paper mainly discusses the maintenance management points of electronic and electrical products measurement and inspection instruments and the future development trend.Nowadays,the technical level of China's electronic and electrical products measuring instruments has yet to be developed.In practical applications,problems such as slow start-up and low measurement accuracy are prone to occur.Therefore,the daily maintenance management of testing instruments should be strengthened,requiring management personnel and work.People can clearly recognize the importance of maintenance and management of inspection instruments and adopt advanced maintenance management measures.According to the actual situation of production,determine the maintenance management cycle and develop a sound management system,so as to promote the efficiency of measurement and inspection of electronic and electrical products.