Analysis on Quality Inspection of Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering of Municipal Administration

2019-01-23 13:46ZhangChen
中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Zhang Chen

(Zhengzhou Municipal Engineering Quality Supervision Station,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000)

Abstract:In recent years,with the acceleration of urbanization,in order to better meet people's production and living needs and improve their quality of life,the urban construction department has built a large number of water supply and drainage projects,and water supply and drainage projects as an important part of urban infrastructure.It has played a huge role in promoting urban progress and economic development,and is also related to the quality of life of everyone.However,some municipal water supply and drainage projects have caused many problems during use,such as pipeline damage,water seepage,resulting in unqualified quality of domestic water,environmental pollution caused by sewage leakage,and serious waste of water resources.Based on this,the municipal water supply and drainage project cannot be put into use immediately after completion,and the quality of the project should be tested according to relevant standards.

Keywords:municipal;water supply and sewerage engineering;quality inspection;construction

The municipal water supply and drainage project is an important part of the municipal project.The quality of the project also determines the quality of the entire municipal project to a large extent.Once there is a difference in the construction,it will lead to water seepage,water leakage,blockage,etc.A series of problems have affected the subsequent use of the water supply and drainage project.This has not only reduced the credibility and economic benefits of the construction unit,but also interfered with the normal production and life of the surrounding residents,and shortened the life cycle of the entire water supply and drainage project.This has caused serious waste of resources.Therefore,it is necessary to further strengthen the quality inspection of municipal water supply and drainage projects.The author of this paper analyzes and discusses the quality inspection of municipal water supply and sewerage engineering.

I.Reasons Affecting the Quality of Municipal Water Supply and Drainage Projects

(i) Problems in Construction Planning

Firstly,in the construction planning of municipal water supply and drainage projects,because there is no effective communication with relevant departments,orcommunication is nottimely enough,there may be situations such as inconsistency with urban planning land and flood control plan-ning.For flood control planning,on the one hand,the cost of the project should be considered because of its own factors;on the other hand,the functionality needs to be taken into account[1].Secondly,the municipal water supply and drainage project is lagging behind in other planning projects.Usually,the municipal water supply and drainage project should enter the formal establishment in the planning process.However,there are still some shortcomings in the planning and preparation of municipal drainage projects.There is no perfect plan,which leads to the frequent occurrence of road construction and the construction of water supply and drainage projects,which requires rework in the road construction process and loses a lot of manpower,material resources and financial resources[2].

(ii) Quality Management Issues during the Constructionof Municipal Water Supply and Drainage Works

At this stage,the municipal water supply and drainage project still lacks experience in the quality management of the construction process,and there are many deficiencies,mainly reflected in the following aspects.Firstly,the construction unit has relatively lack of capacity in the quality control of the construction site.The water supply and sewerage engineering is complicated,the construction is difficult,and different types of work are required to operate at the same time,resulting in chaos on the site,which increases the difficulty for quality control.In order to ensure the construction quality,the construction unit should have Targeted professional and technical personnel to carry out on-site guidance,but the current status of the construction industry is the shortage of professional and technical personnel,so that the role of on-site quality control cannot be played.Secondly,it does not pay enough attention to the supervision work.In the municipal water supply and drainage project,the supervision work is very important.Among them,the selection of building materials and the quality control of the materials used in the construction must be very strict,and the regulations can only enter the construction site.This largely determines the quality of the project,but the construction unit does not pay enough attention to the quality supervision work,which makes the quality of the whole project lower.Finally,there is no complete quality management norm.At present,many construction parties of municipal water supply and drainage projects are designated by the local competent authorities,resulting in an increase in the probability of non-standard construction operations,and the construction unit does not have a sound quality management.The system will also affect the quality of the project[3].

(iii) Problems in Construction Technology

Unlike other municipal projects,municipal water supply and drainage projects are mainly carried out underground,which makes the construction difficulty factor greatly increased.As we all know,the construction technology of a project plays a decisive role in the quality of the whole project.Therefore,in the quality inspection of the municipal water supply and drainage project,it is necessary to carry out scientific and effective detection of the construction technology,and at the same time optimize and improve it to meet the construction of the project.Requirements,thus providing technical support for the construction quality of the entire project.

II.Problems Analysis on Quality Inspection of Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering

(i) Pay Attention to the Quality Management Work during the Construction of Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering

During the construction period,scientific and effective quality management can ensure the overall quality of the project.Therefore,quality management must be carried out in every construction process[4].In view of the current situation of China's municipal water supply and drainage projects and a series of existing problems,in order to further im-prove the construction quality,the quality inspection of the project should be done from the following three aspects.First of all,to check whether the construction management regulations are sound,in order to ensure that all work on the construction site is well organized and efficient,so as to ensure the quality of the water supply and drainage project,the construction party should formulate a complete set of construction management specifications.Before construction,it is necessary to reconfirm whether the construction plan is reasonable,and the construction management norms are monitored by professionals to ensure that they are perfect and scientific.On the basis of effective construction management norms,all construction work can be carried out in an orderly manner.In addition,although the construction management regulations will cause certain psychological pressure on workers,they can also urge them to work hard and ensure that they Selfsafety and improve construction quality.Secondly,to test the effectiveness of the quality control capability of the construction site,the water supply and drainage project has a poor environment on the construction site due to its own characteristics,and it is prone to some unpredictable conditions,which leads to a certain quality work at the construction site.The difficulty of the construction cannot guarantee the quality of the entire project[5].In order to detect the quality of the water supply and drainage project,it is necessary to carry out relevant tests on the quality control capability of the construction site.As far as the construction side is concerned,in order to better carry out on-site quality control and give full play to its guiding role,the quality responsible personnel should have a high comprehensive quality,master good construction technology and certain management capabilities,so as to be able to be on the construction site in time.It is found that the problem of non-standardization during the construction process can also find out the lack of management and propose corresponding solutions.Only in this way can we ensure that the role of on-site quality control is effectively exerted.Finally,the inspection and supervision work is in place.The quality of the municipal water supply and drainage project is not only closely related to the construction management work,but also affected by the construction materials to a large extent.Therefore,it is necessary to properly supervise the construction materials and mechanical equipment in the early stage of construction.For construction materials, involving procurement,transportation,storage,etc.,at the time of procurement,the person in charge of procurement shall conduct strict inspection according to relevant standards,and meet the construction requirements before purchasing,transportation and storage,there shall be certain management plans to reduce The impact of external conditions on building materials,thereby improving construction quality.

(ii) Do a Good Job in the Planning Work in the Early Stage of Construction

The municipal water supply and drainage project should strictly carry out preliminary planning work before construction,including the collection,transportation,treatment,use and discharge of drainage[6].In order to ensure the construction quality of the water supply and drainage project,system analysis,optimization and improvement should be carried out before the construction to deal with the construction scale and application technology.For the early planning of the project,quality inspection can be carried out from two aspects:on the one hand,it is to actively meet with the relevant departments and do a good job of communication.The rationality of the water supply and sewerage engineering planning should be carried out before starting the concrete construction,and with the urban planning.Land use,flood control planning and other departments to communicate,in order to obtain relevant information in a timely manner,take into account all information in the specific project planning,to avoid conflicts[7].On the other hand,before the construction of the water supply and drainage project,it should be checked whether the planning is timely.At this stage,there are still some shortcomings in the planning and preparation of the municipal water supply and drainage project.Due to the lag of its preparation planning,some drainage projects are made.The construction is later than the road construction,which will not only affect the economic interests of the construction party,but also the human and financial resources,which will affect the quality of the project and extend the construction period[8].Based on this,the construction unit should go to the relevant department for confirmation before the completion of the plan,and carry out the construction after it has been confirmed that it has entered the formal establishment.If it is found that it has not entered the establishment,it must be declared in time,and the construction quality inspection should be carried out by testing the construction plan in a timely manner.

(iii) Check Whether the Construction Technology of the Construction Party can meet the Standard Requirements

There are many factors affecting the quality of municipalwatersupplyand drainageprojects.Among them,construction technology is one of the most important influencing factors.Only good construction technology can provide strong guarantee for project quality.Therefore,the quality of municipal water supply and sewerage engineering is detected.In the test,the construction technology should not be ignored.


In the current municipal engineering projects,the water supply and drainage project is a very important component,which has a direct impact on social development and people's lives.In view of the shortcomings in the quality inspection of municipal water supply and drainage projects,it should be strengthened from the following aspects.First,we must do a good job in the early stage planning,and pay sufficient attention to the quality management work during the construction of municipal water supply and drainage projects,including whether the construction management regulations are tested.Improve,whether the quality control on the construction site is effective,whether the inspection and supervision work is in place,and whether the construction technology can meet the relevant requirements.