Analysis of the Difficulties and Solutions of Forest Management

2019-01-23 13:46LiuWanli
中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2019年3期

Liu Wanli

(Tianjin Baodi District Xinkai Town People’s Government,Tianjin 301815)

Abstract:This paper mainly focuses on the difficulties and solutions of forest management work.From the difficulties in forest management and protection work,it puts forward the solutions to the difficulties of forest management and protection,including completing forest management system,innovate forest management and protection methods,increase forest management financial support,etc.,aims to ensure the smooth implementation of forest management and protection work in China.

Keywords:forest resources;management and protection work;difficult;solution

As a renewable resource in China,forest resources can not only absorb harmful substances in the air,but also provide oxygen for people to survive.In addition,with the continuous increase of Chinese ecological protection,forest management and protection work has become one of the important measures to consolidate the achievements of afforestation,and it is also the key to implementing the rural revitalization strategy and improving the quality of forestry.Therefore,forest management and protection work must be done well.However,due to a variety of factors,the implementation of forest management and protection work has been limited.Based on the status of forest management and protection work,the paper analyzes the difficulties and solutions of forest protection work,and promotes the sustainable development of forest resources.

I.Difficulties in the Work of Forest Management

Judging from the current economic development situation in China in recent years,people have excessively felled trees,which has led to serious damage to forest resources.Therefore,improving the quality of forest management and work and the effect of work have become the key to promoting the development of forestry in China.However,as far as forest management and protection work is concerned,the difficulties are mainly reflected in the aspects of the forest management and protection system to be improved,the forest management and protection methods are too backward,and the quality of forest management personnel is low[1].

(i) Forest Management System Needs to Be Improved

Judging from the current status of forest management and protection work in China,most of the forest management work is carried out using traditional management and protection mode,which not only cannot adapt to the development of the current market environment,but also hinders the smooth development of forest management and protection work.First of all,the forest management and leadership system is not perfect.In the forest management work,the forestry management department is at the core of the work,but in actual work,it does not fully play its due role,and there are still many forest management leaders who are not clear about their responsibilities.Psychology,which led to the failure to effectively implement the forest management work;secondly,the performance appraisal system of forest management work is not perfect.Nowadays,most of the forestry management departments'assessment criteria for forest management personnel are based on the planting area of forest trees.The lack of attention to forest greening rate and living rate has resulted in the lack of effective protection of forest resources.

(ii) Forest Management Methods are Too Backward

Although the area of afforestation in China is gradually expanding,and the number of trees is increasing,it plays a role in protecting people's daily life and creating a good environment.At the same time,it also affects the forest topography because of the expansion of forest area,resulting in forest management work.There are phenomena such as inadequate management and protection,and loopholes in the protection of the pipeline.One of the main factors that cause this phenomenon is that the forest management method is too backward.The forest management work uses the traditional manual management method for a long time,ignoring the application of the Internet and other technologies.As a result,forest management personnel cannot fully implement supervision of forest trees[2].Taking the forest management and protection work in Tianjin as an example,the terrain in Tianjin is too complicated.If it is only in the management work,it is difficult to find the disease problems in the forest in time,and the disease problems cannot be eliminated.In the germination,it will only be discovered by the management and care staff when the disease problems are getting worse.

(iii) The Quality of Forest Management Personnel is Low

In the forest management and protection work,the comprehensive quality of the management and protection personnel also affects the quality of the management and protection work to a certain extent.Especially in the context of the current social development of ecological construction,the remuneration package and other factors directly lead to the forest management personnel.The reasons for the low comprehensive quality are mainly reflected in the following points:Firstly,the forest management personnel do not have a strong sense of active protection,which leads to the staff not being able to find and solve the problems in the forest in time;secondly,the forest The management and maintenance personnel do not have a high legal awareness,often in order to satisfy their own self-interest,do not explicitly prohibit illegal logging,and excessively condone the illegal personnel of deforestation;finally,forest management personnel do not have strong professional skills.Due to the lack of sufficient management knowledge,the forest management work cannot be carried out normally[3].

(iv) Forest Tree Management Lacks Capital Investment

Only when the relevant government increases capital investment in forest management and protection work can we ensure the smooth development of forest management and protection work.However,according to the current state of capital investment in forestry management and protection work,the forest management and protection work in various regions has different degrees.The lack of funds has not only hindered the effective improvement of the quality of forest management and protection work,but also seriously affected the enthusiasm and en-thusiasm of the staff engaged in forest management and protection.

II.Solutions to the Difficulties in Forest Management

Judging from the current status of forest management and protection work in China,there are many problems in the forest management and protection work,such as the need to improve the forest management and protection system,the forest management and protection methods are too backward,and the quality of forest management personnel is low.Based on this,some solutions are proposed from the aspects of improving forest management and protection system,innovative forest management and protection methods,and increasing support for forest management and protection funds.

(i) Improve the Forest Management System

The forest management and protection system can be effectively improved from the following points:Firstly,a sound organizational leadership system should be established.The forest management and protection work has the characteristics of strong complexity and systematization.It is necessary for the forestry management department to establish a perfect forest management organization system,and also need to create a leadership structure with leadership as the core,so as to strengthen the leadership of forest management at the grassroots level.Secondly,paying attention to the target management responsibility system,the forest management and protection leading group needs to implement a strict target manager responsibility system for forest management and protection work,and the leading group also needs to organize meetings regularly,formulate measures and solutions in the meeting,and the forest management work will achieve real-time supervision.Finally,it is necessary to clarify the forest management objectives for townships,villages and forest rangers.Only by following the principle of first-level and level-level implementation can we ensure that forest management work plays its role..

(ii) Innovative Forest Management Methods

With the rapid development of information technology in China,information construction has become one of the key factors in the construction of a modern agricultural system[4].The forest resources are widely distributed and the number of management personnel is small.It is very difficult to fully cover the forest management and protection in the management and protection work.Therefore,it is necessary for China's forestry management and protection department to use the Internet technology to create a network management and protection platform,so as to carry out all-round dynamic management and protection for forest resources.For example,some forest management departments have purchased drones,and the use of drones to carry out forest management work has not only effectively solved the problems of night inspections,but also realized the whole process of management and protection,which has effectively improved the level of scientific management and protection.The ability to find problems.In addition,the creation of a network management and protection platform has improved the scientific and technological level of forest management.For example,for the pests and diseases that often occur in the spring in the Tianjin area,the forestry management and protection department can achieve scientific management by increasing the promotion of new technologies.

(iii) Increase the Construction of the ManagementTeam

The construction of the talent team is not only the basis of the forest management and protection work,but also the key to determining the efficiency of the final work.Therefore,the leaders of the forestry management and protection work should attach great importance to the construction of the talent team.First of all,the overall quality of management and protection personnelshould be improved.Through the selection method,we can select high-quality talents to enrich the team of forestry management and protection personnel,and rationally apply the professional skills of high-quality personnel to improve the scientific level of forestry management and protection work.In addition,training can be organized on a regular basis to effectively enhance the professionalism and personal abilities of forest management personnel.Second,increase the staffing of professional positions.Relevant departments need to make a reasonable increase in the number of forestry management and maintenance staff,ensuring that all staff engaged in management and protection work are professionals and remove part-time personnel to ensure the stability of the forest management team.Finally,increase the intensity of assessment and supervision.Create strict evaluation standards,and regularly assess the forest management and maintenance staff to effectively enhance the enthusiasm of the incumbents to participate in the work.

(iv) Increase the Support of Forest Management and Protection Funds

First of all,the forestry management and protection department in Tianjin needs to understand the status of forest management and protection work,and then on this basis,to achieve reasonable planning and distribution of forest management and protection resources,to avoid problems such as capital breaks in forest management and protection work.Secondly,the local government should provide financial support for forest management and protection work.In addition to financial support,it is necessary to effectively supervise forest management funds to ensure that each fund can be used in forestry management and protection work.Finally,improve the salary of the management staff.By enhancing the salary and treatment of forest management personnel,we ensure that the personal interests of each management and protection personnel are combined with the collective interests,thereby mobilizing the enthusiasm of management and protection personnel to participate in the work.

(v) Increase the Prevention and Control Measures for Forest Trees

The prevention and control measures in forest management work include forest fire prevention work and pest control.First of all,the analysis of the fire prevention work of forest trees was carried out.Personnel engaged in forest management and protection work shall be carried out according to the principle of who owns who manages,and timely organize personnel to carry out the removal work on the weeds and leaves stored in the forest to avoid accidents such as fires in the trees.Second,set up a special pest control team.The construction of the team needs to be controlled according to the degree of rodent damage suffered by forest trees,and it can be managed and killed by means of poisoning and shooting.Finally,a dedicated pest testing team was established.The purpose of the team construction is to test the epidemic disease and development of wild animals in the forest,so as to provide accurate data support for the pest control team[5].


In summary,the forestry industry can not only create more economic benefits for the modern society,but also have a significant role in promoting society and the environment.However,according to the current situation of resource management in China's forestry industry,there are still many deficiencies in forest management and protection work,such as the forest management system needs to be improved,the forest management and protection methods are too backward,and the quality of forest management personnel is low.Based on this,it is proposed to improve the forest management and protection system,innovative forest management and protection methods,and increase the support of forest management and protection funds,so as to promote the forest industry can contribute to the realization ofChina's sustainable development strategy.