谢 姣,邓丽莉,明 建,姚世响,曾凯芳※
谢 姣1,2,邓丽莉1,3,明 建1,3,姚世响1,3,曾凯芳1,3※
(1. 西南大学食品科学学院,重庆 400715;2. 贵州医科大学公共卫生学院,贵州 550025; 3. 西南大学食品贮藏与物流研究中心,重庆 400715)
试验柑橘品种为花期220 d左右的锦橙(Osbeck cv.#447#),脐橙(Osbeck cv. Fengji)和椪柑(Blanco cv. Ponkan),采自重庆市北碚区歇马镇柑橘果园,挑选无物理损伤、无病虫害、大小均匀一致的健康果实以及油胞病果实,室温下洗净,晾干,备用。
1.2.1 冷压法柑橘果皮橘油收集
参照Sawamura等[27-28]的方法并加以改进。分别将3个品种柑橘切成8等份,去除果肉部分,仔细去除果皮中白皮层,保留黄皮层。使用装有饱和氯化钠溶液的离心管收集利用枪头压出的油滴5 mL,整个收集工作在冰上操作完成;收集液于4 ℃、4 000×离心15 min后,再用无水硫酸钠于5 ℃条件下干燥以上离心后的上层油状液24 h,过滤,所得3个品种柑橘橘油于-20 ℃保存,待用。
1.2.2 市售橘油处理
参照Knight等[16,29-30]方法并加以改进。处理组采用直接涂抹方法,将15L纯度为100%的橘油直接涂抹至果实赤道周围约3 cm2面积,晾干;对照果实未用橘油处理;将晾干的处理组和对照组果实用厚度为0.015 mm的聚乙烯袋单果包装,黑暗处理,并于25 ℃、相对湿度为85%条件下贮藏。样品每组10个果实,每组设3个平行,试验重复2次。
1.2.3 提取橘油处理
1.2.4 橘油非挥发性性成分处理
将从1.2.1制取的3个品种柑橘橘油5 mL置于10 mL离心管中,于室温条件下敞口放置(黑暗处理)以使橘油中挥发性成分挥发完全,周期约20 d;分别用双重蒸馏水和乙醇溶液溶解挥发后的橘油干物质(体积溶解比例为1∶1),过滤,参照1.2.2处理方法处理对应的柑橘品种,对照组只使用相应的溶剂(双重蒸馏水和乙醇溶液)进行处理。样品每组10个果实,每组设3个平行,试验重复2次。
1.2.5 橘油挥发性成分处理
1.2.6 发病率测定
以上柑橘果实处理后72 h进行观察,柑橘果实上出现油胞病症状认定为发病,其油胞病发病率参参照Garcia-Martin等[31]的方法,其计算公式如式(1)所示。
采用IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0软件对实验数据进行分析,用-test方法进行差异显著性分析;采用GraphPad Prism 7以及Photoshop 6.0进行图片的绘制。
如表1所示,市售橘油处理后的锦橙、脐橙和椪柑分别于25 ℃、相对湿度85%条件下贮藏72 h后,3个品种的柑橘果实油胞病发病率均为100.00%,且相对对照组在相同的贮藏条件下的油胞病发病率具有显著性差异(<0.05)。另外,利用1.2.1冷压法制取的锦橙、脐橙和椪柑果皮橘油即提取橘油分别处理对应柑橘果实并贮藏72 h后,发现3个品种柑橘果实油胞病发病率均为100.00%,且相对对照组具有显著性差异(<0.05)。
如图1所示,市售橘油分别处理锦橙、脐橙和椪柑果实后,3个品种柑橘果实产生的油胞病具有相似的发病症状,即发病区整体塌陷,油胞凸起,油胞周围组织下陷,发病区颜色呈现褐色。另外,观察到3个品种柑橘油胞病发病面积与处理面积即3 cm2基本相同。以上结果揭示了市售橘油处理其果皮出现了油胞病的典型症状,结合市售橘油处理3个品种柑橘果实统计的油胞病发病率均为100.00%,说明市售橘油处理能诱导3个品种柑橘油胞病的产生。
表1 市售橘油和提取橘油处理对柑橘果实油胞病发病率的影响(平均值±标准差)
Note: Statistics differences (<0.05) of number are indicated by different letters, the same as below.
图1 市售橘油处理对柑橘果实油胞病发病症状的影响
如图2所示,分别利用1.2.1中制取的3个品种柑橘橘油处理对应柑橘品种并贮藏72 h, 结果发现其诱导3个品种柑橘果皮油胞病的发病症状与市售橘油处理引起的油胞病有相似的症状即发病区整体塌陷,油胞凸起,油胞周围组织下陷,发病区颜色为浅褐色。另外,提取橘油处理3个品种柑橘同样观察到其发病面积与处理面积相同。以上结果揭示了提取橘油处理其果皮同样出现了油胞病的典型症状,结合提取橘油处理其果实油胞病发病率,说明提取橘油能诱导3个品种柑橘油胞病的产生。据报道,油胞病的形成是位于柑橘果皮有色层中的油胞所含橘油泄露从而造成果皮的光毒性损伤而引起的果皮生理性失调[32-33]。这种果皮损伤主要表现为发病区整体组织下陷,油胞相对油胞间组织凸起,油胞周围组织出现坏死,形成绿色、黄色甚至褐色病斑。基于橘油的泄露引起油胞病的产生这一结论[32-33]以及刘丽丹等利用市售橘油诱导脐橙油胞病的产生[13-15],说明橘油本身与油胞病可能存在一定的关联性[17]。目前,对于橘油诱导油胞病主要以脐橙为研究对象并以合成橘油研究其诱导作用,但并不明确市售橘油对其他柑橘品种以及柑橘所制取的橘油(提取橘油)对相应柑橘品种果实油胞病的诱导作用。而结合以上市售橘油及提取橘油诱导3个品种柑橘果实出现油胞病的症状符合以上油胞病典型症状,且其发病率均为100.00%,这可进一步说明橘油与油胞病的形成存在一定的关联性。
图2 提取橘油处理对柑橘果实油胞病发病症状的影响
表2 橘油挥发性成分处理对柑橘果实油胞病发病率的影响(平均值±标准差)
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Analysis of volatile components of citrus oil causing oleocellosis in citrus fruits
Xie Jiao1,2, Deng Lili1,3, Ming Jian1,3, Yao Shixiang1,3, Zeng Kaifang1,3※
(1.400715,; 2.550025,; 3.400715,)
Citrus, consumed widely throughout the world since its appearance, flavor and nutritional value, is one of the most popular subtropical fruits in the world. However, oleocellosis that often occurs at harvest time and during postharvest storage hasa negative effect on the external quality of citrus fruits due to the appearance defects formed on the surface of the pericarp, eventually causes extensive economic damage to citrus industry. Oleocellosis, a major physiology disorder in citrus, is characterized by the appearance of outstanding oil glands of blemish area, tissue necrosis occurred in the adjacent epidermis of oil glands, and formation of green, yellow even brown spots in the disorder area. It was reported thatthe occurrence of oleocellosis is highly correlated with the release of peel oil from the glands located in citrus pericarp; oleocellosis results from various injuries such as friction from hail and the mechanical damage, and the injuries will induce the breakdown of glands to form oleocellosis development. Those studies about oleocellosis development revealed that there was a certain correlation between oleocellosis and citrus oil during the oleocellosis occurrance. At present, little information was available on which citrus oil components could cause the occurrence of oleocellosis in citrus fruits. In generally, the citrus oil obtained by the cold compression method consists of non-volatile components (including two kinds of compounds: lipo-soluble and water-soluble) and volatile components. The induction of these two components in citrus oil on oleocellosis development of citrus fruit has not been reported. In terms of that, the fruits of Jincheng, Navel orange and Ponkan mandarin fruits were used as raw material, and the commercial citrus oil and extracted citrus oils from the three citrus varieties were used to treat the three types of citrus fruit to confirm whether the oleocellosis could be induced by the two types of oils, respectively. The results showed that the oleocellosis symptoms both occurred in the three citrus types after the treatment of commercial citrus oil and extracted citrus oils, respectively, which indicated that the citrus oil could induce the oleocellosis. Additionally, non-volatile components in citrus oil which were treated with the distilled water- and ethanol-soluble also were used to induce the three citrus types, respectively. The results showed that the treatment of dissolving substances (including liposoluble and water-soluble) of non-volatile compositions in citrus oil on citrus fruits did not induce the occurrence of oleocellosis. From those results above, it could be concluded that the volatile components in the citrus oil were the main reason for oleocellosis development. Therefore, the twenty-six kinds of volatile componends that that significantly changed in oleocellosis peels compared to the healthy ones were applied to induce the three citrus types of fruits to study the oleocellosis incidence and symptoms based on this conclusion, respectively. The results showed that twenty-one volatile components contained five terpene hydrocarbons (including d-limonene, β-myrcene, sabinese, γ-terpinolene and α-terpinolene), five terpene alcohols (including linalool, β-terpineol, α-terpineol, geraniol and citronellol), six aldehydes (including nonanal, decanal, undecanal, dodecanal, citronellal and geranial), two oxides (including (E)-limonene oxide and (Z)-limonene oxide), two esters (including geranyl acetate and neryl acetate) and one ketone (including (-)-carvone) compounds could induce oleocellosis development of Jincheng, Navel orange and Ponkan fruits, however, the volatile compositions of α-pinene, β-caryophyllene, valencene, β-farnesene and α-farnesene could not incuce the oleocellosis development of the three citrus types, respectively. In summary, the volatile components in citrus oil which could induce oleocellosis development of citrus fruit were identified by studying the induction of commercial citrus oil, extracted citrus oils and non-volatile compositions in citrus oil on oleocellosis development of citrus fruit. In addition, oleocellosis development in Jincheng, Navel orange and Ponkan induced by the twenty-one volatile components of citrus oil has their own characteristics, for example, the phenomena that parts of oil glands in disease areas collapsed were more obvious in Jincheng and Ponkan oleocellosis fruits induced by terpene hydrocarbons compared to Navel orange, and the color of disease areas showed pale brown in the two types of oleocellosis fruits, however, Navel orange oleocellosis fruits showed purple brown.. However, the symptoms of oleocellosis in three varieties of citrus fruit had slightly different, which might be due to different varieties of sensitivity in citrus fruit. Studying the effect of specific components in citrus oil on the oleocellosis of citrus peels will provide a theoretical basis for explaining the mechanism of oleocellosis in citrus peel and theoretical guidance for further exploration on the prevention and control measures.
fruit; volatile organic components; disease; Jincheng; Navel orange; Ponkan mandarin; oleocellosis; citrus oil
谢 姣,博士生,从事农产品加工及贮藏工程方面的研究。Email:lxj4516@126.com
S609+.3; S666.2
谢 姣,邓丽莉,明 建,姚世响,曾凯芳. 导致柑橘果实油胞病的橘油挥发组分分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(1):310-316. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.01.038 http://www.tcsae.org
Xie Jiao, Deng Lili, Ming Jian, Yao Shixiang, Zeng Kaifang. Analysis of volatile components of citrus oil causing oleocellosis in citrus fruits[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(1): 310-316. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.01.038 http://www.tcsae.org