熟词生义 大集合(六)

2019-01-10 14:20夏末
新世纪智能(英语备考) 2019年2期

◆ 夏末


1 acid

熟义:n.酸,酸性物质 adj.酸的;含酸过多的


如:an acid comment尖刻的评论

(2)犀利的;有洞察力的(something incisive, biting, or sarcastic)

如:Black is known for his acid political observations.布莱克因他敏锐的政治观察力而知名。

2 bother


生义:v.(1)(因嫌麻烦而)懒得做(If you do not bother to do something, you do not do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy.)

如:I’m not going to bother with the details.我不打算费那个劲去讲述细节。

Don’t bother to come with me.不用跟我一起来,太麻烦了。

(2)使迷惑、痛苦或不安(If something bothers you, or if you bother about it, it worries, annoys, or upsets you.)

如:Is something bothering you? 你有什么烦心事吗?

Never bother about people’s opinions.不要为别人的看法烦恼。

3 hunger



如:a hunger for knowledge对知识的渴望

【拓展】hungry adj.渴望的;土地贫瘠的

4 industry


生义:n.勤奋,勤勉 (energetic devotion to a task or an endeavor; diligence)如:His success was due to industry.他的成功归功于他的勤奋。

【拓展】industrious adj.勤奋的

5 impossible


生义:adj.(1)不可能做到的(felt to be incapable of being done)如:an impossible deadline 不可能赶得上的截止日期

(2)非常讨厌的;不可理喻的(of a person, annoying and diffi cult to deal with because of their bad behaviour or strong views)

如:You refuse to help and then criticize me for not doing it right.You’re impossible! 你不肯帮忙,又批评我做得不对。你真是不可理喻!

(3)难以对付的(of a situation, extremely awkward or diffi cult to deal with )

如:The government was now in an almost impossible position.政府目前处境非常艰难。

6 address


生义:v.(1)和…说话(to speak to)

如:She turned to address the man on her left in low tones.她转过头低声地和她左边的男人说话。

(2)演讲,致辞(to make a formal speech to)

如:He is going to address the audience in a minute.他马上就要开始演讲了。

(3)称…为…(to call a person to whom one is speaking by a particular name or term)

如:Address the judge as “Your Honor”.称法官为“阁下”。

(4)开始处理(to begin to deal with)

如:The company had to address the issue that some people lock shared bikes for private use.这家公司不得不处理有些人将共享单车上锁占为私用的问题。

7 high


生义:adj.(1)紧要的,重要的(If you say that something is a high priority or is high on your list, you mean that you consider it to be one of the most important things you have to do or deal with.)

如:The government has not made the issue a high priority.政府还没有高度重视这件事。

Economic reform is high on the agenda.经济改革迫在眉睫。

(2)兴高彩烈的,兴奋的(If you or your spirits are high, you feel happy and excited.)

如:Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes.想到过几分钟就可能见到尼克了,她就很激动。

By the end of concert the children are really high.音乐会结束的时候,孩子们已经非常激动了。

【拓展】highs and lows 人生起伏;人生的起起落落

8 interest


生义:n.(1)股份,股权(a right, claim, or legal share)

如:I have an interest in the company.我持有这家公司的股份。

(2)利息(a charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned)

如:It allows you to earn a little interest on your money.这让你可以用你的钱赚一点利息。

(3)利益(the advantage or benefi t of a person or group )

如:The merger is not contrary to the public interest.这次并购和公众利益并无冲突。

【拓展】in the interest(s) of 对…有利

如:thinking in the interest of the country 从国家利益出发考虑问题

It’s in your interests to work hard.努力工作对你有好处。

9 keen

熟义:adj.热衷的,渴望的(be keen on喜爱,热衷于)

生义:adj.(1)(头脑)敏捷的,精明的;(感觉)敏锐的(intellectually alert;extremely sensitive in perception)

如:a keen student 聪明的学生

a keen awareness of the problem 对问题的敏锐察觉力

keen eyes 敏锐的视力

a keen sense of smell 敏锐的嗅觉

(2)(竞争)激烈的;(感情)强烈的(sharply contested; of emotion or feeling, intense)

如:keen competition激烈的竞争

keen debate激烈的辩论

keen jealousy强烈的嫉妒

10 literally



如:Many words can be used both literally and fi guratively.很多词都既有字面意思又有引申义。

He took her comments literally.他按字面意思理解了她的评论。


如:The story he told was basically true, even if it wasn't literally true.他说的即便不是完全真实,也基本是真实的。


如:The runner literally fl ew round the track.这位赛跑运动员简直是绕着跑道在飞。

(4)用于加强语气(used as an intensive expression)

如:He’s crazy, I mean literally.他疯了,我是说真的。

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