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[摘要] 目的 观察舒肝凉血汤改善乳腺癌术后使用药物去势患者围绝经期综合征的临床疗效。 方法 选取2015年6月~2017年10月在浙江省人民医院接受药物去势治疗出现围绝经期症状并经中医辨证为肝郁血热型的乳腺癌患者96例作为研究对象,采用随机双盲对照法分为治疗组和对照组,每组48例。治疗组给予内分泌治疗并服用舒肝凉血汤,对照组给予内分泌治疗并服用安慰剂,比较两组围绝经期症状变化情况及不良反应情况,并进行统计分析。 结果 治疗后,治疗组Kupperman评分下降近50%,40例治疗有效,总有效率为83.3%;对照组Kupperman评分下降不到27%,19例治疗有效,总有效率仅为39.6%,治疗组疗效显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组均未发生明显不良反应。 结论 舒肝凉血汤能有效缓解乳腺癌术后使用药物去势患者的围绝经期症状,疗效安全可靠,值得临床推广应用。
[关键词] 舒肝凉血汤;肝郁血热型;乳腺癌;药物去势;围绝经期综合征
[中图分类号] R273 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2019)33-0127-04
[Abstract] Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of Shugan Liangxue decoction in improving peri-menopausal syndrome in the patients with breast cancer using postoperative medical castration. Methods 96 cases with breast cancer receiving medical castration who developed peri-menopausal symptoms and who were diagnosed as having liver stagnation and blood heat by TCM differentiation during the period from June 2015 to October 2017 were selected. They were randomly divided into treatment group and control group with 48 cases in each group. The treatment group was treated with endocrine therapy and Shugan Liangxue decoction, while the control group was treated with endocrine therapy and placebo. The changes of peri-menopausal symptoms and adverse reactions were compared between the two groups, and statistical analysis was performed. Results After treatment, the Kupperman score in the treatment group decreased nearly 50%, 40 cases were effective, and the total effective rate was 83.3%. the Kupperman score in the control group decreased less than 27%, 19 cases were effective, and the total effective rate was only 39.6%. The curative effect in the treatment group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). There was no obvious adverse reaction in two groups. Conclusion Shugan Liangxue Decoction can effectively alleviate the peri-menopausal symptoms of patients with breast cancer receiving postoperative medical castration. The curative effect is safe and reliable, and it is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
[Key words] Shugan Liangxue decoction; Liver stagnation and blood heat; Breast cancer; Medical castration; Peri-menopausal syndrome
乳腺癌發病率及死亡率居全球女性恶性肿瘤首位[1],我国以45岁以下绝经前癌症患者中乳腺癌死亡率最高[2],其严重威胁着女性的身体健康。不同分子分型的乳腺癌具有截然不同的分子机制及生物学行为,激素受体阳性乳腺癌患者通常被认为预后较好,但该类患者在术后需要至少5年辅助内分泌治疗[3]。三苯氧胺或三苯氧胺+戈舍瑞林进行药物去势是绝经前乳腺癌患者最为常用的两种内分泌治疗方案。对于早期、具有高复发风险的患者通常采用三苯氧胺+戈舍瑞林进行药物去势治疗,该方案能显著改善患者生存期,但同时也会出现潮热、出汗等围绝经期症状[4,5]。近年来越来越多年轻、具有高复发风险的乳腺癌患者接受了药物去势内分泌治疗,患者的生存质量及治疗依从性引起了更多人的重视。围绝经期症状对患者造成严重困扰,其为影响患者生存质量及依从性的重要因素之一,据报道约有25%患者因副反应不得不在医嘱或非医嘱的情况下停药[6],但临床上对此副反应缺乏有效的治疗手段,因而如何缓解此类患者症状成为临床工作中上亟待解决的重大难题。在临床实际工作中,常用激素替代疗法(Hormone replacement therapy,HRT)来改善健康妇女出现的围绝经期症状[7],但针对于乳腺癌患者,激素替代疗法已被证实是不可行的[8]。已有很多人尝试用药物改善围绝经期症状,其中之一为新型抗抑郁药,新型抗抑郁药物如SSRIs(Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)和SNRIs(Selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)在治疗潮热症状方面具有明显效果,但可能削弱三苯氧胺的治疗效果[9-11]。国内外西医多采取对症治疗的方法,尚无针对性的药物治疗手段,不能从根本上解决该类乳腺癌患者困扰。在临床实践中应用舒肝凉血汤改善乳腺癌术后使用药物去势患者的围绝经期症状取得了一定的疗效,现报道如下。
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