三年级下册《Unit7 On the farm》第一课时(Story time)课堂实录与评析

2018-12-21 12:32陈诗雨郭有吉
教育界·中旬 2018年9期

陈诗雨 郭有吉



1. 在整体理解的基础上听懂、会说、会读故事中出现的词汇: pigs, cows, apples, pears,体会名词的复数。

2. 基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型:What are these? What are those?及回答Theyre...会用一般疑问句Are these... Are those...询问复数物品并做出相应回答。

3. 能理解并朗读故事。


1. 学生能够阅读并理解故事。

2. 学生能够在理解的基础上较流利地朗读故事。

3. 学生能初步理解如何询问复数名词。


1. 让学生体会到阅读故事的乐趣,培养学生阅读的兴趣。

2. 让学生通过学习本课,培养爱护动物、热爱生活的精神。


1.基于故事听懂、会说、会读句型What are these? What are those?及回答Theyre...会用一般疑问句Are these... Are those...询问复数物品并做出相应回答。




1.教师准备:ppt,板书, 相关道具。



Step1:Warm up

1.Enjoy a song


T-S1: Hello, Im Miss Chen, nice to meet you.

S1: Im... Nice to meet you too.

【评析:课前以本单元歌曲导入,活跃气氛的同时让学生对本课内容有初步感知,师生问候巩固出现的句型Nice to meet you】

Step 2: Lead-in

T: Do you like games? Lets play a guessing game.Look ,whats this ?

Ss: Its a...

T: You can ask “Is this a ...?”

Ss: Is this a ...?

T: Yes/No.

引导学生使用句型:Is this a ...?


T:(出示树的图片) Look here, whats this ?

Ss: Its a...

T: Correct, its a tree. What about this one? Is this a tree?

Ss: Yes/No.

T: Its a tree, too.

T: What are these ?


T:Theyre trees.

新授句型:What are these? Theyre...

T: Listen, whats coming?

Ss: dog.

T: What are those?

Ss: Theyre dogs!

新授句型:What are those?

Ss read “What are those” in high/low voice.


Step3: Presentation and Practice

T: Those lovely dogs are my friends. And I have some other friends.Who are they? Lets see.


T: Who is he?

Ss: He is Liu Tao / Mike.

T: Look at this picture, where are they?

A.on the farm B. in the park.

新授on the farm.

T: Yes, theyre on the farm now. Today were going to learn unit 7 on the farm.


Picture 1

T: Mike and Liu Tao are on the farm. but whose farm is this, lets listen again.

T: Whose farm is this ?

A. Liu Taos grandpa. B. Mikes grandpa.

T: Yes,its grandpas farm, and he says “welcome to my farm”.


新授: Welcome to my farm.

Ss read together

T: Now lets add some actions.

T: Ive got this hat for you, who wants to be grandpa?

新授句型Welcome to my farm.


T: How will Liu Tao introduce Mike? Think about it.

T: Liu Tao says “This is my friend Mike.”

T: Grandpa says “Nice to meet you” What will Mike say?

Ss: Nice to meet you.


T: Now Ill be Liu Tao, who wants to be grandpa/ Mike?

T: Your voice is so beautiful! I like it!

T: This time I will be Mike, who can be grandpa? What about Mike ?

T: You are really good actors!


Picture 2-3

T: Liu Tao and Mike go to visit grandpas farm, but whats on the farm, watch and tick.

T: There are many things on grandpas farm. There are animals like pigs and cows, and there are fruit such as apples and pears.


T: Look, this is grandpas farm. What do you think? Say something about it.

T: Do you want to visit this beautiful farm?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great, lets go! Stand up and lets go together.

Ss walk and chant: Walking, walking, walking on the farm.


T: First, lets go to see some animals.

T: Look at the picture, what will Mike say? Guess.

【评析:学生根据图片,猜猜迈克会问什么,利用之前句型的铺垫,引导学生自己说出what are these】

T:Mike says “What are these” .

Ss:Theyre pigs.

T: Can you read this word (big).

Ss: big.

T: Can you read this new word?

Ss: pig.


T: Look, how many pigs are there? Lets count, one two ,three, four, five , six. Six pigs.

新授: pig-pigs.

T: What are these?

Ss: Theyre pigs.

观察图片上的小猪,数一数,学习pigs, 让学生感知复数的含义。

T: Lets listen to the pig.

学生听小猪的声音,学习拟声词oink oink.

T: oink oink, theyre pigs.

Ss say together.

T: Look at this picture again, what is Liu Tao doing, can you imitate?

Ss try to imitate.

T: Lets do the pig nose together, say “pigs”.

Ss: pigs.


Chant: Pigs, pigs, theyre pigs.

Oink, oink, theyre pigs.

T: Do they like pigs?

Ss: Yes.

T: How do you know ?

T: Look at their faces, are they happy?

Ss: Yes.

T: Theyre happy, so they like the pigs I think.


T: What else are coming? Lets ask together.

Ss: What are those?

T: Wow, they are cows.

新授: cow-cows.


T: Can you read this word “now” /“how”.

T: So how to read this new word?

T: Look at the cows, what color are they?

Ss: Theyre black and white.

T: What can we get from cows?

Ss: Milk.

T: Do you like cows?

Ss: Yes.


T: Look at grandpa, lets do the action and say together.

T: Cows cows theyre cows.

Chant: Pigs , pigs, theyre pigs.

Oink, oink, theyre pigs.

Cows, cows theyre cows.

Moo, moo, theyre cows.

Think and say

T: Lets look at the pictures again. In picture 2 Mike says “What are these?” but in picture 3 he asks “What are those”,whats the difference? Discuss in pairs.


Picture 4-5

T: The pigs and cows are lovely, but its time to say goodbye.

Ss: Goodbye pigs. Goodbye cows.

T: Lets go to the orchard.

Ss: Walking, walking, walking on the farm.

T: This is a tree, guess whats on the tree? Theyre apples.

/a/ /a/apple.

T: (出示苹果)Look, its a big apple, and this is a ...

Ss: small apple.

T: What are these?

Ss: Theyre apples.

T:Girls, apples, boys, apples.

新授: apple-apples.

T:(指向图片中的苹果) Look, what colour are they ?

Ss: Theyre green.

T: Are these apples, yes or no?

Ss: Yes, they are apples.


T: Look at this tree, what re those? Can you ask? You can ask “Are those...?”

T: Now lets listen to Mike. Mike asks Are those apples too? Look carefully, are those apples too?Yes or No?


T: So what are those?

Ss:Theyre pears.

新授: pear-pears.

【评析:引导学生用句型Are those... 对图片提问,避免机械性的灌输,引导学生自己说出课文内容,鼓励学生对文本进行深度挖掘】

T: Look at the pears, what colour are they?

Ss: Theyre yellow.

T: Yes, lets chant, pears, pears, yellow pears.


T: Lets look at the fruit again.

Step 4: Production

1.T: Do you like the farm? Lets enjoy the scenery on the farm again.


2.T: Its show time now!

First you form group of three. Then try to act out one or two pictures.




T: You all did a very good job. Wow, Mike, Liu Tao and grandpa are walking, but where are they going? Lets go and have a look.

T: Oh, its grandpas house. What will he say ?

Ss: ...

T: He says: Welcome. Come in please.

T: Grandpa has some food for us. What will Mike and Liu Tao say? Think and say.

T-S1: What are these ?

S1: Theyre sweets.

T-S2: Are those hot dogs?

S2: No. Theyre ice creams.

T: Now make up your own dialogues. Here are the sentences and words.

【评析:展示拓展场景,爷爷的家,学生用学过的食物、水果类单词进行对话练习,结合旧知巩固新知,学生对于食物类单词印象非常深刻,在学习了复数之后能在老师的带领下说出食物的复数,再一次突破了本课的重难点。对于重点词these those能区分含义,在句子中正确地使用】

4.T: Tick-tock tick-tock, what time is it ?

Ss: Its five oclock.

T: Its time to say goodbye.What can you say to grandpa?For example, you can say “Grandpa, your farm is beautiful. I like the pigs.”

Ss: Grandpa, your farm is... I like the ...

T: I like your sweet words. And grandpa says “Thank you. See you next time.”

T: Lets say goodbye to grandpa.

Ss: Goodbye, grandpa.


Step 5 :Homework

1.Read story time.

2.Introduce grandpas farm to your friends and family.

3.Know more about animals and fruit.





本课教学重视情境化创设,教师在具体的语境中呈现新知,比如单词教学做到了词不离句,句不离境,学生在具体的情境中学会了水果、动物等词语。对重点语句的呈现,注重在情境中让学生感受其意义与单复数的区别,使学生快速地理解并掌握了What are these/those及其答句。在新知呈现与教授之后,教师注重采用chant这一形式进行有效操练,灵动活泼,充分调动了孩子参与的积极性。


语言教学中只关注语言知识的教授,这会使学生在英语学习中只停留在单纯的模仿与理解层面,而不能走进语言的深处。陈老师在教授三年级On the farm这一课,并没有因为孩子小、语言功底浅而放弃对其语言思维的训练。从本课的设计中可以看出,思维训练是其教学重点之一,在课堂教学中得以体现,比如让学生根据图片,猜猜迈克会问什么,利用之前句型的铺垫,引导学生自己说出What are these等句型;再比如教师在本课教学内容基础之上让学生对奶牛的颜色、产物(牛奶)是否喜欢等进行跟进提问,这些设计不仅锻炼了学生的观察能力,更培养了学生的语言思维能力,使得语言在情境中通過自组织系统顺利输出。


本课教学内容并不算复杂,但针对三年级学生,其还是呈现出一定的难易梯度,既出现了复数形式的特殊疑问句,又出现了复数形式的一般疑问句,学生在接受上有些困难,特别是对其表达有些吃力。针对这一情况,教师在教学中立足文本,不急不躁,一步一步地引导学生理解并掌握文本内容,文本教学首先重在“导”,其次重在“练”,扎扎实实,卓有成效。在文本基础之上,又进行了适当适时的拓展,比如从Grandpas farm到Grandpas house的拓展设计,不仅是语言训练的需要,更是思维训练的需要。通过有效拓展,巩固所学,运用语言,形成了综合的语言技能。




恰巧而妙 情切致美——张名河词作评析
《5B Unit7 Chinese festivals》(Story time)教学设计及意图