摘要:针对卷积神经网络在小样本易产生过拟合,性能较差等问题,提出融合主成分分析(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)与并行混合的卷积神经网络(PCA Parallel Mixing CNN, PCA-PMCNN)模型。该模型首先利用主成分分析非监督预训练初始化卷积神经网络,学习得到含有训练数据统计特性的初始滤波器集合,以解决首层滤波器集无法充分训练的问题;其次,引入局部对比度标准化概念及概率最大化采样规则,以减小下采样对特征的损失,增强特征描述的鲁棒性;最后,采用线性修正函数(Rectified Linear Units, ReLU)代替非线性激活函数,以保证特征稀疏,提高训练效率。实验结果表明该模型对行人目标具有较好的识别率,对行人重叠、姿态变化、复杂背景等具有较好的鲁棒性。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2018)25-0199-02
Convolution Neural Network Combining Principal Component Analysis and Parallel Mixing
MA Wen-kai
(School of Information Engineering, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, China)
Abstract: Convolution neural network is prone to overfitting and poor performance in small samples, we proposed a convolution neural network model combining principal component analysis and parallel mixing. The model first initializes the convolution neural network with the principal component analysis unsupervised pre training, and learns the initial filter set containing the statistical characteristics of the training data to solve the problem that the first layer filter sets can not be fully trained; Then, the concept of local contrast normalization and probability maximization sampling rule are introduced to reduce the loss of feature and enhance the robustness of feature description; Finally, Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) is used to replace the nonlinear activation function to ensure sparse features and improve training efficiency. The experimental results show that the model has better recognition rate for pedestrian targets, and is robust to pedestrian overlap, attitude change and complex background.
Key words: convolution neural network; principal component analysis; local contrast standardization; probability maximization sampling; parallel mixing
人工神經网络过多的参数设置,加剧了过拟合情况的发生;网络深度设计过深,易造成梯度发散,使得网络模型的解极易陷入局部最优。与人工神经网络相比,深度CNN特征具有鲁邦性强、抗旋转以及对光照变化不敏感等优点。LeNet5通过共享权值以及下采样层,减少了网络参数,降低了特征维数,但网络深度较浅,分类效率与识别能力有待提高。Alex-Net增加了卷积神经网络模型的深度,并扩充了神经网络模型中卷积核数量;文献[1]通过线性修正单元(Rectified Linear Unit, ReLU)来加速梯度收敛速率文献[2]采用全连接聚类以增强对图像中的非一致性动态模糊的鲁棒性。文献[3]采用Dropout层,增加样本训练的随机性,防止过拟合。
1 本文算法
1.1 主成分分析非监督预训练
[W1l=mk1k2qlXXT] (1)
1.2 并行混合CNN模型
2 实验环境与结果分析
在Caltech256公开数据集上进行测试实验。训练Caltech256数据集时,Dropout ratio参数为0.5;初始学习率为0.005,采用多项式减小的方法控制学习率,其减小幂值为0.5;将Batch size设置为20,;迭代次数设置为20万次。表1列出了Caltech256数据集上不同深度网络模型的分类精度,可以看出,PMCNN的分类精度在Top1上也有了提高。
3 结论
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[2] Ballester P, Araujo R M. On the performance of GoogLeNet and AlexNet applied to sketches[C]// Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press, 2016:1124-1128.
[3] Sun J, Cao W, Xu Z, et al. Learning a convolutional neural network for non-uniform motion blur removal[J]. 2015(CVPR):769-777.