宋俊霖, 李 琪, 孔令锋
(海水养殖教育部重点实验室(中国海洋大学),山东 青岛 266003)
宋俊霖, 李 琪**, 孔令锋
(海水养殖教育部重点实验室(中国海洋大学),山东 青岛 266003)
壳色是长牡蛎(Crassostreagigas)重要的可遗传经济性状,对壳色进行量化分析可为长牡蛎壳色判定提供有效方法。本研究运用国际照明委员会(CIE)L*a*b*颜色模型评估了黑壳、紫壳、白壳和金壳4个长牡蛎选育群体以及1个普通养殖群体的贝壳颜色参数(L*、a*和b*)。对比壳色参数,结果显示,L*、a*、b*值的方差均小于普通养殖群体,表明经过继代选育,纯化的壳色已经得到较稳定的遗传。通过主成分分析,从3个参数中提取了2个主成分(PC1和PC2),分别解释了53.09% 和38.89%变异,PC1解释大部分变异且PC1中参数a*负荷值最大,表明影响壳色不同的主要因素是参数a*。通过逐步判别法分析黑壳、紫壳、白壳和金壳长牡蛎群体,建立了4个判别方程,4种壳色综合判别准确率为96.05% ,说明该判别方程在实际应用时参考价值较大。
图1 金壳色、白壳色、黑壳色、紫壳色及普通养殖长牡蛎Fig.1 The Crassostreagigas with golden, white, black, purple and ordinaryshell colors
壳色的测量参照王雪磊等[11]的方法,计算机视觉系统(Computer Vision System,CVS),该系统由CCD摄像头或照相机、扫描仪、图像采集卡、实验箱、稳压电源、光源以及相应的图像处理软件等组成。相机拍摄时,佳能相机(Canon EOS 60D)左右两侧各设置2个20 W的白炽灯,以黑色塑胶为背景采集图像。光圈值f/5.6,曝光时间1/160 s,焦距92 mm。图像采集完成后,使用Photoshop CS6(Adobe System Incorporated)图像处理软件对采集的牡蛎整个左壳图像进行处理。将每个贝壳颜色参数L、a及b值进行记录。L*、a*、b*依据Chakraborty[12]提出的方法换算,公式如下:
表1 长牡蛎4种壳色及对照群体各颜色参数统计量Table 1 Statistics of the shell color parameters in the black, purple, golden and white shell strains, and control population of C.gigas
Note:①Strain;②Parameter;③Minimum;④Maximum;⑤Mean;⑥Variance;⑦Black shell;⑧Purple shell;⑨Golden shell;⑩White shell;Control
表2 长牡蛎4种壳色群体及对照群体L*、a*和b*参数的负荷及贡献率Table 2 Factor loadings of principal components extracted from three color parameters of the four shell color strains and controlpopulation of C.gigasand their contribution ratio
图2 长牡蛎4种壳色群体及对照群体壳色参数主成分分析散点分布Fig.2 Scatter plot of the first and the second principal components of the color parameters of the four shell color strains and control population of C. gigas
表3 长牡蛎黑壳、紫壳、金壳及白壳群体判别参数Table 3 The coefficients and constants of classification functions of theblack, purple, golden and white shell strains of C.gigas
Note:①Black shell strain;②Purple shell strain;③Golden shell strain;④White shell strain;⑤Constant
长牡蛎壳色一般由色系深浅程度不一的黄、白、紫、黑等多种壳色构成,色泽分布一致的个体较少。传统的颜色判定主要是借助于肉眼的识别进行颜色等级标准的制定,其结果因人而异,容易造成对壳色的判定结果的不准确。本研究采用 CIE的L*、a*、b*色度系统是分析颜色的国际标准,利用颜色分析系统研究分析壳色,能使对壳色模糊的描述信息认识变成数据化的客观指标,具有科学性和可比性。目前色度系统主要应用于合浦珠母贝(Pinctadamartensi)、三角帆蚌(Hyriopisiscumingii)、马氏珠母贝等产珠贝类的珍珠质颜色的测量[16-18]。
表4 长牡蛎4个壳色群体的判别分析
Note:①Strain;②Numbers;③Accuracy rate of discrimination;④Classification of predication;⑤Black shell strain;⑥Purple shell strain;⑦Golden shell strain;⑧White shellstrain;⑨In total
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Keywords:Crassostreagigas; shell color; quantitative analysis; discriminant analysis
责任编辑 朱宝象
SONG Jun-Lin, LI Qi, KONG Ling-Feng
(The Key Laboratory of Mariculture (Ocean University of China), Ministry of Education, Qingdao 266003, China)
The shell color of Pacific oyster (Crassostreagigas) is one of the important economic traits. The quantitative analysis of shell color is an effective method for color determination of oyster shell. In this study, CIEL*a*b*(CIELAB) system was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the shell color selection of Pacific oyster. The shell color parameters (includingL*,a*andb*) of the golden, white, black and purple shell strains, and one commercially cultured control population were characgerized. The analysis of four strains color parameters showed that the variances ofL*,a*andb*in the four shell color strains were smaller than those in the control, suggesting that pure shell color obtained stably inherited through successive selective breeding. The principal component analysis indicated that the first principal component (PC1) was most affected by color parametera*, and the second (PC2) by color parameterL*. The contribution rates of the two principal components were 53.09% and 38.89%, respectively. The results also showed that the difference among shell color strains was mainly due to color parametera*. The discriminant functions for shell color traits were established and the rate of discriminant accuracy (P1 andP2) was 96.05 % for four shell color strains, which showed a great application value.
10.16441/j.cnki.hdxb. 20170053
宋俊霖, 李琪, 孔令锋. 长牡蛎四种壳色选育系壳色性状的量化分析[J].中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版),2018, 48(1): 25-30.
SONG Jun-Lin, LI Qi, KONG Ling-Feng. A quantitative analysis of four shell color strains of Pacific oyster (Crassostreagigas)[J].Periodical of Ocean University of China, 2018, 48(1): 25-30.
Supported by the grants from National Natural Science Foundation of China (31372524);Taishan scholars seed project;The Project of science and technology development program, Shandong Province (2016ZDJS06A06)
宋俊霖(1988-),女,博士生。E-mail: 495717198@qq.com
❋❋ 通讯作者:E-mail: qili66@ouc.edu.cn