
2018-12-10 09:13编辑罗元廷
厦门航空 2018年12期



The warmth of December comes from a loving gift.

出品:Ciga Long


"SuZhou" Garden

The designer refined the style of Chinese gardens,from circular fans to garden panes, from bamboo leaves to withered pine trees, all of which showed the control of traditional Chinese elements.The beauty of elegance in Suzhou gardens is transformed into delicate objects that can be worn on the body and integrated with the wearer,presenting this artistic conception from inside to outside and presenting oriental aesthetics to the world.

出品:Christina J. Wang

来自纽约的新晋设计师Christina J. Wang把她在纽约的所见所闻,比如当地的食物、个人收藏的小物件等,画成小插图,用数码印花的方式印制在围巾上。Christina J. Wang的丝巾,画风透着一种看似天马行空的幽默感,往往能让人产生共鸣。她相信,一条围巾不仅是一件功能产品用来抵御寒冷,还可以用来宣传保护冬季可爱的动物们。

Christina Wool Scarf

Christina J. Wang, a new designer from New York, drew small illustrations of what she had seen and heard in New York, such as local food and small items in her personal collection, and printed them on scarves by digital printing.Christina J. Wang's silk scarves, with a seemingly unconstrained sense of humor, often resonate with people. She believes that a scarf is not only a functional product to resist the cold, it can also be used to promote the idea of protecting lovely animals in winter.

出品:Bang & Olufsen

Bang & Olufsen宣布携手大卫·林奇,推出合作款限量版扬声器系列。此系列将以大卫·林奇在20世纪70年代创作的《形体之战》系列画作和2007年在著名的同名画室中创作的《巴黎套房》版画系列为视觉灵感。此次大卫·林奇合作款限量版扬声器系列包含了标志性的Beoplay A9扬声器和Beosound Shape壁挂式无线扬声器系统,数量极少,值得珍藏。


Bang & Olufsen announced that he would work with David Lynch, a leading film director, playwright, actor, artist and musician, to launch a series of cooperative limited speaker. The series will be visually inspired by the War Between the Shapes series, created by Mr. David Lynch in the 1970s, and the Paris Suite printmaking series, which was created in the famous studio of the same name in 2007. This limited edition speaker series by David Lynch includes the iconic Beoplay A9 speaker and BeoSound Shape wall-mounted wireless speaker system, which is rare and worthy of collection.


先锋设计师塔皮奥·威卡拉在1968年为Iittala创作出了Ultima Thule极冻系列。今年,Iittala推出了50周年彩色版的Ultima Thule。这件经典的设计力作目前以雨水色呈现,神秘且优雅的色彩唤起了芬兰风景的静穆,共有烛台、20cl小威士忌酒杯、115mm小碗以及酒杯和盛水壶的套装四个系列。

Frozen series of Ultima Thule

Tapio Wirkkala, a pioneer designer, created the frozen series of Ultima Thule for Iittala in 1968. This year, Iittala launched its color version of Ultima Thule for the 50th anniversary. The main color of this classic design is rain-liked color which is mysterious and elegant, evokingthe quiete feeling of beautiful Netherlands . this serie is a suit,including candlestick,20cl whiskey glass,115mm little bowl, wine glass and kettle.

Focal&Naim同框发布1000系列嵌入式扬声器及全新Uniti Atmos流媒体一体机
大地震 正式发布Cinenova系列扬声器
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