
2018-11-29 04:30
疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年8期



Step 2 实践·文本解读



Many years ago there lived an old man in the wooden house.立意呈现

Ⅰ.1.1930s 2.younger 3.shoes 4.sister

5.laughed 6.headmaster


Ⅲ.It serves as the clue of the story,from which we may be clear about the plot and the author's feeling according to the text.

Step 3 运用·读写整合





During the 1930s, many families, mine included,were suffering a rough time.As one of theyounger boys in a large family,all my clothes were hand-me-downs.Most of the clothes were made over and patched.Only when the clothes were literally worn out would they be thrown away.

Since there were no other shoes for me to wear,I put on my sister's shoes and went to school,which waslaughed at by Timmy O'Toole.Luckily,the principalOL'Man Weber saved me from the embarrassment by sharing a cowboy's life,pointing out the shoes are the cowboy oxfords.

(2)1~4 DABC



Today I want to share a moving story with you.The title is Cowboy oxfords.At first,what makes the boy sad is that there were no other shoes for him to wear, so he had to wear his_ sister's shoes.Then,he tried to be strong on the way to school even feeling his eyes filling up again.

It's terrible that he felt it difficult to react to the tricks_ played_ by_ the_ nasty_ clas_____smate.The warm ending is that everyone wanted to see and try on his cowboy oxfords after the headmaster shared the story of a cowboy's life.It was the happiest day of his life.

Step 4 提升·素养建构

1.He was thinking carefully,trying to give the boy an appropriate answer.

2.Considerate and thoughtful.In my opinion,he used a smart way to protect the boy and brought the happiness to everyone.

3.①About this time OL'Man Weber came into our room and stood just inside the door,listening quietly.

②Only instead of telling the usual kind of thing,OL'Man Weber began talking about a cowboy's life.




1.expert 2.attitude 3.distract 4.war 5.discipline 6.2016 7.trains 8.spirit



1.originally 2.break down 3.ensure 4.On average 5.expands 6.pass down 7.be fed up with 8.comments 9.as well as 10.combined;with



1.comment on 2.stand for3.was;worth 4.accuse;of5.go far 6.As long as 7.stand by




1.which/that 2.who/that 3.that 4.which/that 5.whose 6.who/whom/that/不填 7.that8.whose



1.whose 2.that/which 3.who 4.which/that 5.which/that6.that7.that 8.which/that 9.that 10.which/that


1.traveling 2.determined 3.to use 4.disadvantages 5.her 6.to change 7.reliable 8.where 9.a 10.beautiful


1.judged 2.at3.were destroyed 4.useless 5.cyclists 6.giving 7.suffering 8.Congratulations 9.sincerely 10.were rescued


SectionⅡ 文体写作


1.is known as 2.overcame many difficulties;made great contributions to/contributed a lot to 3.showed great talent for 4.had a huge/profound/deep/great impact/influence on 5.paved the way/laid the foundations for 6.impresses me with 7.dedicated/devoted his life to 8.inspired/encouraged me to



Dear Jim,

Thank you for your letter.I'm glad that you've taken an interest in Chinese history.When it comes to my favorite Chinese historical figure,I have to say I respect Confucius the most,the founder of Confucianism.He is the most important scholar and educator in Chinese history.In the years since he passed away,he has had a deep influence on the morality and ideas of everyone in China.On a personal level,he has inspired me to behave in the best possible way toward members of my family and everyone I meet.

How much do you know about Confucius?Have you been inspired by any other similar historical figures from your country?Please write back and let me know.


Li Hua



A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.

I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.

If I could interview him,I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained.I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read.Finally,I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life,which must be very interesting.


Writing 1


Parentsshould always be remembered for providing us not only with love and support when we were young but also with help and guide when we grew up and began to work.Parents are always the best teachers in our study both at our lessons and in our life.They help us to tell good from bad and make greater progress in every field.

In addition,they are our best friends in our daily life.They are willing to help us build up our own family and business without asking for anything in return.Therefore,parents are the greatest people in the world.They should be loved and respected in every family.

In my opinion,we should do whatever we can to support and take care of them,especially when they are too old to earn their living.Only in this way can we build more harmonious families and live happily together with our parents.

Writing 2


Teenagers want to be independent but fail to express themselves,ending up with talking back or showing disrespect.Children's talking back often makes parents feel hopeless and helpless.Parents should offer support to guide their children properly.As we are getting older,we often complain about our parents'ignoring our feelings or invading our personal space.And most of the time,when we are tired of parents'words,we talk back or show a lack of respect.

As we all know,talking back could make our parents feel angry and annoyed.If we often talk back when our parents require us to do something,we may hurt our parents.Sometimes they may even fall ill because of our rude talking back.At the same time,talking back can affect our own emotions greatly or affect our studies.Breaking the habits of talking back will help us not only at home,but also will help us improve our relationship with others.It is very importantto keep along wellwith others whatever we do in life in the future.The best way to get rid of the bad habits of talking back is to remain calm when we are arguing with our parents.Also,when we have different opinions with our parents,we should have an appropriate conversation with them.What's more,no matter what our parents do for us,we should appreciate the kindness.

Above all,it is our parents who love us best in the world.We should also pay attention to the importance of balancing our independence and our parents'expectations.



Dear editor,

I'm writing to you to talk about my opinions about traditional Chinese culture.I think it's necessary for us to protect and inherit it.Here are some reasons.

Firstly,as one of the ancient civilizations in the world, the traditional Chinese culture is the foundation ofthe developmentofourcountry.Secondly,it includes many inspiring and shocking events,through which we can learn some useful things to make our country develop more quickly.Last but not least,it is an important part of Chinese history,and inheriting it may make us stronger and benefit our growth.

I hope Chinese government and citizens join in the campaign of protecting and inheriting traditional Chinese culture.Let's make efforts to carry it forward.Yours,

Li Hua



Task 1


1.A 细节题。根据第2段中的 “Two strangers form a good relationship as they take a train from Budapest to Hungary.Though they can only be together for a short time,they make the most of it.”可推断这两个陌生人的故事告诉我们要珍惜与我们所爱的人的相处时间。

2.D 推断题。根据最后一段 “The movie is a story that reminds us to have faith and continue to push forward, no matter how impossible the odds are.”可推断该电影告诉我们永远不要放弃。

3.C 细节题。根据第4段中的“He makes friends with someone who pushes him to dream boldly.The movie tells us that,sometimes someone else's belief in you can force you to do great things,and sometimes,you can inspire others with your belief in them.”可知,朋友的信任是主人公成功的最重要的原因。

4.B 推断题。根据文中多处出现的inspire和电影的故事可推断它们都是励志电影。

Task 2


1.B 推断题。购买相对最便宜的三本书再根据第一段“If you don't buy less than three of them, you'll be given a 20%discount!”可推断最少可以节省6.25美元。

2.C 细节题。 根据 “The book is full of personal stories of Helbig,her struggles and the lessons she learnt from failing many times.”可推断其特色在于该书是基于作者自己的人生故事写的。

3.B 推断题。 根据最后一段 “Life can be hard,especially when it comes to relationships with others.In the book,Strayed gives advice on love and life.”可知,Tiny Beautiful Things这本书的内容涉及了人际交往。

4.D 细节题。根据第1段“Independence is something that can be difficult to achieve.But don't worry because here we have four books that can help you.”可知,这四本书都有助于学会独立。

Task 3


1.B 细节题。根据第1段中的 “I was riding my motorbike up to my friends from my place.” 和 “I looked over at the truck and found this little girl about 8 or 9 years old watching me.”可知,当时作者正在骑着摩托车。

2.C 细节题。根据第2段中的when I was trying to find my 20 dollars but no luck,I heard this little voice say “Excuse me, Sir.Are you looking for this?”和第3段中的“I turned around and it was the same little girl holding out her hand with 20 dollars in it.”和倒数第三段中的“‘She insisted that I catch up with you so she could give it back to you.’”可知,她是为了还钱。

3.D 词义推断题。根据第3段中的 “I was confused and she must have known by the look on my face.”可推断作者感到吃惊。

4.C 推断题。文中主要叙述了小女孩拾金不昧的故事。

Task 4


1.D 推断题。根据第1段中的“One particular trial was having to raise my child alone.At that time,I had just got divorced.For a while,I felt as if I did somethingwrongandtheworldIknew was ending.”可知,作者离婚后独自抚养女儿,这使作者一时感到绝望。

2.B 细节题。根据第2段中的 “During that course,I received all the strength and encouragement from and through the life I had with my daughter,and now my grandchildren.Their deep affection for me was the greatest driving force to fight cancer and live.”可知,是家人的爱使作者有勇气和癌症做斗争。

3.C 词义推断题。根据第3段中的Whether we're dealing with an illness or any other negative feelings about ourselves和第1段及第2段所提到的作者失败的婚姻和癌症可推断画线词应指生活中的不易。

4.D 推断题。根据最后两段可知,作者通过克服失败的婚姻和与癌症的抗争悟出了许多人生的经验,由此可说明人生悲剧可以是人生道理的来源。

Task 5


1.B 细节题。根据第1段中的Fifty years ago,my father came to Kansas,where he was getting his PhD可推断作者父亲来美国是为了读书。

2.C 推断题。根据第1段中的In the first winter in Kansas, we had no heavy coats和“‘I see you walking every day.Can I take your children to school?Would you like a ride?’”可推断出作者家中的不容易。

3.A 推断题。根据第2段中的 “She'd give my mother rides to go grocery shopping,and my mother loved to cook Indian food for her.”和最后一段中的“We're really thankful for whatever our families exchanged and enjoyed over the years!”可推断两家之间的相互帮助是他们友谊的基础。

4.A 推断题。根据第2段中的 “And this family just became so dear to my family.”和第3段中的最后一句 “Even today, the socks Val gifted to us are the socks we display every Christmas!”可推断作者回忆该故事是为了说明邻居对他们的帮助。

Task 6


1.D 推断题。根据第2段中的In Will's family,almost everyone sang and played an instrument.Will learned to play the piano from his mother and learned drumming all by himself.可知威尔·史密斯的家人几乎都是音乐爱好者。

2.C 细节题。根据第2段中的 “this hobby of his was helpful in introducing him to one of the most popular rap songs Rapper's Delight,which further led to Will's love and interest in rapping.”可知,是一首说唱歌曲使威尔·史密斯对说唱产生兴趣。

3.C 推断题。根据第3段中的“Although these places were ideal for developing his love for rap,they were dangerous and filled with drugs and violence.However,Will never got lost in anything but rapping.”可推断威尔·史密斯是一个意志坚定的人。

4.D 推断题。根据最后一段的内容可推断,作者通过威尔·史密斯的故事告诉我们,自律和专注能助我们走向成功。

Task 7


1.A 推断题。第1段提到了友谊的许多好处,例如,让人学习更容易也更快乐,也能使你有分享快乐的对象等。

2.C 推断题。根据第2段中的 “Unfortunately,sometimes we can't immediately tell who are loyal friends or false friends.”可推断作者认为辨认出不忠实的朋友是有难度的。

3.B 细节题。根据第3段中的“Most importantly,loyal friends are real friends who listen to you and make time for you especially when you really need a shoulder to lean on.”及随后的解释可判断其最大的特点就是助人为乐。

4.A 推断题。根据第4段中的“Worsestill,theyonlycare about themselves and their own interests.Such friends aren't worth your friendship.”可推断自私者最有可能是不忠实的朋友。

Task 8


1.A 细节题。根据第1段中的 “Since dogs can hear sounds at much higher frequencies than humans,there is a wonderful tool for the training of a dog.It is an app called the Dog Whistle.”可知,该软件的开发是建立在狗敏感的听力的基础上的。

2.C 推断题。根据第3段中的“What's more,the app easily produces the requested tones at the frequencies necessary to be used to communicate with your dog by simply tapping the screen of your phone.”和第4段中的“The sound produced through the app is at a level that only dogs are able to hear and they will respond to the sound.”可知,该软件可以发出针对狗的声音。

3.B 细节题。根据第2段中的 “The Dog Whistle free app was created by an app developer Maoli Wang specifically for dog owners who are looking for a way to communicate with their dogs in order to be able to either train them or alert them when the noise around is too great for them to hear you call them.”可知,在嘈杂的场合宜使用这款软件。

4.D 推断题。根据最后一段中的 “If you own a dog and are having behavioral issues with them,you would surely benefit from the Dog Whistle free app available by clicking here.”可推断全文旨在推荐一款软件。

Task 9


1.D 推断题。根据第1段中的“Some teens might say they're going to handle big problems ‘when they grow up’.But the two top winners of the 2018 Regeneron Science Talent Search didn't see any need to wait.”可推断青少年也有能力做研究并获大奖。

2.D 推断题。Benjamin的研究为了防治土豆疾病以保持产量的丰收来改善人民的生活,而Natalia的研究证实吸电子烟的危害,从而劝阻人们不要吸电子烟,以此改善人民的生活。

3.C 推断题。根据最后一段中的 “It's believed that stories of the two winners will encourage other teens to take on research.”可推断人们认为他们的成功是激励人心的。

Task 10


1.C 细节题。根据第3段中的 “So blue is a terrific color choice for bedrooms,but less so for dining rooms,according to Zimmer.”可推断餐厅不适合漆成蓝色。

2.D 词义推断题。根据第3段中的has been shown to slow pulse rate and lower body temperature及该段最后两句可推断蓝色适合卧室但不适合餐厅。

3.A 细节题。 根据第6段中的 “However,it's clearly not the color of calm,so it's best not to use it when painting a place where you wantto relax,according to Zimmer.”可知,卧室不适合漆成橙色。

4.B 推断题。根据最后一段中的 “‘so it's important to paint with those colors that are personal favorites.Choose colors you love, and you won't go wrong!’”可推断首先要考虑的是自己的偏好。

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