Heroes and Villains (II)

2018-11-29 03:14:11肖悦
英语世界 2018年6期


On a wonderfully grey and rainy Friday, Audric’s patience snapped1snap失去控制;一下子无法自持。.Josh hadn’t even made a joke on Audric’s instrument. It was a small prod,since it was Friday and Josh was feeling lazy.


While passing him, Josh shoved Audric with his shoulder a bit, knocking both Audric and his precious cello2cello大提琴。off balance.

[18] “Hey!” Audric protested.

“Hay’s for horses. Get it right, stupid.Your brain’s the size of a needle point sometimes. Anyway, it’s just a cello. We would be much better off if it broke.”

Audric’s hand fl ew up before he had the chance to stop it. He almost hit Josh,barely controlling his frustration.





[19] “Will you just shut up? I’m tired of your chattering and stupid comments that no one cares about. Get a life!” Audric immediately wanted to run away.The whole orchestra had stopped during his tirade3tirade(批评或指责性的)长篇激烈讲话。to watch the action. Josh was a bit pale in the face and chuckled nervously, looking around for the reactions of his peers.


All at once, the students began laughing at him. Audric sat down and fumed.He’d been taken for a fool.

[20] “Way to stand up for your cello,Audric,” someone shouted sarcastically from across the orchestra. The conductor shushed4shush叫……别出声。her and continued on with what he was teaching after giving Audric a strange look.

Audric was disappointed, yet relieved that he’d let his anger out. He walked out of class, believing himself to be unburdened. Josh had not said anything to him after his outburst5outburst大动肝火。. Audric was happier after he stopped pouting6pout绷脸;发脾气。over the class’s reaction. Ahead of him walked the victim of his fury talking to a friend.

[21] “He’s so thick though. He sways to the music and closes his eyes like he’s praying. But he’s like the smartest kid in the grade. I wouldn’t have wanted to get him mad before tomorrow’s math exam, would I?” Josh’s voice said, drifting back. Audric crashed down from his position on cloud nine7on cloud nine喜出望外;兴高采烈。. Josh sat right behind him in their math class.





“You’re lucky I let you copy off me this year during math. That girl totally knew, but she couldn’t do anything about it,” his companion blubbered,giggling.


“You’re so dumb,” Josh snickered at him. The other boy just laughed stupidly.

Audric shook his head and quickly passed them. He had no reason to listen in any longer.

[22] The following day, Audric made sure to guard his exam. He carefully positioned himself so that Josh, sitting behind him had no possible way of cheating off of him. In the end, it was a trip to the tissue box that did it. Audric was not anticipating it when Josh got up for a Kleenex. He had his answers wide in the open. Josh took his time blowing his nose.

[23] “You were cheating off of me!”Audric said angrily to Josh later in orchestra. He shrugged.

“Was not.”

“Was too.”

“Was not,” Josh spoke calmly.

“You were too!” Audric exploded.He drew back a fi st.

[24] Josh had a reputation of having a sharp tongue. He was also known for his daftness8. Josh had been legitimately scared the fi rst day of attending his new school. And he showed it. The second day, during history, the boy sitting to his left fi nally spoke.











“Hey you’re the second chair cellist. I remember you. Could you do me and my boys a favor?” he said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at two rather mean looking hulks behind him.Josh inwardly sighed. It was just like a cheesy9cheesy拙劣可笑的。scene from one of his dad’s favorite movies.


[25] “Hey, kid, are you listening? I want you to bug that kid in front of you so bad during orchestra that he wakes up at night screaming your name,” the boy sneered.


“Why should I want to do that?” Josh asked with a wrinkle of the nose. The boy was clearly big on vengeance100 on vengeance报仇。.

“It’s that or my mates will be here to accompany you everywhere between classes, newbie,” the bully threatened.Of course, Josh thought.

“Why would you want to make that kid mad?” he asked curiously.

“Stop asking questions. That’s my business and not yours.”



“你为什么要找他的麻烦?” 他好奇地问。


[26] From that day on, Josh had a task. He had to annoy Audric, the first cellist, as much as he could to save his own skin.

There was once that he stopped for a day, and the result was that he was pulled aside after class.

“This is your only warning. You don’t stop,” the mean boy, whose name Josh had learned was Sico Tye, snarled.




“Got it,” Josh said, cringing. He was released and then scampered off.


[27] He didn’t feel any regret. He pushed Audric just as Sico pushed him.He found a friend in a stupid, but nice boy named Marco who seemed to idolize Josh’s every step. Josh lied that the reason he pushed Audric around was that he was stupid. Marco hung onto every word.

[28] They laughed about how Audric turned red when he became angry and how he loved to move to the music.They joked a lot about how Audric never even flinched11flinch退缩,畏缩。when an insult was fi red. Josh compared to him to a volcano and Marco gave a poor imitation of what a human volcano would look like.Those were the good times.

And then Audric exploded.

[29] Josh winced as Audric’s fist hit home. He doubled over, the breath knocked clear out of him. For such a skinny guy, Audric could give quite a blow.

“Have you ever thought about boxing?” Josh panted12pant气喘吁吁地说。after he could breathe. Audric’s eyes burned as his fi st prepared to strike a second time.

Josh put his hands up in mock surrender.

“I’m sorry,” he said apologetically.

[30] “No, you’re not,” Audric growled and made a fierce jab at Josh’s abdomen. Josh barely blocked with an arm.

“Ow!” he cried, trying to shake off the pain.











[31] “Stop it, you two! Break it up,”the conductor shouted and grabbed both boys.

Audric lunged13lunge猛冲;猛扑。and Josh knew it was the end. This was his payment for pushing Audric to the limit.

Stars fl ew and Josh hit the hard fl oor.His nose was bleeding and his vision blurred.

[32] Josh would later smile wryly at the irony. ■



[32]后来每每想起这桩糗事,乔希都会露出苦笑。 □

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