Heroes and Villains (I)

2018-11-28 07:52肖悦
英语世界 2018年5期

Author’s note:The point ofHeroes and Villainsis to not judge others by what they seem to be, for in life, there are no heroes or villains. Everyone has a reason behind their decisions and some people just take the wrong road. And so, people should always listen to both sides of the story before pointing fingers. The world would be a better place if people controlled their prejudices until after getting to know the person.导语:《英雄和坏蛋》这个故事的宗旨是不以表面现象对人下结论,因为生活中没有绝对的英雄或坏蛋。每个人做决定都有内在原因,只是有些人误入了歧途。所以判定指摘别人前应先听取各方观点 。如果人们都能控制个人偏见,先去了解别人,这个世界就会更美好。

The world would be much better off if people like Josh weren’t in this world. It was not that Josh was the only one. It probably was not even his fault that he ended up like this, but he did and the world suffered because of it. This was what Audric was thinking at that precise moment. A few seconds before this thought popped into his head, he had been drifting along to the beautiful tune of an orchestra in unison1unison(歌唱或演奏)齐声,同音。. But that had passed and the conductor’s head had turned, and so followed the chatter.


[2] While the violinists listened lethargically2lethargically无精打采,意兴索然。to the conductor’s brisk notes, the cellists3cellist大提琴演奏者。had turned their heads and opened their mouths. And once their mouths were open, the antics4antics荒唐行为。began. Audric stared forward at the violinists, watching their eyes watching the conductor. Some nodded in agreement as he marked comments, while the rest just looked blank.

[3] “What are you looking at?” someone asked from behind Audric. He did not even bother to turn his head.

“Your face,” another person replied crudely. Audric frowned and stared ahead. His stand partner was looking behind him and shaking his head at another boy.

“You seriously got a B on that test?”he said. There was a response but Audric did not hear it. His mind was fi lled with notes, of all shapes and sizes, moving together to create harmonies and melodies the world had only dreamed of.

[4] “Audric. Hey, Audric,” a voice said. Audric’s frown deepened. He knew that voice too well. It bugged him every day at this particular time during this particular class period.

“What is it this time, Josh?” Audric asked turning his body around to look at the boy behind him. A con fi dent pair of brown irises5iris虹膜。stared back. There was bit of a sneer around his lips whenever he spoke.







[5] “Do you want to switch seats?”Audric sighed slowly and turned back around.

“No, Josh. I don’t want to switch seats.”

“I’m going to challenge you again,”he threatened.

“I know, Josh,” Audric said.

[6] “I’m going to win this time,” Josh said smoothly6smoothly平静地;自信地。.

“No, you’re not going to win, Josh,”Audric repeated, monotonously. In his mind he added,You’re never going to win if you don’t try harder, Josh.

“You watch and see,” Josh con fi dently said. “I’m going to be fi rst stand,” he stated. Audric ignored him and stared ahead.

Josh had challenged him at least fi ve times in a row though he had not realized yet that without practice, he would never get anywhere. He did not care though. All he wanted was the title and position of fi rst chair.

[7] “You know the reason you never are going to get that chair, Josh?” a girl said from the violas7violas〈乐〉中提琴。. “It’s because Audric is much better than you and always will be much better than you. He’ll always place fi rst and you, second.”

“Shut up Deidrah,” Josh retorted. It was a habit of his to tell someone to shut up if he could not think of a better response.











[8] The boys were not always like this though. At some point in their lives,they’d both been good, decent people.Audric had always been shy and aloof of the others and became much more mature than them because of it, though his distance was taken to be vanity and snobbishness. Josh always had been a bit needy8needy缺乏自信的;需要精神支持的。but he was loyal and could be intelligent if prodded.

[9] Both boys had grown up playing in the same orchestra. Neither had paid much attention to the other, until one fateful day when Josh’s father decided that in order to succeed in life, Josh had to be moved to the Fairview district, only ten minutes drive from his old school.And as life would have it, they moved,fi fteen blocks north, in order to avoid the burden of paying a yearly tuition.

[10] Josh had showed up, meek as a lamb on the fi rst day. Audric had rather taken a fancy to the curious boy who seemed so shy. He’d even prepared to say ‘hello’ to him the next day, until Josh showed up, gaudy9gaudy花哨的。in his bright neon shirt with a pack of friends trailing behind. Audric swallowed10swallow收回。the greeting and went back to his music.

[11] The next seating audition11audition(拟进行表演者的)试演,试唱,试音。the orchestra had placed Audric first chair with Josh as a close second. He’d sat right behind him, because of the practical, but not preferable seating the conductor arranged. Josh was always jabbing him in the back, complaining on how Audric was doing something wrong.





[12] “I can’t hear you, play louder.”“Can you give us a bigger nod?”

“Turn around, Audric and mind your own business.”

“That’s an F sharp not a natural12natural本位音,还原音。,Audric. Get it right. Gosh.”

[13] Audric was offended, but whenever he shot a remark, it boomeranged13boomerang像飞镖似的返回;对自己的言行起反作用。and came back.

“That was you playing the F natural, Josh,” he’d said once.

“No one cares, Audric.Stop being so OCD14=obsessive-compulsive disorder强迫症。,” Josh said, slouching his seat.

[14] Sadly, Audric shared a math class with the impertinent15impertinent粗鲁无礼的。and ever so arrogant boy as well. He decided to ask a very unintelligent question one day.

“Is there such thing as a positive or a negative zero?”

Audric laughed, and Josh gave him a glaring look.

[15] Back in the orchestra room, the insults continued and increased.

[12]“大声点儿, 我听不见你拉琴呀。”













“Your strings are fl at, again.”

“It’s legato16legato〈乐〉〈意大利语〉连奏的乐曲。, not spiccato17spiccato〈弦乐器演奏术语〉跳弓演奏;须用跳弓演奏的段落。. What are you doing?”

“Hey, do us a favor and tune me?”

“Stop the screeching! You’re killing me back here.”

[16] Audric decided to bring a pair of earplugs for next practice. They were taken almost immediately after they entered Audric’s ears. He resolved to do his best to ignore Josh. ■

(To be continued)




[16]下次排练时奥德里克带来一副耳塞,可是耳塞刚塞进耳朵就被没收了。他决定尽最大努力不理睬乔希。 □

