The Real Cost of Health Care in Retirement

2018-11-28 07:52瑞什玛·卡帕迪亚,蒋威
英语世界 2018年5期

Health care can be one of the biggest costs in retirement, yet it is notoriously dif fi cult to estimate—and too often people assume Medicare1老年和残障健康保险,由美国联邦政府依据1965年的社会保障修正案建立,服务对象是65岁以上的老人或者符合一定条件的65岁以下的残疾人或晚期肾病患者。will cover either everything or nothing, neither of which is true. Understanding Medicare is like learning about the birds and the bees: Until they experience it themselves, most people base their assumptions on anecdotes and misinformation,which means there can be some uncomfortable surprises ahead.

[2] “Medicare covers a lot less than people usually think. People are just not informed; health-care costs aren’t on the radar2on the radar受人关注; 引起注意。until they have a crisis,” says Heather Evans, a fi nancial advisor with Merrill Lynch3美林证券,世界最大的证券零售商和投资银行之一,总部位于美国纽约市。outside of Washington.“It can be a huge surprise cost—and your quality of life is going to depend on what you can afford.”



The fi rst line of expense: Medicare

[3] Even retirees satis fi ed with Medicare’s coverage will still spend an average of $260,000 (per couple) on health care from age 65 on, according to Fidelity Investments4美国跨国金融服务公司。. About a third of that is for Medicare premiums5premium保险费。; the rest goes to co-payments, deductibles6deductible 自付扣除金,接受合乎条件的医疗服务时,在健康保险计划开始支付前由患者先行负担的自付额。, and drug and medical costs.

[4] But affluent retirees especially may find health-care costs far exceed that estimated $260,000. Married couples with income of more than$170,000, for instance, will pay an additional $134 to $742 every month for their Parts B (medical visits and tests)and D (prescription drug) coverage7Medicare分为四大类:住院保险(Part A),即联邦政府对住院治疗或护理费用的医疗保险;补充性医疗保险(Part B),由职工选择投保,主要保障住院保险没有覆盖到的门诊项目;医保优势计划(Medicare Advantage,简称MA计划,Part C),经政府特许的保险公司为医保受益人设计的一些额外医疗服务保险; 处方药计划(Part D),政府补贴的药物福利计划,参加此计划的受益人支付额外的保险费,可以低价购买处方药。.

[5] Medicare covers the basics, and there’s no reason not to use it. But it doesn’t cover everything retirees may want—such as newer drug treatments,state-of-the-art medical equipment, or more personalized care. And it doesn’t cover long-term care at all.



[4]但尤其是生活富裕的退休人士可能发现,医疗保健的费用远超上文估测的26万美元。例如,年收入超过17万美元的夫妇,每月需为Medicare B部分(门诊和检查)和D部分(处方药)额外支付134至742美元不等。

[5] Medicare覆盖基本项目,没有理由不参保,但它不覆盖退休人士可能需要的所有项目,比如较新的药物治疗、最先进的医疗设备或者更具个性化的护理,也根本不包括长期护理。

[6] Ken Dychtwald, head of Age-Wave8一家专注于人口老龄化问题研究的美国公司。, a consulting firm focused on aging trends, likens health care to air travel. “Everyone will have a seat.Some will buy coach, which will be OK but not terribly comfortable, while others will pay up for business class and better health care,” he says. “The fi rstclass travelers will want the best medical treatment, second and third opinions9second opinion二次诊疗,与原诊(primary diagnosis)相对应,指个人在某疾病已获得初次诊疗医生的诊断后,通过向权威机构/人士进行第二次诊断咨询,从而获得更为完善的诊断意见的做法。, and doctors available 24/7. You can wind up10wind up(使自己)陷入,卷入,落得。spending a lot of money for that Four Seasons-level care.”

[7] There are a few main categories for which retirees should plan on paying higher out-of-pocket costs.

[8]Drugs and similar treatments.Medicare Part D prescription plans vary in the drugs they cover, as well as what portion of the cost they assume. To add to the complexity, the lists—known as formularies11formulary 每年各家医疗保险公司都会综合考虑药品的疗效和价格来制定自己的报销目录。—can change annually.Retirees can also be on the hook12on the hook陷入(困境)。for as much as a third of the cost of specialized treatments. More patients are taking biologics, which are treatments derived from living organisms, and specialized drugs because they can make a significant change in patient care,especially in areas like cancer, multiple sclerosis, and hepatitis C. But that can lead to significantly higher costs.

[6] AgeWave是一家专注于老龄化趋势研究的咨询公司,其总裁肯·戴奇沃迪把医疗服务比作航空旅行:“每个人都有座位。有的人买经济舱,虽然能坐,但是不太舒适,有的人则加钱买商务舱和更好的医疗服务。头等舱的乘客想要获得最好的治疗,享受二次诊疗和三次诊疗服务,希望随时能看医生。这种五星级医疗服务价格不菲。”



[9]Testing and physical treatments.Medicare limits the amount of diagnostic testing it will cover. Medicare also limits physical-therapy and speech-pathology expenses each year to $1,980—an amount that seniors can hit quickly.If not deemed medically necessary,Medicare will deny payment.

[10]Services not covered by Medicare. Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures for retirees, and modern medicine has greatly reduced the invasiveness13invasiveness侵袭性。of the surgery and patient-recovery time by using lasers,rather than a scalpel14scalpel解剖刀;手术刀。, to remove the cataract. But Medicare will pay only for procedures using a scalpel, and not the extra cost of laser surgery, which typically runs an additional $1,500 an eye.

[11] Costs can also add up for routine dental work. Medicare doesn’t cover typical dental costs but will step in if a hospital stay is needed. A dental implant can cost as much as $3,000, with the crown and possible bone grafts15graft〈医学〉移植。costing another $4,150.


[10] Medicare未承保服务。白内障手术是退休人士最常做的手术之一。现代医学通过激光而非手术刀来切除白内障,大大降低了手术造成的创伤,缩短了患者恢复时间。但Medicare仅报销手术刀手术的费用,而不报销激光手术的额外费用。选择激光手术,通常每只眼睛需另付1500美元。


[12] Medical concierge services and health-care consultants. According to a 2015 Kaiser16= Kaiser Family Foundation凯泽家庭基金会。survey, 2% of doctors nationally won’t take Medicare at all,but other reports find it can be higher in places such as Washington and New York, though the problem is worse in rural areas overall.

[13] Retirees can negotiate the price with doctors who don’t take insurance,often paying 15% to 20% more than they would under Medicare. But the hassle leads some retirees to more personalized concierge or direct primarycare doctors. Most limit the size of their practice, charging a membership fee for access to a doctor who offers the physicals, sick visits, and preventative17preventative预防的。care that primary-care doctors typically provide. The attraction is more personalized care, as well as longer—and easier to get—appointments.

[14] Memberships average $110 a month, but some can charge several thousand dollars a year. While most do not accept insurance, patients can still file their own paperwork to get some reimbursement from Medicare. Some practices include basic labs and diagnostic tests, but most do not; in that instance, Medicare will help cover those.





[15] “If you rarely go to the doctor or are relatively healthy, it’s probably a waste of money,” says Carolyn McClanahan, a medical doctor turned fi nancial advisor at Life Planning Partners18一家金融咨询公司,位于美国佛罗里达州。. “But if you have a complicated illness, it’s a good way to go.”

[16]Chronic conditions, including dementia19dementia痴呆症。. Chronic conditions are costly. Having five or more chronic conditions—like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or Parkinson’s—raised the median20median中位数的。annual out-of-pocket expenses by 75%, according to Kaiser.

[17] Dementia is the black swan21black swan黑天鹅,指非常难以预测,且不寻常的事件。of health care planning, substantially boosting costs primarily because it could require much longer long-term care services compared with the average of two to three years.

[18] Medicare will pay for cognitive assessments and care-planning services,but it doesn’t help with some of the biggest costs, such as daily care. Dementia can progress over a 20-year period,making care managers especially helpful in mapping out22map out规划。the types of services needed over time.



[18] Medicare可报销认知评估和护理规划服务费用,但不报销日常护理等一些成本最高的服务费用。痴呆症的持续时间可长达20年,因而特别需要护理管理人员为患者规划所需的服务类型。


[19] Often, retirees need help even before a formal diagnosis of dementia,such as assistance in preparing meals,driving, or running errands. Adult daycare services offer social interaction in a safe environment, and give caregivers much-needed respite. But none of this is typically covered by Medicare. The national average cost for a home companion is about $3,800 a month, while adult day care averages $1,473 a month,according to the latest Genworth23= Genworth Financial展维金融集团,长期护理保险领域的领军企业。Cost of Care survey.

[20]Long-term care. Long-term care is perhaps the biggest expense not covered by Medicare, and therefore insuring for it is one of the most highly debated fi nancial decisions.

[21] Costs vary widely depending on location. The median annual cost of a private room in a nursing home is$155,125 on Long Island, N.Y.; $182,318 in San Francisco; and almost $126,000 in Naples, Fla.—far pricier than the median$74,000 in the Dallas area. Sought-after facilities cost more.

[22] Home-based care is vastly preferable for most people. But it can cost four times as much as assisted living24assisted living赡养院;安养照护。,with the national average at $180,000 a year, according to HealthView25= HealthView Services一家提供退休医疗成本数据的公司,位于马萨诸塞州。. That’s on top of costs incurred to modify the home—such as wider doorways and ramps to accommodate wheelchairs,or grab-bars in the shower—as well as whatever additional help is needed to maintain the home.

How to pay for it all

[23] All of these costs can add up to a sizable sum, but it’s not a lump sum26lump sum一次总付的钱款。. Starting early makes these costs easier to digest. For example, a healthy 55-year-old couple retiring at 65 needs to set aside $199,000 invested today, or $25,507 annually for the next decade assuming a 6% return, to cover healthcare expenses, according to HealthView founder Ron Mastrogiovanni.






[24] Health savings accounts are often championed27champion支持,拥护。as a great way to save money for medical expenses before retirement because contributions go in tax-free, grow tax-free, and withdrawals are tax-free, no matter what your age,so long as the money is used for medical care. That triple-tax-free treatment is advantageous, but there are caveats28caveat防止误解的说明; 知会备忘。.First, HSAs must be paired with a highdeductible health plan, which means you could incur higher health-care costs the years you’re contributing. Because contributions have an annual limit—$3,400 for a single person; $6,750 for a family; those 55 and older can add another $1,000—it’s best to get started early and leave the money to compound tax-free for as long as possible.

[25] Ultimately, the best way to deal with the uncertainty of health-care costs is fl exibility. “Figuring out the course of health care policy is tough,” McClanahan says. “We quit trying to predict the future, and instead build resiliency into our plans.” ■


[25]最后,应对不确定医疗开销的最佳方法是灵活应变。麦克拉纳汉称:“医疗政策的走向难以揣测。我们不再试图预测未来,而是让自己的健康保险计划更有弹性。” □

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