
2018-11-24 02:37
时代邮刊 2018年5期

The article in Time on Feb 5th 2018, National Nightmare, Why Are So Many Americans Angry? mentions that the mainstream press talk about "wealth inequality" when referencing our country's social problems. But what they hide is that the growing disparity between rich and poor in America is not the root cause but a symptom of our problem. The real cause is that wages are no longer connected to gains in productivity. But the link between productivity and wages was permanently changed when Nixon forever broke the link between US dollar and gold. They increase the amount of money by huge amounts, in response to demands from powerful groups—especially banks.


The article with the title saying Why Other Countries don’t Have Government Shutdown in Washingtonpost on Feb 1st, 2018, mentioned that most countries inf luenced by Britain’s parliamentary system, like Canada, Bangladesh and etc,have installed specific mechanisms to escape a U.S.-style deadlock.Their budgets are even more associated with the fate of those in power themselves than in the United States — which, often ends up helping to reach consensus.


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