
2018-11-23 07:32:46陈建能陈礼群喻陈楠蔡双雷夏旭东
农业工程学报 2018年23期




(1. 浙江理工大学机械与自动控制学院,杭州 310018;2. 浙江省种植装备技术重点实验室,杭州 310018)

为了给西兰花切块机的设计提供理论依据,获得最佳切块效果,该文以收获期的西兰花作为切块对象,选择西兰花切块位置、刀具刃角、刀具结构以及入切角为影响因素,在万能材料试验机上进行了单因素与多因素的切应力试验,单因素试验结果表明:切块位置为距离花蕾顶端40 mm、光刀、入切角为60°、刀具刃角为5°~10°之间时切应力最小。多因素试验结果表明:影响切应力的因素主次次序依次是切块位置、刀具结构、刀具刃角、入切角;切块位置为距离花蕾顶端40 mm、刀具结构为球形刀、刀具刃角为8°、入切角为90°时切块效果最佳。根据试验优化结果设计了西兰花切块刀具,并在自制的切块样机上进行了切块试验,切块效果良好,切块成功率达到91%,验证了刀具参数优化的合理性。研究结果可为后续西兰花切块机切块刀具的设计提供参考。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料

试验西兰花品种为由浙江省农科院选育的“浙青95号”,种植于浙江省温岭、台州、宁波等地,对自然生长条件下并处于3月份收获期西兰花整朵进行取样,试验得到“浙青95号”花苞直径介于140~160 mm之间,花苞高度介于70~90 mm之间,西兰花小茎分3个不同的部位,分别为西兰花外层,中间层和内层的小茎,如图1a所示。由于切块加工过程为先外层再中间层最后内层,并且外层小茎纤维层较厚,硬度较高。故本文将取西兰花外层小茎作为试验样品如图1b所示,并对小茎距花蕾顶端的30、40和50 mm处做上标记,以备后续试验用。

b. 西兰花小茎样品

b. Broccoli branch stalk sample


Note:is broccoli height, mm;is broccoli diameter, mm;

图1 西兰花试验样品图

Fig.1 Broccoli test sample

1.2 试验仪器与设备

本试验仪器和设备有如图2a的微机控制电子万能材料试验机(型号:LDW-1;最大载荷:50 kg;功率:12 kW;制造商:上海松顿机械设备有限公司)、球形刀(刀具为1/4球面,刀刃为半圆弧,直径为100 mm);光刀(刀刃为直线,长度为100 mm);锥形刀(刀具为1/4圆锥面,圆锥底面直径100 mm,高80 mm);刀片厚度均为2 mm。切台与刀具如图2b~2e所示,均利用夹具固定于试验台上。试验用仪器还包括数码相机及其图像处理分析软件ImageJ、镊子、米尺、游标卡尺、量角器、记号笔等。

1.3 试验方法及方案设计


注:β为入切角,(°);刀具与移动块的间隙ε为1 mm、刀具与切台的间隙d为3 mm。

图3 切割力-时间变化曲线图




图4 西兰花小径切面拓本图

Fig.4 Extension map of broccoli branch stalk cutting surface

1.3.1 单因素试验

参考文献[22-27],选定西兰花切块力单因素试验参数:刀具结构单因素试验时,刀具刃角为8°、入切角为90°、切块位置为40 mm;刀具刃角单因素试验时,刀具结构为光刀、入切角为90°、切块位置为40 mm;入切角单因素试验时,刀具结构为光刀、刀具刃角为8°、切块位置为40 mm;切块位置单因素试验时,刀具结构为光刀、刀具刃角为8°、入切角90°;每一水平下重复10次,在=0.05水平进行检验。

1.3.2 多因素试验


2 结果与分析

2.1 单因素试验结果与分析

2.1.1 刀具刃角对西兰花小茎切应力的影响

为了考查刀具不同刃角对西兰花小茎切应力的影响,以光刀为例,分别用刃角为5°、8°、11°、14°、17°的刀片对直径为8±0.5 mm的小茎进行切块试验,测得各个小茎受到的最大切应力,结果如表1所示。


表1 不同刀具刃角的西兰花小径最大切应力值

注:刀具结构为光刀、入切角为90°、切块位置为40 mm。±SD表示平均值±标准差。

Note:Cutting blade is light blade.Cutting angle is 90°. The cutting position is 40 mm.±SD means average value ± standard deviation.

表2 不同刀具刃角显著性检验结果


2.1.2 刀具结构对西兰花小茎切应力的影响

为了考查不同结构的刀具对西兰花小茎切应力的影响,分别用球形刀、光刀和锥形刀对直径为8±0.5 mm的小茎进行切块试验,并记录下小茎受到的最大切应力,结果见表3。对表3中的数据进行显著性检验计算出= 1.4´10–9<0.05,因此不同刀具对切应力的影响存在显著差异。由表3可知,光刀产生的最大切应力最小,其次为球形刀,锥形刀产生的最大切应力最大。

2.1.3 切块位置对西兰花小茎切应力的影响

为了考察不同切块位置对西兰花小茎的切应力的影响,分别对西兰花小茎的不同位置进行切块试验,并记录下最大切应力值,结果见表4。对表4中的数据进行显著性检验计算出=1.0776´10–16<0.05,因此不同切块位置对切应力的影响存在显著差异。由表4可知,西兰花小茎切块时受到的最大切应力值随切块位置增加先降低再增加。在切块位置为40 mm处最大切应力值最小。这主要是因为西兰花小茎距花蕾顶端30 mm处比较接近花蕾,会存在分节点或形状不规则,切块时所需切割力较大,从而导致最大切应力较大,西兰花小茎距花蕾顶端50 mm处比较接近西兰花大茎,茎秆较成熟,纤维层较厚,所需切割力大,因此最大切应力也较大。

表3 不同结构刀具的最大切应力值

注:刀具刃角为8°、入切角为90°、切块位置为40 mm。

Note:Blade angle is 8°, cutting angle is 90°, cutting position is 40 mm.

表4 不同切块位置的最大切应力值


Note:Cutting blade is light blade, blade angle is 8°, cutting angle is 90°.

2.1.4 入切角对西兰花小茎切应力的影响

为了考查不同入切角对西兰花小茎切应力的影响,分别设定入切角为90°、60°、45°对直径为8±0.5 mm的小茎进行切块试验,并记录下小茎受到的最大切应力,结果见表5。对表5中数据进行显著性检验,计算得出= 0.046 1<0.05,因此不同入切角对切应力的影响存在显著差异。由表5可知,入切角为60°时最大切应力最小。

2.2 多因素试验结果与分析


表5 不同入切角的最大切应力值

注:刀具刃角为8°、刀具结构为光刀、切块位置为40 mm。

Note: Blade angle is 8°, cutting blade is light blade, cutting position is 40 mm.

表6 试验因素水平表

表7 最大切应力正交试验结果

由表7可知,极差最大的因素是切块位置,故切块位置对于切应力的影响力最大;其次是切块刀具类型,在正交试验中出现的结果是球形刀所需切块力最小;再次是刀具刃角,取第2水平最好;最后是入切角,对切块试验的影响最小,取第1水平最好。故该试验的最优方案为2121即西兰花小茎切块位置离花蕾顶端40 mm,刀具结构为球形刀,刀具刃角为8°,入切角为90°时切块应力最小,切应力平均值为17.45 kPa。

2.3 验证试验

利用正交试验结果得到西兰花切块刀具的最佳工作参数,设计了刃角为8°的球形刀具,刀具直径为90 mm,入切角90°,研制了西兰花切块试验台[33],并在自制的试验台(如图5)上进行了切块试验,参考现有西兰花切块机[6-7]的切块速度,设西兰花切块样机工作转速为60 r/min,试验中刀具切块姿态如图6所示;样机中电机转动1周完成1次切块。

图5 西兰花切块试验样机

a. 开始切块 a. Start cuttingb. 切块结束 b. End of cutting c. 西兰花小块 c. Small piece of broccolid. 西兰花茎 d. Broccoli stalk

在样机转速为60 r/min情况下进行100朵切块试验,成功切块91朵,成功去芯100朵,切块成功率91%。工作效率达50~60个/min。切块应力平均值为18.32 kPa,与理论值17.45 kPa基本接近,验证了刀具参数设置的合理性。

2.4 讨 论

本文采用单位面积最大切割力作为目标值,利用单因素试验与多因素试验对西兰花切块刀具工作参数进行了优化,从定性与定量2个方面研究了切块刀具工作参数对西兰花切应力的影响,确定切块位置、刀具结构、刀具刃角与入切角依次是影响切应力的主要因素;结果表明最佳的切块组合是切块位置为40 mm、球形刀、刀具刃角为8°、入切角为90°。根据最佳切块位置为刀具尺寸设计提供依据。同时入切角为90°的切面最小,有利于西兰花保存。

3 结 论

1)通过对西兰花切应力的单因素试验得到:切块位置为距离花蕾顶端40 mm处最大切应力值最小;刀具刃角为5°~10°之间适合;光刀产生的最大切应力最小。

2)多因素试验得到各个影响因素对切应力的影响:西兰花的切块位置对切应力影响最大,入切角对切应力影响最小,各个因素交互的作用下的最佳切块因素组合是切块位置为距离花蕾顶端40 mm处、刀具结构为球形刀、刀具刃角为8°、切块时入切角为90°。

3)根据优化结果设计了切块刀具,并在自制切块样机上进行了切块试验,样机在转速为60 r/min情况下进行100朵切块试验,切块成功率91%,工作效率达50~60个/min,切块应力平均值为18.32 kPa,验证了西兰花切块刀具参数优化结果的合理性。

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Study on blade parameter optimization analysis of broccoli cuts based on minimum slice stress

Chen Jianneng1,2, Chen Liqun1, Yu Chennan1, Cai Shuanglei1, Xia Xudong1,2

(1.310018,; 2.310018,)

In order to explore the effect of the broccoli cutter working parameters on cutting characteristics of broccoli branch stalk as well as to optimize the working parameters of the cutting blade, the cutting tests of broccoli branch stalk were performed with electronic universal material testing machine cutting test-bed. The samples were the outer branch stalk of broccoli with same diameter. The main test equipment included the electronic universal material testing machine, blades and cutting stand, a digital camera and its image processing and analysis software ImageJ, scorpion, meter ruler, vernier caliper, protractor and marker pen. The test method and scheme were designed based on the measurement and control system of the universal material testing machine, the data measured by the pressure sensor on the universal material testing machine automatically displayed, relation curve of cutting force and time of cutting blade could be get. The maximum cutting force obtained during the cutting process was taken as the maximum cutting forceFof broccoli branch stalk. Some researchers considered that it is more reasonable to use unit cutting force as the research target. therefore, in order to eliminate the influence of the diameter difference of broccoli branch stalk on the experimental results, the maximum cutting force per unit area was taken as the target value. The influence of the cutting blade working parameters on the maximum cutting force were studied, the cutting blade working parameters include blade structure, blade angle, cutting angle and cutting position on the branch stalk. The cutting tests were grouped into the single factor tests, multi-factor orthogonal test. The testing factors were cutting position(ranging from 30-50 mm), cutting blades (cone blade、straight blade、spherical blade), blade angle (5°-17°), cutting angle (45°-90°). Multi-factor orthogonal method was a three-factor three-level testing scheme. The multi-factor orthogonal method used to optimize the working parameters of broccoli cutter. The multi-factor test results showed that the change trends of the objective values (the maximum cutting force per unit cutting area) with the changes of the testing factors were basically consistent with the results of the single factor tests. Single factor test results show that the dicing performance is best when the cutting position is 40 mm, the straight blade, the cutting angle is 60°, and the blade edge angle is 5°-10°. The results of multi-factor test showed that the position of the cutting, the structure of the blade, the blade angle and the cutting angle of the cutting tests were the primary and secondary factors that affect the cutting performance, the cutting position was 40 mm, the blade structure was spherical blade, blade edge angle was 8°and the cutting angle is 90°. According to the experimental optimization results, the broccoli cutter was designed, and the cutting test was carried out on the prototype. The cutting effect was good and the cutting success rate reached 91%, the mean value of cutting force was 18.32kPa, which is basically close to the theoretical value of 17.45kPa, it verified the rationality of tool parameter setting. The study results provided theoretical support for the development of subsequent broccoli cutting machine and cutting blade parameters.

tools; stresses; broccoli; cuts; optimization

陈建能,陈礼群,喻陈楠,蔡双雷,夏旭东. 基于最小切块应力的西兰花切块加工刀具参数优化研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(23):42-48.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.005 http://www.tcsae.org

Chen Jianneng, Chen Liqun, Yu Chennan, Cai Shuanglei, Xia Xudong. Study on blade parameter optimization analysis of broccoli cuts based on minimum slice stress[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 42-48. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.005 http://www.tcsae.org










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