
2018-11-06 03:43吴平
国际人才交流 2018年11期



Melting glaciers and ice sheets, rising sea levels, worsening extreme weather, decreasing biodiversity, deteriorating coastal ecosystems and increasing new infectious diseases, etc.These possible disasters are too serious to arouse attention to global climate governance. In recent years, the international community has achieved certain results in global climate governance, of which the practice and the experience help governments reach more consensus and form greater synergy. Meanwhile, it also provides useful reference to China’s ecological governance.






Progress of global climate governance

In 1988, IPCC (Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change),set up by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization, was a prologue to international cooperation. In 1992, UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) was adopted. This is the first international convention on overall controlling the emissions of greenhouse gas emissions so as to cope with climate change in the world, and it lays the legal foundation for international cooperation in climate governance. In 1997,Kyoto Protocol passed by 149 countries and regions stipulated that during 2008-2012, major industrialized countries should achieve a 5.2% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions based on those in 1990. It was the first time that greenhouse gas emission had been restricted with the aid of a regulation.

At the Paris Conference in 2015, nearly 200 Parties to UNFCCC agreed to a new global protocol and made arrangements for global climate governance beyond 2020. On April 22, 2016, 175 countries signed the Paris Agreement, which entered into force from 4 November. It is unprecedented for a multilateral agreement to be ratif i ed and implemented in less than one year like Paris Agreement. So far, the three international legal documents—UNFCCC in 1992, Kyoto Protocol in 1997, and Paris Agreement in 2015—were milestones of climate governance, and formed a new pattern. Consensus has been reached on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and governing global climate. Major countries including developing countries are actively promoting emission reduction.

Experience from global climate governance

The biggest feature of climate governance is the diversif i cation of the main body and the potential interests. Compared to the EU, which is proactive out of low abatement costs, the United States, whose economy is held back by energy conservation and emission reduction, has always resisted substantial emission reduction. For the sake of maintaining the oil industry, the oil powers in the Middle East also oppose substantial reductions. However, under the threat of rising sea level, island countries in less developed countries have been strongly demanding strict control of greenhouse gas emissions to ensure national security.

At the international level, climate governance rules have been risen with UNFCCC, developed with Kyoto Protocol,and flourished with Paris Agreement. Their entry into force marks the institutionalization and standardization of climate governance rules. International organizations, including the Group of Twenty (G20), BRIC, and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) have reached a consensus and strengthened cooperation. With UNFCCC in orientation and multilateral, bilateral, regional, and local mechanisms in bloom, climate governance is crowned with success. At the national level, more and more governments bring measures and mechanisms into their own legal and policy systems.The Global Climate Legislation Research Report, released in June 2015, shows that 75 countries and the EU enacted legislation or policy frameworks to mitigate climate change. Systematic governance rules have become the powerful guarantee for maximizing the interests of all countries.

Improve climate governance with carbon trading system. In 1997, with the establishment of Kyoto Protocol, carbon emission rights became an international commodity and could be channeled and marketed through the market. The system defines the property rights of the atmosphere. In order to ensure that benef i ciaries are responsible, it controls the total amounts of omissions on the market, set permits for global emissions and allocate them in the world in accordance with certain standards. This mechanism on the one hand adds the costs of excessive emissions to encourage energysaving emission reduction, and it on the other hand adjusts the emission quotas among countries flexibly, so that more developed countries with much emissions bear more funds for governance. It is a typical manifestation for effectively promoting the reduction of global emission.

Promote climate governance with emissions reduction model of INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contributions).The Warsaw Conference in 2013 requested Parties to initiate their post-2020 determined contributions. The Paris Agreement explicitly calls for the establishment of national independent contribution mechanism, that is, countries can propose their own independent contribution targets according to their own national conditions, and adjust measures and methods to deal with climate change. Different from the top-down emission reduction model advocated in Kyoto Protocol, the model of INDC determines the responsibilities from bottom up. In addition, the developed countries should continue to take the lead in reducing emissions and strengthen the financial support, technical support and talents, thus helping developing countries adopt to climate change and avoiding some developed countries from shirking responsibilities.






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