【Abstract】In the fast-changing information era, people have not satisfied with low-speed communication. The development of the Internet and information technology greatly promotes the regression of marketing communication with regard to peoples self-value. Thats to say, if people desire to realize the value of marketing communication, they need to respect humanity and its networked value-transformation principle. After all, the media is a new carrier breeding in a compatible model. The rapid development of new media is based on the growth environment of the network, and “long and shortening cluster” is the necessary principle for realizing the value of Internet marketing communication. Additionally, the important role of “shortening” is that it shortens the marketing distance and reduces the marketing cost; “long” is the key point for value acquisition, thereby “hoist” the value acquisition chain; “cluster” is the most persuasive in Internet marketing communication, which provides a kind of relationship link. Moreover, Internet marketing communication achieves new results based on the connection of space and time as well as growth.
【Key words】Internet marketing communication; value principle; distance cost; morphological relations; multivariate sharing
【作者簡介】李雅雯(1992- ),女,汉族,江西宜春人,广州大学,在读研究生,研究方向:戏剧影视电影。
Internet Marketing, a kind of activity which regards the Internet as a basic technique to create an online business environment and aims to achieve the overall business objectives of the enterprise, is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy for a company. According to Tanqin (2016), it can use various methods like blog, video and so on. Generally, marketing activities which use the Internet or new media as the main platform, are called Internet marketing. When it comes to traits of Internet marketing, they can be divided in two aspects: firstly, its based on the Internet, which uses the Internet as its marketing medium; secondly, it belongs to marketing, which means its also one of forms of marketing. Although both Internet marketing and traditional marketing intend to realize their maximized interests, there are some significant differences between their processes in implementation.
1. Breeding of Online Media and Marketing in the New Media Era
The Internet has spawn lots of online public opinions: with the increase in the number of online speech carriers and netizens in recent years, the relevant pattern has long been greatly changed: online public opinions have already been able to promote the development of event by interacting with traditional media. Therefore, the phenomenon, like online public opinions invert traditional media, has also gradually increased (Shan Xuegang, 2009: 16). Moreover, as Chen Qiang stated in 2010: the explosion signal in online public opinions can trigger a major response from traditional media, which in turn leads to more online public opinions.
Actually, the advantage of the Internet lies on the timeliness of communication, with which the speed and potential of development can be presented. As Wei Junying (2015) states, Communication is a category which can be transformed between space and time: the shortening of spatial distance will inevitably bring about the shortening of time distance which manifests both in the speed of communication and the optimization of mediating link. Apparently, shortening of distance is in line with collective interests of most marketers. The second type of shortening is shortening in cognition. As stated before, marketing communication not only refers to physical distance, but also talks about psychological distance which actually shows up as a cognitive distance.
2. Shortening—Reduce the Cost of Marketing Communication
Its normal that netizens express their opinions on some hot issues through various ways on the Internet in the new media era. However, judging from some cases in recent years, netizens are no longer satisfied with online discussions, but are keen to go to the offline world to continue paying attention to and promoting the development of events. Its worth mentioning that this kind of behavior may bring about potential damage when its lack of correct guideline. Furthermore, the shortening of marketing distance means the reduction of transaction costs which is not limited to currency cost, but also includes attention cost, time cost, cognition cost, harvest cost and so on. Backing to the ontology of marketing and communication, marketing is essentially a value transfer and exchange according to Wei Junying (2015).
In the information society, changes in the means of communication have made the status of communication in marketing more prominent. Therefore, what people call “marketing communication” also means the homogeneity and unity of marketing and communication to some degree.
3. The Diversity of Online Public Opinion Carrier
In general, the emergence of public opinion is generally guided and led by the media agenda setting of traditional news in the information society; whereas, with the development of the new media era, characteristics like interactivity and authenticity of efficiency of Internet communication has made it possible for some major community forums, microblogs, and personal websites to become sources of online public opinions (Ye Hong & Song Qianqian, 2012: 71).
In the new media era, the Internet has also become an important way for the official sector to expand its influence and enhance its reputation. Nevertheless, in many cases, the Internet not only supervises the operational process of an incident, but also promotes its progress which may generate a kind of “public opinion decision” which “abducts” the media, misleads the masses, and even directly influences the outcome of the incident. The appearance of multimedia communication has greatly changed the direction of information communication, affected human learning as well as judgment, and exerted a profound influence on human culture and official policies. In fact, the value of multimedia communication lies in the fact that the different information exerts its strengths, share its details and depicts the same direction together. Multimedia transmission has also enriched communication theories. Consequently, it brings about the reasonable grounds for the existence of multimedia communication which will also become a new field of communication worth exploring according to Dai Linjiang in 2007.
4. Marketing Linkage: A Trending Converging Computers, Televisions and Phones
With the restructuring of telecom operators and the issuance of 3G licenses, full-service operations have become the focus of competition among major operators. Creating converged video products of mobile phones, televisions, and computers has become a future trend in business development. After years of accumulation, humans data volume, processing technology as well as capabilities have all undergone a qualitative leap, and the era of big data has come. This new era has brought about many revolutionary changes to the human society, which has been vividly reflected in various aspects.
The media is a data-concentration industry. In particular, the new online media has accumulated a massive amount of data that can support commercial use. Many cases have emerged based on the success of big data technology. Can it actively meet and adapt to various challenges of the era of big data? This is a key factor in determining a mediums advancement in the future media competition.
5. Conclusions
From the perspective of marketing, the impact of big data technology on business activities is more directly reflected in the marketing field. However, according to the requirements of big data, there still exist many limitations and problems in television media in many aspects such as technical framework which make the task to realize marketing innovation more difficult. In short, creating branding by heart is the top priority for every media business manager. The impact of the Internet on peoples lives is increasing: from the earliest e-mails to forums, blogs, micro-blogs, and WeChat, users have increased their access to information and the speed of sharing information is also accelerating. This multidirectional communication has created good conditions for Internet marketing. Additionally, as netizens ability to discriminate online marketing information improved, vulgar communication will more likely be discarded by netizens. As a consequence, in order to achieve better results, Internet marketing needs to strengthen its planning enforcement and create new means of communication to operate. Only in this way—making higher demands on the professionalism of Internet marketing, can it go further.
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