Comparison of the Metaphorical Meaning of English and Chinese Animal Metaphors

2018-10-21 13:37张杨
大东方 2018年9期



Abstract:In Wang Yuxins thesis(2007),the three metaphorical phenomena between English and Chinese are metaphorical coincidence,metaphorical conflict and metaphorical vacancy.Because English and Chinese are two totally different languages,it makes English and Chinese animal metaphors get diversity as well as similarity.This paper makes the comparison in respects of metaphorical coincidence,metaphorical conflict and metaphorical vacancy.

Key words:Comparison;Metaphorical Meaning;animal metaphors

1 Metaphorical Coincidence

All exterior environment that the humans rely on shows us a lot of similarities,including the geographical conditions,ecological circumstances,alternations of seasons,change of climate,and even the whole social and cultural background of the humans.As a result of these similarities,humans living in different kinds of cultures may form the same opinions towards the exterior environment.So sometimes the same vehicle has the same meaning of the metaphor in two languages.For example,English and Chinese both use “stupid ass(蠢驢)” to mean “stupid person”,use “lamb” to stand for “innocence” and use “dove” to stand for “peace”

Here are some examples as follows:

(1)A rat crossing the street is chased by all.(老鼠过街,人人喊打。)

(2)You stupid ass! How could you do a thing like that?(你这头蠢驴! 怎么会干这种事?)

(3)He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.(骑虎难下)

(4)fish in troubled waters(混水摸鱼)

(5)a wolf in sheeps clothing(披着羊皮的狼)

Here are more examples:both “狐狸” and “fox” stand for “cunning”,both “猴子” and “monkey” stand for “mischief”,and both “狼” and “wolf” stand for “savageness”.

2 Metaphorical Conflict

2.1 The Same Vehicle with Different Meaning

If we make an extensive analysis,we may find there are a lot of similarities between different cultures,but if we examine from specific aspects,every nation gets its characteristics of culture.Animal metaphor is the product of the national culture and is one of the forms that represent the distinguishing characteristics of language.So the different vehicles used in the metaphors may embody distinct national characteristics.The most conspicuous example is “狗” and “dog”.In Chinese most phrases and idioms with “狗” contain derogatory senses:“走狗”,“看家狗”,”哈巴狗”,”狗仗人势”,”狗头军师”,”狗改不了吃屎”,”狼心狗肺”,“卖狗皮膏药”,”狗腿子”,”狗杂种”,etc.In English,however,“dog” is thought to be the most faithful friend of human beings,most phrases and idioms containing the word “dog” have neutral or commendatory implications:a lucky dog(幸运儿),a gay dog(快乐的人),top dog(胜利者),“Love me,love my dog”(爱屋及乌),etc.

2.2 The Different Vehicle with Same Meaning

“The connotations of animal metaphors mostly have derived from customs.Hence different animals are used to stand for the similar connotations.”(Tomalin,Barry 1993:320)When they mean letting the secret out,people use “露马脚” in Chinese which takes “the feet of the horse” as the vehicle,while using “let the cat out of the bag” in English,which takes “the cat” as the vehicle.In short,originated from different origins,the animal metaphors with the same meaning imply different vehicles in English and Chinese.Another example is the animal metaphor referring to the person who takes revenge towards others who once saved him.In Chinese,people use “中山狼”(wolf)to indicate such kind of person,while in English people use “snake” to indicate such meanings.From the Aesops Fables,when a frozen snake was dying,a kind man put it into his clothes but after the snake came to itself,it spited the benefactor to die(see Samovar,L.A.2004:125).Although people of Britain and China use two different vehicles “狼(wolf)” and “snake”,people describe the same kind of person who revenges his benefactor.Actually there are many animal metaphors having the same implications with different vehicles.Here are some good examples:

(1)a rat in a hole(甕中之鳖);

(2)birds of a feather(一丘之貉);

(3)to go for wool and come back shorn(偷鸡不成蚀把米);

(4)to cast pearls before swine(对牛弹琴);

(5)to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs(杀鸡取卵).

2.3 Metaphorical Vacancy

The same animal words may have various metaphorical meaning in one language,but may lack of equivalent metaphorical meaning in another language.In Chinese and English,many animals have their unique metaphorical meaning that can not be found in each other language.For example,the Chinese people like to use the mandarin duck as the symbol for love.But the image of the mandarin duck in the phrase “棒打鸳鸯” has to be turned into “love birds” as the mandarin duck is a kind of duck that has no symbolic meaning at all to a westerner.Albatross(信天翁)refers to a thing that causes problems or prevents people from doing something.In Chinese,“信天翁” is nothing but a kind of bird.Turkey is an animal which makes abundant metaphorical association in English culture,such as “talk turkey”(打开天窗说亮话)and “cold turkey”(突然停止,安全戒除).In Chinese peoples mind,turkey is nothing but a kind of bird which can not cause such associations.Crane(仙鹤)is the symbol of long life in China,so Chinese often say “鹤发童颜”,“松鹤延年”.


Albatrosses: The Biggest Flying Birds 信天翁:世界上最大的飞鸟