Albatrosses are big, 1)majestic birds that can be found soaring above most of the world's oceans. Most albatross habitats are in the Southern 2)Hemisphere. Only 3 albatross species reside in the North Pacific. Albatrosses are among the largest of flying birds. Albatross has the largest 3)wingspan among bird species, growing up to 6.5-11 feet. And one species, great albatrosses have the longest wingspans of any extant birds, reaching up to 12 feet.
Albatrosses are among the most 4)spectacular gliders of all birds, able to stay 5)aloft in windy weather for hours without ever flapping their extremely long, narrow wings. In calm air an albatross has trouble keeping its 6)stout body airborne and prefers to rest
1) majestic [m??d?est?k] adj.雄偉的
2) hemisphere [?hem?sf??(r)] n.半球
3) wingspan [?w??sp?n] n.翼展
4) spectacular [spek?t?kj?l?(r)] adj.壮观的
5) aloft [??l?ft] adv.在空中
6) stout [sta?t] adj.粗壮的
on the water surface.
Albatrosses, just like their fellow oceanic birds, drink seawater. Albatrosses feed primarily on squid. Albatrosses have a special place in 7)maritime lore and 8)superstition. Seamen once held albatrosses in 9)considerable awe; they held that killing an albatross would bring bad luck.
In spite of often being accorded legendary status, albatrosses have not escaped either indirect or direct pressure from humans. Now, of the 21 albatross species recognised by IUCN on their Red List, 19 are threatened, and the other two are near threatened. Three species (as recognised by the IUCN) are considered critically 10)endangered.
7) maritime [?m?r?ta?m] adj.海的;海事的
8) superstition [?su?p??st??n] n.迷信
9) considerable [k?n?s?d?r?bl] adj.相当多的
10) endanger [?n?de?nd??(r)] v.危害
尽管信天翁经常被赋予传奇的地位,但它们并没有逃脱来自人类间接或直接的压力。目前,在世界自然保护联盟红色名录上确认的21种信天翁中,有19种受到威胁,另外2 种濒临威胁。3种信天翁(世界自然保护联盟已确认)被列为极危物种。