【摘 要】Paraphrase是英语精读课中重要的技巧,但是很多英语学生并不能够很好地掌握paraphrase。系统功能语言学的主位结构有助于对句子信息结构和语篇结构的理解,本文探索主位结构对英语精读课paraphrase教学的启示。
Paraphrase可理解为“释义”、或者“意译”,《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》对其的定义为:to express what sb has said or written using different words, especially in order to make it easier to understand。也就是说,paraphrase旨在用不同的、但是更易理解的形式去表达与原文相同的意义。在英语精读课paraphrase教学中,paraphrase的对象不局限在词汇层面,也涉及句子层面。在paraphrase的过程中,释义的不只是单词、词性的变化,还有语态、句型等的变化。
接下来,看几个例子。首先,看无标记主位的例子。例1a中,无标记主位“The result of this increasingly international trade ”表明了话题和信息起点。述位部分“revolutionised taste in Europe ”句子想要表达的内容,是针对主位这一信息所增补的新信息。因此,主位不是paraphrase的重点,paraphrase的重点应放在述位部分,由此得到paraphrase版本如例1b,完成了对述位部分“revolutionise”和“taste”的释义。
1a:[主位]The result of this increasingly international trade [述位] revolutionised taste in Europe.
1b: [主位]The result of this increasingly international trade [述位] caused fundamental changes in the cultural style in Europe.
例2a是无标记主位,名词主语做主位呈现话题,述位部分是表达的中心内容。Paraphrase的重心依然放在述位部分。分析述位后发现,述位内容是对主位的话题成分“The Renaissance”的进一步解释和说明。在这种情况下,将主位整合到述位的内容中去能够使意义的表达更加完整。因此,调整结构,将不影响述位部分内容表达的介词短语“according to Michele”调整为主位,得到paraphrase版本如例2b。
2a:[主位]The Renaissance [述位]"... went from Columbus to Copernicus, from Copernicus to Galileo, from the discovery of the earth to that of the heavens. Man re-found himself", according to Michelet.
2b:[主位]According to Michelet, [述位]the Renaissance went from the European exploration into the unknown world — the American Continent, Africa, and Asia — to the scientific finding that the earth was not the center of the world.
例3a是无标记主位,小句主位是小句主语。充当主位的小句内部又含主位结构“[主位]What [述位]underpinned all the great artistic...”。这一小句中的主位是“what”,但是疑问词没有把话题表明,因此paraphrase的方向是找到“what”代表的内容。同时,分析述位“an equally momentous revolution in trade and finance”时发现,这与主位中的“what”在内容上重合。因此,可以整合主述位中与“what”相关的成分,得到paraphrase版本如例3b。
3a:[主位]What underpinned all the great artistic, literary and architectural achievements that we now see as quintessentially "Renaissance" [述位]was an equally momentous revolution in trade and finance.
3b:[主位]The commercial and financial developments during the Renaissance [述位] laid the foundation for the cultural accomplishments in this period and they have brought about as equally significant changes to the European society as the arts did.
接下来,看有标记的主位。例4a中,主位是有标记的,由充当状语的副词词组和介词词组构成。主位强调了时间和环境,同时述位中也有要突显的新信息。因此,主位和述位都是paraphrase的关注点。这种情况下,可以考虑整合主述位信息。比如,保留表示环境的、在主位中内容占比更大的介词短语“in our more complex and interdependent global world”做主位,同时,把主位中的另一个强调信息“now”整合到述位中去表达。由此可以得到paraphrase版本如例4b。
4a:[主位]Only now, in our more complex and interdependent global world, [述位]has it become possible to piece together a much more complex and dynamic picture of what really drove the cultural accomplishments of this remarkable period.
4b:[主位]As the contemporary world becomes more globalized and complex, [述位]it is now possible to form a comprehensive and vivid view of the driving force of the cultural developments during the Renaissance.
再看例5,主位是有标记的小句主位。小句主位内部结构为“[主位]supermarkets[述位] have been accused by the Competition Commission...”。有标记主位表明“supermarket”是话题,同时,更多地是在强调小句主位内部结构中的述位。在此,可选择提取有标记主位小句中内部结构的述位作为paraphrase小句的述位,由此得到paraphrase版本如例5b。
5a:[主位]And while supermarkets have been accused by the Competition Commission of loss-leading and squeezing suppliers, [述位]such behaviour is bullish rather than illegal.
5b:[主位]The Competition Commission [述位]accused supermarkets of adopting low pricing to gain competitive edge and minimizing profits of suppliers, but these strategies are boosting their own profit and are not illegal competition means.
[1] Halliday, M.A.K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M]. London: Edward Arnold, 2004.
[2]牛津高阶英汉双解词典(第七版)[M].北京:商务印书馆, 牛津大学出版社, 2009.
[3]王立非.商务英语综合教程2[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2010.
[4]张大群.主位研究述评[J].现代外语(季刊), 2009(08).
[5]朱永生.主位推进模式与语篇分析[J]. 外语教学与研究, 1995(03).