王 震,褚桂坤,张宏建,刘双喜,黄信诚,高发瑞,张春庆,王金星
王 震1,2,褚桂坤1,张宏建1,刘双喜1,2,黄信诚3,高发瑞3,张春庆4,王金星1,2※
(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018;2. 山东省园艺机械与装备重点实验室,泰安 271018;3. 济宁市农业科学研究院,济宁 273013;4. 山东农业大学农学院,泰安 271018)
实现稻田精准植保的关键是自然环境下病变区域的准确识别。为实现大面积稻田中白穗的精确识别,该文提出一种小型多旋翼无人机水稻病害白穂识别系统,该系统以无人机平台作为图像采集、处理和识别的基础,首先对白穗图像提取Haar-like特征,其次以Adaboost 算法进行白穗训练识别。以4类Haar-like特征及其组合构建弱分类器,用采集的稻田白穗和背景共700个样本点训练生成强分类器。所得强分类器对测试集中65幅图像中的423个白穗样本点进行识别验证,结果表明:白穗识别率可达93.62%,误识别率为5.44%,该方法可有效抑制一般的稻叶遮挡、稻穗黏连以及光照等复杂背景的影响,适合于自然环境下的稻田白穗现场识别。
无人机;算法;病害;水稻白穗;Haar-like 特征
白穂发生早期的识别,关键是对白穂和正常稻穗的准确区分、识别以及白穂发生位置的定位。在农田环境中,目标识别一般基于颜色或者形态特征等算法进行。目标识别的颜色空间主要有RGB、HSI和La*b*;形态特征识别主要采用支持向量机(SVM)、神经网络算法、遗传模糊神经网络算法等模式识别方法[3-7]。颜色模型方面,谢忠红等[8]提出了一种基于改进圆形随机 Hough 变换的快速类圆果实目标检测方法;蔡建荣等[9]应用球体HSI颜色系统描述成熟西红柿的颜色,利用Otsu算法自动获取分割阈值,提取目标区域,分割效果显著;詹文田等[10]利用颜色空间多个通道构建不同的弱分类器,再通过样本训练得到一个强分类器,对田间猕猴桃进行识别,识别率高达96.7%。模式识别方面,宋怀波等[11]利用-means聚类算法将果树图像分为树叶、枝条和果实3个类别,然后利用形态学方法对果实目标进行处理,得到目标边缘并进行轮廓跟踪,有效识别到遮挡的苹果,平均定位误差为4.28%;李昕等[12]提出的人工免疫网络识别的多特征融合识别方法,利用偏好免疫算法进行多特征有效融合,使油茶果的识别率达到了93.9%;赵源深等[13]提出了一种基于非颜色编码的西红柿识别算法,使成熟西红柿的识别率达到了93.3%。在稻穗识别方面,刘占宇等[14]提出了一种基于学习矢量量化神经网络的水稻白穗和正常穗的高光谱识别方法,在稻穗离体识别试验中,识别精度可达100%;刘占宇等[15]还通过测定稻穗室内高光谱反射率,对稻穗的健康状态进行了分类,分类精度也达到了理想效果,但该方法不适于稻田实时识别;白晓东[16]提出了一种基于稻穗颜色特征检测、梯度直方图检测以及卷积神经网络提升的水稻抽穗期自动检测方法,该方法可在稻田中识别出新生稻穗,满足农气观测需要,对于病害稻穗未做相关研究。
采集山东省济宁市陈庄农林科技试验站“圣稻19”水稻齐穗期至成熟期图像供试。2015年至2017年期间,每年8月-10月采集稻田白穂图像建立试验样本图像库。以多旋翼无人机SPREADING WINGS S900平台(如图1所示)为采集设备,设备具体参数见表1。
1.多旋翼无人机 2.相机云台 3.工业CDD数字相机4.GPS和指南针
表1 试验设备参数
采样过程中,设定无人机航拍视频流速率0=25帧/s,无人机飞行速度=1 m/s,航拍飞行高度=1.5 m,相机视角=54°,视频格式为MPEG-4,为规避无人机旋翼下旋气流影响拍摄效果,拍摄过程中利用云台遥控器固定相机中轴线与地面垂直夹角为45°进行拍摄,即+0.5=45°,故=18°。以上数据带入式(1)~式(3)计算可知,单帧图像实际拍摄宽度=3.64 m,帧提取时间=3.64 s。所以每隔3.64×25=91帧图像提取一帧作为试验样本图像。图3为视频流拆解的帧图像,图3为按照91帧间隔规则提取的第2 184、2 275、2 366、2 457帧图像;图4为图3中4帧提取图像的拼接效果图,图像方向为无人机行进方向。因无人机风力和扰动影响,拼接图像存在一定的误差,但对于单幅提取的帧图像进行算法处理没有太大影响。由航拍飞行高度=1.5 m,相机视角=54°,可计算出相机视角至地面的中垂线距离为1.5 m/cos45°=2.12 m,进而可计算相机视角幅宽为2.12 m×tan27°×2=2.16 m,再由无人机飞行速度=1 m/s可知,无人机每小时可进行识别作业面积为2.12 m× 1 m/s×3 600 s=7 632 m2,发挥了无人机大面积作业的快速、高效优势。
图3 视频流拆解的帧提取图像
图4 图3中4帧提取图像的拼接图像
图5 白穗危害表征图
本研究主要采集水稻齐穗期至成熟期发生的白穂图像,利用多旋翼无人机SPREADING WINGS S900平台,在稻田中获取自然条件下的水稻白穂图像,无人机飞行高度在1~1.5 m之间,采集时间集中在每天的10:00~14:00。如图6所示,为了训练和测试研究提出的水稻白穂识别算法,所选取的水稻白穂图像除了考虑光照影响外,还需要包括叶片遮挡、稻穗粘连或者复杂背景等干扰因素。为了方便计算将图像分辨率压缩为640×480 像素,存储为jpg格式。
图6 图像采集各种干扰条件
表2 样本集数量
图7 训练样本集举例
图8 Haar-like特征矩形示意图
图9 两组特征在图像上的部分匹配
在进行Haar-like 特征提取时,将样本图像归一化到24像素×24像素的同一个尺度上。由Haar-like特征个数计算公式和其中×为图像大小,×为矩形特征大小,表示矩形特征在水平和垂直方向的能放大的最大比例系数,=+,可知A类特征矩形每组生成51 664个特征,B类特征矩形每组生成28 056个特征,C类特征矩形生成9 985个特征,D类特征矩形每组生成37 600个特征。
获取矩形特征之后,对特征值进行计算,为提高计算速度,强化算法实时性,引入积分图算法实现Haar-like 特征的快速提取[22]。
提取的Haar-like 特征输入到Adaboost进行训练学习,Adaboost是一种迭代算法,其通过改变数据分布来实现,根据每次训练集中每个样本的分类是否正确,以及上次的总体分类的准确率,来确定每个样本的权值。将修改过权值的新数据集送给下层分类器进行训练,最后将每次训练得到的分类器融合起来,作为最终的决策分类器[23-24]。学习过程中将每一个基于Haar-like特征的判别阈值作为一个弱分类器,通过Adaboost算法学习,得到样本分布权重不同的测试样本集,每次训练学习都会加大误判样本的权重,减小分类正确样本的权重。将改变分布权重的样本和其他新样本构成新的训练样本集,进行下一次的学习训练。经过次迭代循环后,会得到个弱分类器,将个弱分类器的权重进行级联最终得到强分类器[25]。
经过Adaboost算法训练学习后,得到的强分类器将各级循环迭代中各级弱分类器的误判率降至最低。将待识别样本所提取的Haar-like 特征值作为强分类器的输入,强分类器根据特征值权值给出一个判断是否为水稻白穂的评估值,当为1时表示分类结果为水稻白穂,若等于−1,则该检测样本不是水稻白穂。
试验硬件环境为Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3220 3.00 GHz,软件环境为Windows 7,VS2010,Intel OpenCV 2.4.3。水稻白穗样本库中共收集350张图像,其中正样本190张,负样本160张。试验中,选取155张正样本和130张负样本作为训练集,应用训练集的420个正样本点和280个负样本点训练学习生成强分类器,另外剩余的35张正样本图像和30张负样本图像作为测试集,即285张训练集图像、65张测试集图像。训练过程中,强分类器的检测率设定为0.91,误判率设为0.000 1;单层弱分类器检测率设定为0.95,目标误判率设为0.3;特征窗口大小设置为24×24。
本文设计了4类不同的Haar-like特征,为试验不同特征对白穗识别性能的贡献,设计了4种Haar-like 特征组合的对比试验,包括独立特征试验和多种特征组合试验。试验中将白穗正确识别率和误识别率作为各特征识别贡献性能的评价指标,选取测试集中550个样本进行测试,其中190个白穗样本,360个非白穗样本,各种形态的样本数量如表3所示,试验结果如表4所示。
表3 样本集数量
由表4可看出,本文提出的4种Haar-like 特征都具有80%以上的白穗识别率,不同特征的组合试验中,C类+D类组合特征正确识别率最高,误识别率最低,分别为94.21%和3.33%;其余特征组合试验正确识别率和误识别率与4种Haar-like 特征单独试验性能相当,甚至低于单独特征试验。由试验数据得知,第10组试验C类+D类特征是4种Haar-like 特征及其组合特征中分类性能最好的,因此本文识别算法采用C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征。
表4 Haar-like 特征种类对白穗识别的贡献
Note: Class A is marginal feature; Class B is linear feature; Class C is central feature; Class D is extended feature.
表5 样本集数量
表6 AdaBoost训练次数对比试验(C类+D类)
由C类+D类特征组合的训练次数对比试验数据可知,训练次数在25 000次以下时,随着训练次数的增加,分类器的分类性能会逐渐提高,但当训练次数在25 000~50 000次之间时,正确识别率基本不增加,误识别率减小也不明显,而识别时间增加显著,降低了识别效率。因此,对于C类+D类特征组合的AdaBoost学习,在当前试验训练样本容量情况下,训练次数选择25 000次为最佳。
图10 图像预处理及识别结果
图11 白穗误识别和未识别示意图
图12 稻穗原图与轮廓波分解图
表7 轮廓波对比试验
由表7知,相同试验样本情况下,轮廓波识别算法的白穗正确识别率为91.05%,误识别率为6.67%;C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征识别算法白穗正确识别率为94.21%,误识别率为3.33%。试验结果表明,C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征识别算法在白穗正确识别率和误识别率上均优于轮廓波识别算法。在光照影响突出的样本中,轮廓波误识别率高达20%,显著高于Haar-like 组合特征识别算法。针对此试验结果,对比试验中将轮廓波特征造成误识别的样本再次利用Haar-like特征识别算法进行识别,试验结果显示,轮廓波识别算法对强光照图像样本的误识别相对较多,图13列出了轮廓波识别算法中误识别的部分非白穗样本图像,而这些样本有一部分在Haar-like特征识别算法中并未造成误识别(框图中为轮廓波算法因强光照误识别的正常稻穗),表明在强光干扰下轮廓波识别算法较Haar-like特征识别算法的识别能力明显不足。
1)针对小型多旋翼无人机现场采集的稻田图像,提出了基于AdaBoost算法的水稻白穗识别方法,该方法引入4类Haar-like特征,构建一个强分类器。试验表明4类Haar-like特征及其组合特征中,C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征对分类器性能提升强于其他特征。
2)本文提出的,C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征可以有效的抑制绝大多数的稻田背景、稻叶遮挡、稻穗黏连等复杂情况的影响,在测试集样本容量为550的情况下(正样本190个,负样本360个),稻田白穗的正确识别率和误识别率分别为94.21%和3.33%,不过对于高强度光照和严重遮挡情况下的识别,算法还有待进一步优化和提高。
3)同轮廓波特征算法进行对比试验表明,C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征识别效果优于轮廓波特征识别。利用C类+D类Haar-like 组合特征,经过AdaBoost训练学习得到的强分类器对测试集中的65张图像,423个白穂样本进行在线识别试验。结果表明:白穗识别率可达93.62%,误识别率为5.44%。
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Identification of diseased empty rice panicles based on Haar-like feature of UAV optical image
Wang Zhen1,2, Chu Guikun1, Zhang Hongjian1, Liu Shuangxi1,2, Huang Xincheng3, Gao Farui3, Zhang Chunqing4, Wang Jinxing1,2※
(1.,,271018,; 2.,271018,; 3.,273013,; 4.,,271018,)
Empty rice panicles are a common pest and disease characteristic in rice fields that affects the rice yield and quality. In order to achieve accurate prevention and control of pests and diseases in rice fields, in this study, a multi-rotor UAV-loaded industrial CCD digital camera was used as the image acquisition platform to rapidly and accurately identify and locate the empty rice panicles in large area rice fields based on the Haar-like feature extraction and Adaboost training algorithm. We used the method of UAV aerial photography technology to perform video capture of large area rice fields on a scheduled route. The interval frame number of the sample image was calculated by parameters such as the flight speed of the UAV, aerial video speed, aerial altitude, and the angle of camera, then the video of the rice field was processed by image disassembly, frame extraction, image mosaic, etc. to achieve efficient and rapid acquisition of image information of large area rice fields. The training sample database and the test sample database for the test were finally formed according to the position information of the rice field coordinate in the frame image extracted by the image extraction interval frame number. After many preprocessing operations, such as compression, cutting, normalization, background separation, threshold segmentation, noise removal, etc., the images in the training sample database and the test sample database were applied in the Haar-like feature extraction and AdaBoost training. In this study, we designed four kinds of Haar-like features, such as edge feature of class A, linear feature of class B, center feature of class C and extension feature of class D, these four kinds of Haar-like features and their combination features were rapidly extracted by the integral diagram calculation, then input the extracted Haar-like features into Adaboost training. During the calculation process, we took each discrimination threshold based on the Haar-like features as a weak classifier to give iterative cycle training, after T times iterative cycles. Then T weak classifiers were obtained, and the strong classifier was obtained after cascading the weights of the T weak classifiers. After the Adaboost training, the obtained strong classifier minimized the misjudgment rate of weak classifiers at all levels in each cycle of iteration. We then took the Haar-like eigenvalue extracted by the unrecognized samples as the input of the strong classifier, based on eigenvalue weight, the strong classifier gave a assessed value H to judge whether it was the empty rice panicles or not. When the H was 1, it meant that the classification result was empty rice panicles. When the H was -1, the tested sample was not the empty rice panicles. In this way, identification of empty rice panicles was realized. In order to ensure the diversity and adequacy of the test samples, the influence of the interference factors such as various forms of the empty rice panicles, lighting, shielding, adhesion and background etc. were fully considered. Two hundred and eight five images and a total of 700 positive and negative samples in the training sample database were used for Haar-like feature extraction and AdaBoost learning training. Sixty five images and a total of 800 positive and negative samples in the test sample database were used to verify the performance of strong classifier. The experimental results showed that among the four Haar-like features and their combined features, the class C and class D Haar-like combined features had better performance in improving classifiers than other features. The strong classifiers generated by this combined features were then used to identify the 423 empty rice panicles samples in the test, among which, three hundred and ninety six were identified, and the recognition rate was 93.62%. Our results demonstrated that this method could effectively inhibit the influence of complex backgrounds such as the rice leaves shielding, rice panicles adhesion and lighting etc., and it was also suitable for field identification of empty rice panicles in natural environment. In the study, this method was compared with algorithms that used texture recognition, such as shear waves, contour waves, curve waves, etc. The experiment showed that this method has significant advantages both in the accuracy and the speed of recognition.
unmanned aerial vehicle; algorithms; diseases; empty rice panicles; Haar-like feature
王 震,讲师,博士生,主要从事精准农业信息化研究。Email:wangzhenxky@sdau.edu.cn
王 震,褚桂坤,张宏建,刘双喜,黄信诚,高发瑞,张春庆,王金星. 基于无人机可见光图像Haar-like特征的水稻病害白穂识别[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(20):73-82. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Zhen, Chu Guikun, Zhang Hongjian, Liu Shuangxi, Huang Xincheng, Gao Farui, Zhang Chunqing, Wang Jinxing. Identification of diseased empty rice panicles based on Haar-like feature of UAV optical image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(20): 73-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.20.010 http://www.tcsae.org