在高中英语阅读教学中,教师会交给学生多种阅读技巧,其中最常用的阅读技巧有略读(Skimming)、跳读(Skipping)和细读(Careful Reading for Full Understanding)。虽然教师多次强调,但大部分学生并没有掌握阅读技巧的使用方法。学生无法针对不同题材、不同文体的文章进行取舍,常常出现混用、乱用的情况;学生在使用特定阅读技巧阅读文章或解题时,遇到操作上的问题时时常无从下手。阅读技巧的误用或使用不当会产生事倍功半的效果。那么,如何解决学生在阅读技巧使用中出现的问题成为当务之急。针对高中生英语学习特点,并结合《考试大纲》的要求,笔者在课堂上设置了一些寓教于乐的课堂活动,作为学生学习生活的调剂,激发学生英语学习兴趣,解决学生在阅读技巧方面的困惑。
Step1 Preparation
T: Now I will divide the whole class into two groups, and I need a picker, a speaker for each group and the others will be searchers.The picker will be the one to choose the mission for your group, then the searchers to find all the information needed and tell the writer.The writer will write it down and the speaker will be the one to represent the result of your group.Are you clear about the rules?
Ss: Yes.
T: So Michael, what should a writer do?
S:A writer should write down all the information provided by the searchers.
T: Great! I will give each group 2 minutes to make decision for each character.
活動说明:将班级学生分为两组(或多组,视实际班级人数决定),每组分别设置picker(抽取信息的人)、writer(书写信息的人)、speaker(发言者)、searcher (搜寻信息的人);在教师给出课堂指令之后,学生进行确认,确保阅读活动的其他环节顺利进行。
Step2 Process
T:Each group will get a passage about a certain topic.The picker will pick a tip here and the searchers should work together to find the information about the word on the tip.
PickerA: I got a tip of “Atlantic Ocean”.
SearcherA: I found it! Here,“The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the worlds oceans with a total area of about 106,460,000.”
Writer: Please show me where it is and I will write it down.
Step3 Presentation
T: Now I will ask each speaker to come here to present the information your group have got.The other students should listen carefully and if anyone finds out that there is any mistakes or missing information, you can tell me when the speaker finished.
Speaker A: Our topic is “Atlantic Ocean” and we have got information as followed…
S2: There is a missing one: It is mentioned in the last paragraph that the Atlantic Ocean is bounded on the west by North and South America.
T: Good observation.
在活动过程中,个别学生参与度不高,甚至出现闲聊的情况,在教师及时提醒后,该学生很好地参与到课堂活动中;在发现Searcher的数量远多于Writer的数量,导致Writer来不及记录所有内容的情况后,教师及时调整人员数量,临时任命一名学生为本组的writer assistant(记录助理),辅助writer做好记录工作,保证课堂活动顺利进行。