孙 章
8月12日23时04分,一块被大风刮起的彩钢板击中京沪高铁G40次列车,造成列车和多处供电设备被砸坏,接触网跳闸,列车自动紧急制动。经现场勘查,造成这次事故的是高铁沿线的一处临建民房的彩钢板,长52 m、宽7 m,被6级大风整体吹起,掉落在线路和接触网上。受此次事故影响,部分列车晚点6 h以上,北京南站13日和14日共有46趟到发列车停运。这次事故虽然没有造成人员伤亡,但给广大旅客和铁路运输带来了很大伤害。
近几年来,由于气候变暖,恶劣气象、极端天气时有发生,加上人们的不当行为,彩钢房瓦片、上跨电力线、风筝、无人机、气球、石块、垃圾等异物入侵而扰乱、破坏高铁运输的事件屡有所闻。为防止路外异物的入侵,《条例》第27条规定:铁路线路两侧应当设立铁路线路安全保护区。保护区的范围为:城市市区高铁线路两侧向外10 m,其他地区高铁线路两侧向外20 m。
如果造成这次事故的彩钢板来自20 m以外的临建民房,对此,《条例》也有明文规定:前款规定距离不能满足铁路运输安全保护需要的,由铁路建设单位或者铁路运输企业提出方案,铁路监督管理机构或者县级以上地方人民政府依照本条第三款规定程序划定。
假定这块彩钢板来自50 m外的民房,是否有必要将高铁线路安全保护区的范围扩大到线路外侧50 m、甚至500 m?
其实,《条例》第53条已有规定:禁止实施下列危害电气化铁路(高铁也是电气化铁路的一种——笔者注)设施的行为:①向电气化铁路接触网抛掷物品;②在铁路电力线路导线两侧各500 m的范围内升放风筝、气球等低空飘浮物体;③攀登铁路电力线路杆塔或者在杆塔上架设、安装其他设施设备;④在铁路电力线路杆塔、拉线周围20 m范围内取土、打桩、钻探或者倾倒有害化学物品;⑤触碰电气化铁路接触网。
Strengthen the Law Enforcement Dynamics and Implement the Responsibility System of Railway Maintenance′s Joint Defense——Starting to Talk from the Gale-blown Color Steel Plate′s Hitting the High-speed Rail Train
(Editor-in-Chief ofUrbanMassTransitof Tongji University,Professor)
At 23:04 on August 12,2018,a color steel plate blown by the heavy wind hit the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail G40 train,resulting in the train′s and a number of power supply equipment′s being smashed,the overhead contact system′s (OCS) tripping and the train′s automatic emergency braking.Through the scene investigation,it was the color steel plate from a makeshift residential house along the high-speed railway line that caused this accident.This color steel plate,52 meters long and 7 meters wide,was blown upwards as a whole by the 6-level strong wind,and fell down on the railway line and the overhead contact system.Affected by this accident,some trains delayed for more than 6 hours.On August 13 and 14,2018,there was a total of 46 trains of arrive or depart to be stopped on Beijing South Railway Station.Although the accident did not cause casualties,it brought great harm to the vast number of passengers and rail transport.
In order to strengthen the railway safety management,ensure the railway transportation safety and unimpeded,and protect personal and property safety,"The Railway Safety Management Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") were formulated.These "Regulations" were adopted by the State Council executive meeting and on August 17,2013,Prime Minister Li Keqiang issued the State Council′s NO.639 order.And they went into effect from January 1,2014.
In recent years,due to climate warming,bad weather,and extreme weathers′ taking place from time to time,combined with people′s improper behavior,the incidents of such foreign object debris′ as color steel shelter tiles,overhead-crossing power lines,kites,unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV),balloons,stones and garbage,etc.,making invasions,so as to disrupt the high-speed rail transportation,have been repeatedly heard.In order to prevent the invasion of foreign object debris outside railways,Article 27 of the "Regulations" stipulates: "The safety-protected areas should be set up on both sides of railway lines." The scopes of protected areas should be 10-meter outward on both sides of the city′s high-speed railway lines and on both sides of other areas′ high-speed railway lines,should be 20-meter outward.
If the color steel plate that caused the accident was from a makeshift residential house 20-meter away,in response,the "Regulations" also expressly provides: "If the distance that the preceding article stipulates could not meet the requirements of railway transport safety protection needs,railway construction units or railway transport enterprises propose solutions,and in accordance with Article 3 of these "Regulations",the railway supervisory authority or the local people′s governments at or above the county level should stipulate a distance.
Assuming this color steel plate was from a residential house 50-meter away,is it necessary to extend the scope of safety protected areas of high-speed railway lines to 50 meters outside the railway lines,or even 500 meters?
As a matter of fact,Article 53 of the "Regulations" has already provides that the following actions that would endanger electrified railway facilities should be prohibited (High-speed railways are also a kind of electrified railways.--the author′s note): (1) Throwing articles to overhead contact systems of electrified railways.(2) Raising or flying the low altitude floating objects,such as kites and balloons etc.in the 500-meter scope on both sides of railway power lines.(3) Climbing the poles or the towers of railway power lines or erecting or installing additional facilities and equipment on the poles or the towers.(4) Taking soil,piling,drilling or dumping harmful chemical items in the 20-meter scope around the railway power line poles or towers and pulling-lines.(5) Touching or contacting overhead contact systems of electrified railways.
It can be seen that the problem now we are facing is how to strengthen the enforcement dynamics of the "Regulations".According to the provisions of Article 4 of the "Regulations",the relevant departments of the local people′s governments at all levels and the local people′s governments at or above the county level along railway lines,in accordance with their respective duties,should strengthen the railway safety education,implement railway maintenance′s joint defense responsibility system,prevent and suppress acts of endangering the railway safety,coordinate and handle the related matters of ensuring the railway safety and do the related jobs of ensuring the railway safety well."
The Party Constitution Amendment of the Party′s 19th National Congress stipulates: A primary-level Party committee,a general Party branch committee or a Party branch committee is elected for a term of three to five years.Recently,General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued "The Opinions on Terms of the Party′s Primary-level Organizations",proposing that "The Party committee,the general Party branch committee and the branch committees of villages and communities are elected for a term of five years." This implementing detailed regulation is far-reaching significant for the implementation of the "Four Comprehensives",and we must seriously study it and implement it.
The railway transportation enterprises,the supervision and management departments for safety production of the local people′s governments at all levels and the local people′s governments at or above the county level along railway lines,under the coordination of the railway supervision and management departments,should establish a standing body for railway maintenance′s joint defense and this must be implemented in every administrative village and city community through which the high-speed railway lines are passed,so as to strengthen the daily supervision and management,eliminate safety hidden trouble and ensure transportation safety.In order to strengthen the law enforcement dynamics of the "Regulations",it should ascertain where the responsibility lies and implement serious accountability for illegal activities.