Show Up for Kids so そey Can Show Up to School

2018-09-03 02:04父母不缺席孩子不缺勤
英语世界 2018年8期


We are missing out on the full potential of almost seven million students because they are absent.

[2] Education is the key to unlock our children’s futures. But in order to reap the benefits of experiences in the classroom, we need to help students get there. When young people miss school,they miss fundamental building blocks.

[3] Student absence depends on a vast array of1a vast array of 大量的。unique school and home environments. It may be a chronic health condition like asthma that has not been addressed. It may be a lack of resources to safely travel to school.Sometimes students are embarrassed to show up because they do not have clean clothes. They may be bullied by classmates. Or they may have enormous responsibilities that they cannot control, like taking care of a sick parent or watching younger siblings when their



[3]学生缺勤的原因与各种各样特殊的学校和家庭环境有关。他们可能是长期患有慢性病,比如哮喘,尚未得到治疗;可能是交通不便无法安全到达学校。有时学生不好意思去学校是因为没有干净的衣服。还可能是因为被其他同学欺负;又或者,他们肩负着太多自己无法控制的责任,比如:照顾生病的父母或在父母工作时照看年幼的弟妹等。现代工作节奏很多时候要求父母一早parents are at work. Many modern work schedules require parents to get up early or stay at work late, leaving some without anyone to see them off2see somebody off 送行,为某人送别。to school or check in with them on their way home.

[4] For these reasons and many others, 6.8 million students do not attend school regularly and miss 10 percent or more of the school year—making them “chronically absent”—according to Attendance Works3出勤研究室,成立于2006年,致力于减少长期性缺勤的非营利性组织。, which promotes school attendance.

[5] To improve resources and support for young people who are chronically absent, schools need tools to coordinate with parents, teachers, and community members. Local educational agencies should implement evidence-based programs which link students with schoolbased mentors and caring adults from their community. It would allow school districts to improve their attendance tracking systems so that they can share data at the individual level with students, families, teachers, and principals and initiate immediate interventions.Simple techniques such as alerting parents about their child’s missed assignments have been shown to increase attendance by 17 percent.

[6] In this era of big data, asking our educational partners to track attendance more effectively will lead to greater re-去上班,或者工作到深夜,没有时间送孩子上学,没有时间在放学路上问问他们在学校的情况。

[4]出勤研究室致力于改善学校出勤率,据该研究室统计, 680万学生正由于这样或那样的原因经常缺勤,学年缺勤率不低于10%,已经成为“长期性缺勤”。


[6]在这个大数据时代,让我们的教育合作伙伴更有效地跟踪出勤情况能够引发更大sponses—and will provide an opportunity for district leadership, policymakers, and community partners to impact signi fi cant change for our nation’s students.

[7] Relationships matter to all of us,but for a young person, relationships can be the key to success. Mentors help students build the social-emotional skills today’s employers demand. By also developing these skills in the classroom we set students up for4set up for为……做准备。success in the workplace. Research shows that students who regularly meet with their mentors are 52 percent less likely than their peers to skip school.

[8] We are missing out on the full potential of almost seven million students because they are absent. In order for them to show up at school, we need to show up for them. With individual actions, we can create collective change.One thing we can all agree upon? We cannot leave critical connections for young people to chance55 leave something to chance 听天由命。. ■的回应,将为学区领导、政策制定者和社区合作伙伴提供契机,做出影响我国学生的重大改变。


[8]我们正在错失近700万缺勤学生的全部潜能。为了让他们出现在学校,我们需要采取行动。通过个体的行动,创造集体的改变。有一点我们一定都赞同,那就是:对年轻人成长至关重要的人际沟通必须加以引导。 □

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