
2018-08-01 09:31唐山市唐马路小学崔向荣
河北教育(教学版) 2018年5期

○唐山市唐马路小学 崔向荣



--What would you like for breakfast/lunch/din⁃ner?

--I’d like a/an/some...

--What’s your favourite fruit?

--My favourite fruit is...



When I was seven years old,my mother took this picture for me.It was snowy.My mother said:“Let’s go out to play in the snow.”I put on my winter hat,coat and gloves.We made a small snowman.I had a cup for his hat,two stones for his eyes,two sticks for his arms.I thought it was a wonderful snowman.There was much snow on my coat and shoes.I felt cold but happy.


一、Listen and circle.听句子,圈出对应的图片。

二、Listen and tick.听对话,想一想哪一幅图与谈话内容有关系,并在括号内打“√”。

三、Listen and circle.听短文,选择正确答案。

( )1.Linda is from_____.

A.the U.S. B.China C.the U.K.

( )2.Linda’s favourite subjects are_____.

A.math and Chinese

B.Chinese and music

C.science and math

( )3.Linda likes______very much.

A.English food B.Chinese food

C.Western food

( )4.Linda______at the Spring Festival.

A.ate dumplings B.watched TV

C.both A and B

( )5.We were_____last Spring Festival.

A.tired B.happy C.sad

Reading and writing读写部分

一、Read and judge.读一读,判断画线部分字母或字母组合的发音是(T)否(F)一致。

二、Read and write.看图,根据句意及提示填写短语,完成句子。每空一词,首字母已给出。

1.Yao Ming is a b__________player.

2.S______is coming!I like to wear myT____ands______.

4.This summer holiday,he will go to s____in the s_____

三、Look,read and write.用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.The teacher with her students often______(play)basketball.

2.I finished my homework and_______(watch)TV for a while last night.

3.______(do)Nancy often help her mother with housework?

4.Listen!Who is_____(sing)in the bedroom?

5.There are some_______(tomato)and some_____(juice)on the table.

四、Look,read and write.观察这张表格,依据表格内容填空。

Country Capital City Language China Beijing Chinesethe U.S.Washing⁃ton D.C.Englishthe U.K.London EnglishCanada OttawaAustralia Canberra English French EnglishFlag Famous Places Tian’anmen Square the Great Wall the Palace Museum Statue of Liberty the White House Buckingham Palace Big Ben Rocky Mountains Niagara Falls Beautiful beaches

1.________is the capital city of the U.K..

2.In Canada,people speak ______and ______.

3.There are five yellow stars on _______’s flag.

4.The president(总统)of the U.S.lives in ______.

5.__________has beautiful beaches.

五、Read and choose.选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整。

Li Ming is leaving for China.He has a surprise for Danny.


Li Ming:At 2:00.


Li Ming:About nine thousand kilometers.


Li Ming:It’s eleven hours to Beijing.The plane for Beijing will leave in fifteen minutes.It’s time for me to go.But first,I have a gift for you.


Li Ming:It’s a good Chinese kite.


Li Ming:Good-bye!

A.When does your plane leave,Li Ming?

B.Have a good trip.

C.How far is Beijing?

D.What is it?

E.How long is the trip?

六、Read and judge.阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。

Mr.Black is a very fat man.He always gets up very late in the morning.He never has breakfast.Af⁃ter he gets up,he sits in a chair and watches TV for about two hours.Next,he eats fast food for lunch.Then,he plays computer games in the afternoon.In the evening,he drives to buy some ice cream and cake for dinner.He never goes to bed before 2:00 in the morning.Is he a healthy man?

( )1.Mr.Black always has breakfast.

( )2.He watches TV after he gets up.

( )3.He goes to bed early in the evening.

( )4.He eats some cake and ice-cream for dinner.

( )5.Mr.Black is a healthy man.

七、Read and choose.阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Aunt Jane’s birthday is coming.She will be 40 years old.Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house.We are going there by train.We are leaving on Saturday morning.And we’re coming back on Sunday afternoon.The birthday party will be on Satur⁃day.I’ll give my dear Aunt Jane a card.I am making it now.I draw some rose flowers with my colored pencils on the card.I’m going to draw a cat on it,too.Because she likes cats.I think Aunt Jane will be happy to see my card.

1.Aunt Jane is nearly________years old.

A.forty B.fourteen C.fifty

2.We’re going there_____on Saturday morning.

A.by plane B.by train C.on foot

3.When will we arrive home?_________.

A.On Saturday B.On Sunday afternoon

C.On Friday afternoon

4.I’m going to give my aunt_____.

A.a card with flowers B.a card with a cat

C.A and B

5.It will be a______trip.

A.one-day B.two-day C.three-day


题目1:My Travel Plan


题目2:My Friend








一、1.I like football best.

2.Running is exercise.

3.I eat vegetables once a day.

4.My favourite season is summer.

5.At Christmas,Santa brings gifts for children.

二、1.--What did you do in the winter holiday?

--I went to Shanghai by plane.

2.--What will Li Ming do this summer holiday?

--He will visit his cousin,Jing,and his aunt and uncle.

3.--What do you often do,Jenny?

--I often swim.

4.--What is Li Ming doing?

--He is looking at the flowers.

5.--What do you often do at home?

--I often dry the dishes.

三、I have a good friend.Her name is Linda.She is from New York.She is studying in China.We are in the same class.Her favourite subjects are math and Chinese.She likes Chinese food very much.Last Spring Festival,I invite her family to my house.We watched TV and ate dumplings that night.We had fun together.

Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习