
2018-06-13 03:39
福建教育学院学报 2018年5期

李 锋

(厦门第六中学,福建 厦门 361000)











Unit 1 Using Language的阅读文本是一篇旅游日记,详细记录了作者三天的旅程及感触。文章内容清晰,词句实用优美。因此笔者把语言的赏析作为重点,读后让学生操练词句,最终运用到写作中去。(见表2)读写结合部分教学步骤如下:

Step 3 Reading for words and expressions

Read the passage again and underline the words and sentences that are well used. Then put it in the word bank,and add more if possible.



Step 4 Making sentences

Choose five words or sentence patterns to make your own sentences.


Step 5 Writing

Your American friend Mark is going to visit Xiamen.He is asking you for help. Make a three-day trip plan of Xiamen for him.

Requirement: Try to use the words and sentences we have learned in this lesson.

学生习作:Dear Mark,

I am really excited about the news that you are coming to Xiamen. I have planned a three-day route for you. Hopefully you will like it.

On your arriving, I suggest you go straight to Gulangyu Island by taxi and ferry, where you can appreciate spectacular views and explore its unique history and culture as well for the whole day. Find a hotel and feel the quietness of this small island. In the following morning,it is a good idea to climb up to Sunlight Rock, where you can admire the whole island from different angles. In the afternoon, visit Huandao Road, a fascinating road for driving. There is also a bicycle lane marked out for tourists to ride and explore the seashore area. On the last day, I highly recommend that you visit the Jimei School Village with its beautiful schools and museums of local culture.

It may be exhausting, but I promise it is enjoyable and worthwhile. I can’t wait to see you.

Yours truly,




Unit 2 Reading的阅读文本从克隆的定义、作用、优势及存在的问题展开说明,文章篇章结构非清晰,话题词汇丰富,句式表达借鉴意义强。因此笔者确定以下教学重点:利用话题词汇,有条理地复述课文,并就克隆问题发表自己的看法,最后进行模仿写作。教学设计如下表(表3)。


Step 6 Homework Writing: Nowadays cell phones are widely used in our daily life.Write a short passage about the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones and state your own opinion.灵活运用课堂所获取的知识技能,培养知识技能的迁移能力。

学生习作(Retelling and writing):

Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. It is of great use for producing commercial quantities of plants and medical research on animals.

On the one hand, many scientists were concerned about the progress of Dolly the sheep and tried to improve their research procedures. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance caused great objections. Some worried that it might be abused by some evil leaders. Religious leaders also raised moral questions.

As for me, I think the research on cloning should be continued as it is promising in curing some deadly diseases. Cloning is only a kind of technology and we should not forbid it because the possibility that it might be abused.



Unit 4 Reading是一篇话剧,故事有趣,对白精炼,口语化强。学完本单元,学生不仅要了解故事,了解话剧表演,更应该懂得话剧写作的特点。很多阅读文本都可以在体裁上进行转换,比如说把游记日记形式改为对话,或者把对话形式改为短文,这些做法都能够提高学生综合运用语言的能力。因此本堂课的重点是阅读后学生根据已知情节编故事,并改写成话剧。读写结合部分教学步骤如下:

Step 4 Discussion

What may happen next? Create a story in your group.


Step 5 Characteristics of play(How to write a play?)

Character introduction; aside, words used to describe action, expression etc.


Step 6 Play-writing

Change the story you have created into a play and make the conversation as interesting as possible.


Elizabeth Doolittle (E):a poor flower girl who wants to be a shop assistant.

Shop assistant:a girl working in a jewelry store.

Eliza was wondering how she would be like to work as a shop assistant when she spotted a jewel store. She stepped into it cautiously.

S: (rudely) Sorry, Miss. I won’t buy any flowers.

E: (raises her head up) I am not selling flowers. I will just have a look.

S: (glances at Eliza’s dirty and smelly dress and covers her mouth)You like jewels?

E: (stares at the assistant)You are a fine attendant.I am going to be just like you.

S: Err?(confused)

E: I am going to be working here like you.

分析:从形式上看,习作涉及到了戏剧的人物介绍、旁白、动作描述、表情以及对话。从内容上看,学生根据第一幕中Eliza想要做shop assistant的梦想,设计了她走进一家珠宝店与一位shop assistant的交流对话,展现自己追求梦想的决心。写作后鼓励各小组进行表演,寓教于乐,在表演中学习使用语言。


Unit 2 Using Language 的阅读文本是关于发明家贝尔的介绍,写作部分要求写一封求职信。文本每段都有主题句,作者使用了充足的事例来论证观点,使得文章更具说服力。因此笔者确立了以下教学重点:了解贝尔的生平事迹及发明,并找出作者用了哪些事例来论证观点,最后完成一封申请信,要求讲明原因并且用事实来论证。读写结合部分教学步骤如下:

Step 5 Argumentation

Finding supporting evidence:

Example:Alexander is a good son because he tried his best to help her mother, who was deaf, hear and communicate.

1. Alexander is full of curiosity. He once sai______________ .

2. Alexander likes exploring around problems and has dynamic spirit. For example, he______________ .


Step 6 Speaking

Recommend one student for captain of the school basketball team using supporting details. .

I recommend… because (qualities) he ______________ ..(Examples) ______________ .


Step 7 Writing


1. 表示感兴趣。

2. 说明优势。(如英语水平、团队精神、相关经历等)

3. 请用具体事例说明自己的观点。


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I came across the news that you have a vacancy for a part-time reporter, which appeals greatly to me.

I am confident that I am equal to the job. Firstly,I have a good command of English. I have always been interested in English and I have been to America as an exchange student for 3 months, which enables me to communicate with native speakers freely and fluently.Secondly, I am curious in personality. When I meet with problems, I always ask how and why. I have ever participated in a one-month long research project on how to make the campus cleaner. I made lots of research to explore the causes and solutions, which leads to a satisfying result. Lastly, I am familiar with the job. Having worked as a school newspaper for one year, I believe I have got some relevant experience.

I would appreciate it if I could become a member of your team.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




[1] 罗之慧,陈丹.初中英语读写结合有效性的思考与实践[J] .中小学外语教学(中学篇),2017(4):8.


[3] 李漫.提升高中英语读写课有效性的策略[J] .中小学外语教学(中学篇),2017 (6):9.
