Born in 1967 in Taian city of East Chinas Shandong province, Wang Guifang known as Wang Yang for his pen name, now is the Deputy Dean of Shandong University of Arts, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, artistic consultant of the Northern Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Shandong cultural art researcher, national first-level artist and national outstanding teacher.
Mr. Wang graduated from the department of art, Qufu Normal University and later studied at the advanced seminar for landscape painting held by the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He learned from several masters such as Huang Runhua, Zhang Ping, Dong Shouping, Qin Lingyun, Hu Wensui, etc.
Wangs works have been displayed successively at the national calligraphy and painting exhibition for 30 times, once received the Gold Award of the “Golden Horse” Chinese calligraphy and painting competition in 1996. His works have been collected by several authoritative museums and he has published the Collections of Wang Yangs Calligraphy and Painting, and the Chinese Calligraphy.
王桂方,笔名汪洋, 1967年生,山东泰安人。山东艺术院副院长,中国美术家协会会员,国家一级美术师,北方书画院艺术顾问,山东文化艺术研究员。全国优秀教师。
多年来,遵循一手伸向传统、一手伸向生活的原则,断绝世俗往来,博览历代名作,精研传世经典,尤其对欧阳询楷书和李唐、唐寅山水技法研习较深。对艺术的虔诚和痴迷使其悟及艺理,境界发生质的飞跃,2005年以来创作成果颇丰,作品先后30次入选全国书画展。1996年获“金马杯”中国书画大赛金奖 。曾先后受邀书写万国公墓碑文和泰西抗日武装起义纪念碑文。作品被中国美术馆、山东省博物馆等多家权威机构收藏。2008年,北京奥运会组委会选其多幅作品作为礼品赠送国际友人。
出版有《汪洋书画集》和《中国书法》。其传略和作品被《中国艺术家大辞典》和《中国书法家》等多部辞书收录。 他在其自述中写道:“我崇尚高尚的精神生活,追求正义和光明,愤世嫉俗,痴迷艺术,全身心投入几近疯狂。我有过失败的痛苦,也有过成功的喜悦;付出过沉重的代价,也得到过巨大的补偿。虽然我爬过的是一条洒满汗水和泪水甚至还沾有斑斑血迹的险途,但我从不后悔而且甚感欣慰。未来的我,生命不息,求索不止。