摘 要:随着无人机航迹规划高维空间的扩展,无人机的飞行环境变得异常复杂,其外部威胁不再是简单的二维静态威胁,传统的蚁群算法和人工势场算法已经不能满足实时性和高复杂环境的要求。为解决上述问题,提出新的基于动态加权A*算法的无人机航迹规划。首先对无人机的飞行环境进行建模,通过研究航迹规划的转弯半径、航迹段长度和最大航程限制等约束条件,用于保证无人机的安全飞行,从而降低坠机率和威胁概率;其次,通过研究无人机的航迹和外部威胁参数,设计出新的航行方式,降低航行危险和减少损失;然后,通过扩展顶点势能定位和网格图整体變化的动态权重,获得动态环境下的代价函数,增加避障搜索速度、精度和加深回避程度。最后,通过仿真结果表明,在同一应用环境下,所提算法与蚁群算法和人工势场算法相比,航迹路径最优、威胁代价最小和算法执行的时间最短。综上,基于动态加权A*算法很好地应用于无人机航迹规划,降低了无人机航迹代价,缩短了算法完成时间,提高了复杂环境下无人机航迹规划的搜索速度和精度。
中图分类号:TP13 文献标志码:A
Abstract: With the expansion of high dimensional space in UAV trajectory planning, the flying environment of UAV is very complex, and the external threat of UAV is no longer a simple two-dimensional static threat. The traditional ant colony algorithm and artificial potential field algorithm cannot meet the requirements of real-time and high complex environment. To solve the above problems, a new dynamic programming algorithm based on dynamic weighted A* algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the flight environment of UAV is modeled. By studying the constraints such as the turning radius, the length of track section and the limit of the maximum range, the safe flight of UAV is ensured, thus reducing the crash rate and the threat probability. Secondly, a new navigation mode is designed by studying the track and external threat parameters of the UAV, which can reduce the danger of navigation and reduce the loss. Then, the potential energy of the vertex can be expanded. The dynamic weight of the overall change of location and grid graph is obtained, and the cost function in dynamic environment is obtained, which increases the speed, accuracy and evasion degree of obstacle avoidance search. Finally, the simulation results show that under the same application environment, the proposed algorithm has the best path, the least threat cost and the shortest execution time compared with the ant colony algorithm and artificial potential field algorithm. To sum up, the dynamic weighted A* algorithm can be well applied to UAV trajectory planning, reducing the cost of UAV track, shortening the completion time of the algorithm and improving the search speed and precision of unmanned aerial vehicle trajectory planning in complex environment.
Keywords:mechatronics technology; UAV; route planning; dynamic weighting; high dimensional space; complex environment; A* algorithm
河北科技大学学报2018年第4期何 燕:基于动态加权A*算法的无人机航迹规划本文提出了一种改进的动态加权A*算法用于复杂环境下的无人机路径规划。首先给出航迹规划的约束条件,保证了无人机的安全飞行,降低坠机率和威胁概率;其次通过设计无人机的航迹代价,对外部威胁进行全面分析,设计出较好的航行方式,降低航行危险,减少损失;再者,通过扩展顶点势能定位,获得动态环境下的代价函数,根据网格图整体变化的动态权重,在接近障碍物时增加搜索速度,加深回避程度,在接近目标时提高搜索精度。
1 无人机飞行环境建模
无人机航迹规划是在三维空间中进行搜索,设(x,y,z)是任务空间中的扩展顶点n,其中xn,yn分别为纵向坐标和横向坐标,zn为该点的地形高度,该搜索空间可表示为Ωn={(xn,yn,zn)|0≤xn≤max Xn,0≤yn≤max Yn,0≤zn≤max Zn}。(1)在三维空间中,如图1所示对每个步骤都需要搜索24个点(整个空间被划分为一个小网格,只能在这些节点上选择飞行节点)。 因为不同类型的威胁会不同程度地影响无人机的飞行,所以约束条件比较复杂。
1.1 无人机路径规划的约束
受无人机硬件设施的性能限制,机身的转弯半径受到一定约束。在三维网格化搜索环境中,无人机必须在有限的方位上选取候选顶点,根据无人机所在顶点的方位信息,选出合适的待选顶点如图3所示。图3中mi为当前所在顶点,mi-1为进入该扩展节点的前一顶点, mj为待选顶点。
2 基于动态加权A*算法的无人机航迹规划
由于A*算法不仅可以用来寻找最短路径,还可以使用启发式引导自己,将Dijkstra算法使用的信息(偏向接近起始的顶点)和Greedy Best-First-Search使用的信息(偏向接近目标的顶点)进行有效组合。A*算法通过执行最佳优先搜索找到从起始顶点S到目标顶点G的图中的路径。从S开始,A*算法迭代地扩展顶点n,这使得成本函数f(n)=g(n)+h(n)最低。g(n)表示从起始S到任意顶点n的路径的确切成本,即从S到n的最佳发现路径的代价;h(n)表示从扩展顶点n到目標G的启发式估计成本,即估计从状态n到G的代价的启发函数。每次通过主循环时,它检查具有最低启发函数的扩展顶点n:
3 仿真分析
在仿真部分,可以建立一个飞行环境,假设无人机可以在北纬25°到北纬36°,东经101°到东经115°,高度为0~7 000 m。比较了改进的加权A*算法与蚁群算法和人工势场算法在无人机飞行1 000 m以上的情况。在本文中,假设无人机以不同类型的威胁从起点飞向目的地,并且必须穿过每个任务点。改进的A*算法仿真结果如图6所示,黑色圆圈代表威胁源,黑色圆点为无人机必须通过的任务点,曲线为无人机的航行轨迹。
4 结 论
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