[摘要] 目的 分析在大中专在校学生中开展应急救护培训,增强防灾避险救护意识,提高自救互救技能,让学生在成为第一目击者时,能够在现场及时有效地开展救护,从而达到挽救生命减轻伤残的目的,旨在达到提高全社会应急救护能力的教学效果。方法 成立烟台市牟平区红十字会应急救护培训志愿者服务队,并配备合格的教学师资队伍,从实际出发,设计有效可行的培训教学方法,向在校大中专学生普及应急救护理论知识及实践技能,学习结束后采用山东省烟台市红十字会的急救培训理论和技能评估工具进行考核。结果 在大中专在校学生中开展应急救护的理论知识与实践技能操作培训,其效果明显,培训成果令人满意,达到了预期的目的。结论 对大中专在校学生开展应急救护培训有很好的效果,值得在全国各大中专院校中推广。
[关键词] 大中专在校学生;应急救护培训;教学研究
[中图分类号] R605.97 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)07(c)-0131-02
Research on Teaching of Emergency Rescue Training of College Students in the College and Technical Secondary Schools
LIU Qing-chun
Mouping District Hospital of TCM, Yantai, Shandong Province, 264100 China
[Abstract] Objective To save lives, reduce the disabilities and improve the teaching effect of emergency rescue ability of all society by analyzing the development of emergency rescue training of college students in the college and technical secondary school, enhancing the rescue awareness of emergency and disaster-prevention, improving the self-rescue and mutual-rescue skills and making the students become the first witnesses. Methods The emergency rescue training volunteer service tem in Mouping District Red Cross in Yantai was established, and the qualified teaching staff were equipped, and the effective and feasible training and teaching method was designed from reality, and the emergency rescue theoretical knowledge and practical skills were promoted to the students in the college and technical secondary schools, and the examination was conducted by the emergency training theory and skill evaluation tool in Yantai in Shandong Province. Results The effect of emergency rescue training of college students in the college and technical secondary school was obvious, and the training effect was satisfactory, and reached the expectant aim. Conclusion The effect of emergency rescue training of college students in the college and technical secondary schools is better, which is worth promotion in various college and technical secondary schools in the whole nation.
[Key words] College students in the college and technical secondary schools; Emergency rescue training; Teaching research