[摘要] 目的 分析探讨食物中毒常见原因及对策。方法 选取2016年度上报该地区疾病预防控制中心的360例食物中毒患者,根据回顾性分析法与调查法,分析食物中毒的原因,并制定相应的预防控制对策。结果 360例食物中毒患者中,不洁饮食中毒128例(35.56%)、甲醇中毒68例(18.89%)、亚硝酸盐类中毒49例(13.61%)、农药类中毒34例(9.44%)、毒蘑菇类中毒22例(6.11%)、豆制品类中毒16例(4.44%)、河豚鱼中毒8例(22.22%)、蛇胆中毒6例(1.67%)、变质虾蟹中毒18例(5.00%)、不明原因中毒11例(3.06%)。结论 食物中毒的原因较多,包括了细菌性食物中毒、植物性食物中毒、动物性食物中毒、真菌毒素中毒以及化学性食物中毒等;有必要采取有针对性的防控对策,提高食物的安全性。
[关键词] 食物中毒;常见原因;对策
[中图分类号] R657.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2018)03(a)-0019-02
Common Causes of Food Poisoning and Countermeasures
GE Jin-feng
Kenli Disaster Prevention and Control Center, Dongying, Shandong Province, 257500 China
[Abstract] Objective This paper tries to analyze the common causes and countermeasures of food poisoning. Methods According to retrospective analysis and investigation method, 360 cases of food poisoning patients who reported to the CDC in 2016 were selected to analyze the causes of food poisoning and corresponding prevention and control measures. Results Among 360 cases food poisoning patients, 128 cases(35.56%) had unclean diet poisoning, 68 cases (18.89%) were methanol poisoning, 49 cases (13.61%) were nitrite poisoning, 34 cases (9.44%) cases of pesticide poisoning, 22 cases (6.11%) were mushroom poisoning, 16 cases (4.44%) of soy products poisoning, 8 cases (22.22%) of puffer fish poisoning, 6 cases (1.67%) were snake bile poisoning and 18 cases (5.00%), 11 cases (3.06%) of unknown causes poisoning. Conclusion There are many causes of food poisoning, including bacterial food poisoning, plant food poisoning, animal food poisoning, mycotoxin poisoning and chemical food poisoning; it is necessary to take targeted prevention and control measures to improve food safety.
[Key words] Food poisoning; Common causes; Countermeasures
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
2 结果