采访:尹豪 同声翻译:杭烨
左:董丽;右:詹姆斯·希契莫夫Left: DONG Li; Right: James Hitchmough
James Hitchmough who is from Britain is the dean in School of Landscape and professor of ecological horticulture the University of Sheffield. His research focuses on design and management of natural planting of herbaceous and woody vegetation.
DONG Li is the assistant dean, professor of School of Landscape Architecture,Beijing Forestry University and editoral board member of this Journal. Her research focuses on theory, practice and teaching relating to plant landscape planning and design and Landscape ecology.
James: 詹姆斯·希契莫夫
DONG: 董丽
LA:James 教授您的设计是很自然的设计风格。外行人看来,在某种程度上好像没有设计。您能否与我们分享一下这种种植设计方法的内在逻辑?推行这种方法您需要跨越什么障碍?
DONG:说到自然,这是一个很大的话题。如Hitchmough 教授所言,我觉得我们可以理解为,其中一种自然即“大自然的自然”,即天然的自然,比如园林中营造的meadow这种景观的形式,其实就是从大自然中借鉴和学习过来的,所以他希望他的设计没有痕迹,就像和自然是一样的;另一种自然,则可说是“人造的自然”,换而言之,是人类通过对大自然进行借鉴和提炼,在人工环境中重新建成的“自然”,它虽然并不是真的照搬原生的自然,但也确实遵循“虽由人作,宛自天开”的理念,这就是我们中国传统园林的“自然”,即非真正的大自然,却是学习自大自然的产物。所以我们中国传统就有“师法自然”,这种理念一直是中国传统造园的一个核心宗旨。但是在过去的几十年,我国在植物景观营造过程中走过一些弯路,过度强调人的视觉美,使得我们的城市环境失去了太多的自然的气息。我想这可能就是刚才Hitchmough教授所说的我们中国的种植设计都是规则式设计的缘故吧。不过,庆幸的是,如今我们正逐渐回归到正确的方向上来。所以我认为对这种自然设计理念和手法的再次探索,及其在城乡植物景观规划设计中的应用实践,是非常有意义的事情。
1 伦敦奥林匹克公园中人们对詹姆斯·希契莫夫设计的南非花园的高度认可People’s positive respond to the South African herbaceous planting community designed by James Hitchmough in London Olympic Park
2 自然式园艺景观私家花园打造“绿色生活”,詹姆斯·希契莫夫设计Enhanced nature-like private garden in August, designed by James Hitchmough
DONG:我觉得此次园艺大会“绿色家园,美好生活”的主题,提得非常好。正如你所说,中文每个字、每个词背后的含义非常广泛,因为是园艺大会,当我们看到“绿色”时,可能首先会想到作为颜色本身的绿色, 对于我们植物景观营造等行业的从业者来说,则会很自然地引申为,“绿色”就是以植物为主导,让我们生活、工作的环境更为美好。但其实“绿色生活”不仅仅限于上述的狭义“绿色”概念,其更加宽广的含义首先应该是体现一种理念,这种理念促使我们对人与自然关系进行重新认识,体现在人类必须热爱自然、尊重自然、保护自然,才能最终与自然和谐发展。实践中,则不仅要让自然融入我们的生活环境、生产空间里面,更要注重我们生产生活方式的转变,包括对自然资源的节约,环境友好的生产方式等等。所以这个“绿色生活”的理念和实践应该融入到我们生活、生产的方方面面,才能称得上是“美好生活”。
James:在我看来这是一个非常有趣的问题。我想,首先要说的是中国和英国社会文化的基础不同,因为在英国每个人几乎都有自己的私家花园,所以可以说,英国的民众和花展的潜在关系更为密切。而在中国,也许这一点是最大的差别。当我们讲到切尔西花展对于社会效应方面的影响,我想应该先从它的功能效应来提及。首先作为一个花展,它主要是一个展示园艺多样性的平台,是一个供应商与买家面对面接触和交流的机会。切尔西花展更多的是展示英国作为园艺大国,在园艺上坚持不断地推陈出新,将新的好的产品源源不断地推向市场。切尔西花展的游客们其实就是自己花园的设计师,他/她们看见心仪的花卉就可以买回家,或在商家的网站上购买,并种植在他们的私家花园里。今天的英国,你可以足不出户地在自家的电脑上购买大约80 000种不同的植物品种及其园艺变种。英国的苗圃会根据市场需求,不断地挖掘有景观价值的新的野外品种,研发抗性强、观赏性强的园艺品种。然后这个市场的链条就形成了,作为切尔西花展来说,它是一个平台,是一个联系每一个花园、每一个在英国爱好园艺的个体和产业链的纽带,所以我认为在中国,2019北京世园会,也会有类似的这种社会效应,只是中国可能刚刚开始,在未来的话,我相信北京世园会也会像切尔西花展一样,发挥它强大的社会效应,它的功能性也会在中国逐渐体现。
3詹姆斯·希契莫夫为汤姆·斯图尔特-史密斯设计的北美的草花生态群落真正呈现了鸟语花香的景象North American herbaceous vegetation in Tom Stuart-Smith Garden attracts diverse of wildlife all year round,designed by James Hitchmough
James:在“鸟语花香”里,我今天想先谈谈“鸟语”。作为“鸟语”来说,其实讲的是生物多样性的问题。北京的城市空间尺度非常巨大, 城市建设密度也很大,城市范围内仅有少数的空间能为个别鸟类提供栖息环境。在西欧国家的城市里,我们有很多私家花园,这些花园作为城市二级绿地,为野生动物提供栖息环境。正因为西方国家不同的土地性质、尺度比例和拥有无数能支持昆虫和鸟类的私家花园,我们才能在西方城市中看到比中国城市里丰富得多的鸟类品种。
4 伦敦奥林匹克公园坡面草花群落设计,詹姆斯·希契莫夫设计Designed vegetation on slope in London Olympic Park,designed by James Hitchmough
James:我觉得最大的不同就是世园会是一个很大尺度的设计,将引来数量巨大的游客。我想我所有之前的设计都没有这样的经历,迎接大约1 500~1 600万游客的到访。这个数量级的游客总量给了我们一个非常棒的机会,来呈现不同的设计理念和创新的设计途径。
5牛津植物园欧亚生态草花群落,詹姆斯·希契莫夫设计Eurasian mix in Oxford Botanical Garden, designed by James Hitchmough
6 詹姆斯·希契莫夫长期致力于研究自然式生态群落中植物间的竞争关系James Hitchmough’s research focus is to explore the competition between plants for long-term compositon
James:我们现在很难对整个世园会发表评论,但对于汤姆和我设计的展园来说,我们希望创造一个新颖独特,但是充满趣味、色彩艳丽,具有强烈自然景观特征的花园。我希望在2019年能有一位中国博士生与我一起工作,采访世园会的参观者,了解他们对世园会不同植被类型 (包括我们的花园)的看法。
图1~7,16~18 由詹姆斯·希契莫夫与杭烨提供,图8,10~12,14、15 由韩晶摄;图9、13由蔡妤摄。
Professor James Hitchmough proposed the theory of sustainable plant communities design with ecological concept, and completed the planting design in 20hm2of 2012 London Olympic Park.The whole design was based on planting design of herbaceous vegetation communities according to ecology, and the concept “ecological skin”came into being. Professor DONG Li introduced the concept of “natural degree” and “similar to the natural landscape”, on the basis of studying characteristics of zonal vegetation, and successfully hosted plant landscape ecological planning of the Beijing Olympic Forest Park which created the basic characteristics of zonal plant with good ecological function of forest park plant landscape.
James’ Dialogue with DONG was hosted by YIN Hao, the contributing editor of this Journal and associate professor. Thanks to the in-depth idea exchange and collision of the two professors,we’ve learned about some research directions and focuses remaining to be solved of ecological planting design in current urban construction,which pointed and lightened the way ahead of us.We should discover our own directions in later researches, practice or teaching, and practically provide effective theoretical guidance and technical support for further ecological planting design of urban environment.
LA:Landscape ArchitectureJournal
James: James Hitchmough
LA: Prof. James, your design is so natural that there isn’t any sign of design for a layman. Can you share us the inner logics in such approaches? What difficulties do you have to overcome in order to put it into force?
James: Some of the vegetation that I make does look some degree un-designed, if you are not familiar with looking at nature-like vegetation. In Chinese Landscape Architecture, most of plantings have been done in large blocks and that means have very ordered appearance. While my work tends to use either small groups or individuals repeated over and over again. So it is a different look, it does look more wild, does look more natural. At the same time it is designed to be beautiful, too. There are patterns and rhythms in it and most importantly it is often very flower rich and colorful over a long season on interest. It is this drama which makes it acceptable to many people (Fig. 1).
One of the reason that I was really interested in doing the Beijing Expo 2019 was to see how Chinese people respond when they see a whole garden designed according to nature-like principles. Very recently, I think about 6 months ago, the first scientific paper was published in an international academic journalUrban Forestry and Urban Greeningon what Chinese people think of meadows in Beijing. When you read this its clear that European and Chinese people share some similar views towards meadows and so perhaps we are not so different after all.
LA: When it comes to “nature”, in fact,Chinese tradition is natural, but professor DONG, as for the concept of nature, in your opinion, what kind of difference between Chinaand Britain ? Can you share with us?
DONG: When it comes to the word “nature”,it is a large topic. As professor Hitchmough said,I think we can classify it into two levels, so one is“nature of the Nature”, that is, “natural nature”,such as this kind of form “meadow” designed in landscape, it is actually imitated from the Nature,thus he hopes that his design looks traceless just like the real Nature; the other is “man-made nature”, in other words, it is the one which human beings learn from the Nature and use the Nature for reference to create it in man-made environment. Although it doesn’t really copy the original Nature, it indeed abides by the concept “Though it is made by man,it seems like being created by the Nature”, which is the nature expressed in our traditional Chinese garden. And it is not the real Nature, but the results by imitating it. Therefore, there is the concept“Learning from the Nature.” And it is the core aim in traditional Chinese garden. However, in the past few decades, China has taken some detours in the process of landscape planting construction,overemphasizing the human’s visual beauty, which has deprived much natural sense of our urban environment. I think this is the reason why professor Hitchmough said that Chinese planting design is in a regular way. Fortunately, we are now returning to the right direction, so I think it is very meaningful to explore this natural design idea and technique once more, and to apply them in the practice of rural and urban landscape planning design.
LA: We are together here for the Beijing Expo 2019. The theme of this expo is “Green Life, Good Home”. What’s your opinion?
James: Oh, I think it is fantastic opportunity to actually make some connections between these ideas. I think particularly the idea of having horticulture which becomes more ecological, at the same time, keeping its horticulture character.In most cases in cities, you need to maintain a balance between ecological and horticulture ideas to produce landscapes which perhaps everyone can really enjoy (Fig. 2). You asked me a few minutes ago about the problem of disorder and perceptions of messiness in my plantings. In some situations,you do need some planting which is more ordered,but this can be blended in with more disordered plantings, and to some degree this is what we will do at the Expo.
I think that it is really important when you have something like the Expo to exposes people to a very wide range of different and creative ideas about how plants can be used in urban places. And I think the Expo is going to have a really excellent opportunity to show people things and ideas they haven’t seen before, or are not very familiar with. Perhaps these types of experiences will gradually contribute to changing people’s attitudes to how things could look in cities. I think that is something we need to be better at than we are doing at present.
LA: Professor DONG, the theme of this Beijing Expo 2019 is “Green Life, Good Home”, perhaps because the meanings of our Chinese characters are more various, more extensive and more plentiful, do you have more understanding of this theme?
DONG: I think the theme “Green Life, Good Home” proposed in this expo is great. As you said,the potential meaning of every word in Chinese is extensive, for it is horticultural congress, so when we see the word “green”, we will firstly think it is a kind of color, but as a member working in landscape planting construction and other industries, we will naturally extended it to the meaning that “greenness”is dominated by plants making our life and work environment better. But actually “green life” is not limited in narrow meanings above mentioned, and its extensive meaning firstly should be expressed as a kind of concept which can contribute to our new understanding of the relationship between human beings and the Nature, and it is expressed by loving,respecting and protecting the Nature, so that we can develop with it harmoniously. In practice, we not only bring the Nature into our life environment and space we are living in, but also change our way of producing and living, including saving natural resources, using environment friendly production methods and so on. Well, only the concept and practice of “green life” should be introduced to every aspects of our life and production can it be real “wonderful life”.
7 由詹姆斯·希契莫夫设计的伦敦奥林匹克公园林缘生态景观群落Woodland edge ecological planting community design in London Olympic Park done by James Hitchmough
LA: Professor James, as I know, there are various flower shows in the UK, and Chelsea Flower Show is especially well known worldwide.What aspects does British flower show attract the public? And how many effects does it have on people's life?
James: Yes, this is an interesting question. I think there is a big fundamental difference between China and Britain in that most British people have access to their own private gardens, so that means that they have very close relationship potentially with flower show. This is because they go to the flower show, which acts as a “shop window” they can see really interesting plants, they can buy them or they can buy them after the flower show, they put them in their garden. So they have this immediate opportunity to establish a long term connection with flowers. This is obviously, what the Chelsea Flower Show is about, it is all about show casing diversity. The British garden flora is very very big, you can buy online about 80,000 different species and cultivars of plants, today from your computer.And all the time, there are nurseries selling new plants originating from both the wild and from within horticulture to the people who want to use these in their gardens. And that drives froward changing diversity all the time. So in terms of Expo, because of these differences the Expo is a slightly different experience.But I think what will happen in time is these relationship will also develop very strongly in China, too.
Because in China people largely don’t have their own private garden.I think it makes it more important that public space has got some of these experiences within it. So instead of having very large scale of trees and woodland, you really also need to have lots of detailed plantings in contexts such as for example in situations like housing developments. You need to have a lot of seasonal change, a lot of colours and all the things that you otherwise get in the garden have really to be in maximizing the function of urban public space.
LA: In fact, when it comes to garden and horticulture exposition,China has been holding a lot of exhibitions in recent years, which is also changing our life and promoting the development of society.Professor DONG, how do you think China’s horticultural expos can better serve the public or change people’s life?
DONG: In fact China has a long history of gardening, but probably as for the context of modern horticultural exposition, China is not as good as Britain, because China do not have long history of horticultural exposition like the Chelsea Flower Show. However, after the reform and opening up,we have seen that there have been numerous horticultural expositions in china over the years. Although there are various problems in the process of holding expos, we are glad to see these problems are changing. In fact, until now these shows have played a major role in promoting the development of our industry and people’s knowledge of horticulture. Government attaches great importance to the horticultural exposition because of its high level.On one hand, by doing this, achievements of the exposition in developed countries and regions in the world will be widely presented, which means that it is bound to affect us from all aspects including its concept, technology and products. On the other hand, its achievements are not only limited in creating the exposition and decorating many practical achievements which can have direct in fluence on us in the future, but also include the varieties of activities held in society and relying on exposition organizations are plentiful,for example, this time we invite masters to our university for holding lectures and today’s TV interview, all of these have contributed to promote the whole society’s understanding of gardening, nature and ecological environment. I believe in the future, the achievements of the exposition will not only have positive effects on the public, government and professionals, but there will be more and constant achievements. Along with these, gardening will make people’s living environment and production space better and better.
8 北京奥林匹克森林公园植物景观The Plant landscape of Beijing Olympic Forest Park
LA: The “birds and the whole biodiversity thing” depicts a beautiful environment with birds’ twittering and fragrance of flowers, an ideal scene for everyone. In recent years, Beijing has stepped up its efforts to improve environment, and is moving forward this beautiful vision. Can you give us some advices from the professional view in order to make citizens hear birds’ twitter outside windows and smell the fragrance of flowers entering their door?
James: I might start by talking a little bit about birds and the whole biodiversity thing. One of the issues in Beijing is that it is so enormous, so what happens nature wise in Beijing is often a function of its size. Because Beijing is so large, and because it is quite dense, what this means is it only has certain habitats within the city which would attract certain sorts of birds. In western European cities, people have a lot of gardens and these gardens serve as secondary function of providing habitats for wildlife. So you tend to see greater diversity of bird species typically in the European city than you do in the Chinese cities. And that’s simply because of the different land-use, scale and the huge area of gardens that support a lot of insects and birds.
There are a number of ways as to how we can improve the animal biodiversity of Chinese Cities. One of the most obvious ways is to try to build in more complexity in some of the structure plantings within the city. Beijing has the very large areas of tree plantings. But in great deal of them are: a) quite young; b) often the same species. If there is more diversity of species, and you are more spatially complex, then you will support more animal life. That’s the first thing I think. I think the second thing is some of the issues are best addressed by really large scale planning where you need to have more green corridors running into the city and when land is developed, try to maintain the percentage of these so that these nature conservation corridors can deliver some of those experiences and opportunities (Fig. 3).
LA: Speaking of “birds and the whole biodiversity thing”, Professor DONG, you just mentioned this beautiful vision at the Third Forum on Landscape Plants and Human Settlement Construction several days ago. As far as I know, you have energetically explored and researched these years, so please tell us some of your achievements through deep thinking and professional researching.
DONG: Indeed, we expect the “birds and the whole biodiversity thing”. Actually, human beings used to live in environment like that. Today, I put forward this dream and vision again, which may be related to the fact that we took wrong path in the past so that we have lost this kind of environment.Exactly as what Professor Hitchmough has said,it’s more obvious in Beijing and other big cities in China. With large area, dense population and lower biodiversity caused by the problems of ecological environment construction, our city lacks beautiful environment just like the environment with the scene that “birds twitter and flowers bloom with fragrance”. To change this situation, what should we do and what we can do? As a plant landscape planner and designer, I have to say that plant landscape can be planned and designed, but birds can’t. What we can do is to plan and design a good plant landscape to provide a good habitat for birds and other animals to live in. Only in this way can we attract them and make them settle down. So when it refers to biodiversity, plants should be thought first, because the key is to keep the diversity of plants and plant landscape. Brie fly, the diversity of plant is the variety and richness of species, which can provide a habitat for birds where they can eat, nest and breed. Besides, the diversity of plant landscape is also very important. Different types of plant con figuration are the indispensable elements in birds’ habitat. Which birds need multilayer and complex plantation structure, and which birds need tidal flat wetland, these are the questions needed to be solved specifically. Of course, there is one more important aspect, that is, the rationality of green space layout which includes the types of green spaces, such as corridors and patches, and their rational relationship pattern. Only achieving all above-mentioned can we lay a foundation to attract more birds and build the environment where biodiversity is more. Ultimately, the optimal human settlement is where human and the nature live in harmony. Our purposes are not only to attract animals, but also for ourselves’ living, that is, we live in city, and city is also supposed to be an optimal living space for human beings, so harmonious existence between human beings and the nature is our ultimate purpose.
LA: Both of you are experts in the field of plant landscape planning and design,based on your research, teaching or practice projects, could you talk about how important and what the improvement of planting design to our urban living environment is?
James: I think the form of the planting design is less important that the delivery of experiences to people that are interesting and meaningful. What people need in urban environments is a sense of seasonal change, and a series of events be it through flowering or leaf colour change which means there is always something interesting and stimulating happening. The trick is how to provide this in ways that really work for the people in question (Fig. 4, 5).
DONG: The improvement of plant landscape for unban residual environment is expressed in all aspects. And the most obvious situation citizens can feel is that green trees and various flowers make unban residual environment more beautiful, for example, when they relax in parks in summer, they can find shady and comfortable space for their rest and visiting. Of course, plants can produce many benefits which we don’t necessarily see or realize.Overall, apart from beautifying environment, the signi ficance of plants to unban residual environment is also embodied in improving our ecological benefits, such as cooling temperature, defense and protection, purifying air, isolating noises, and providing habitats for other animals. Meanwhile,plants also have important cultural signi ficance that they are the carrier of regional culture inheritance,and this kind of significance may be have an in fluence on citizens, but it does have.
LA: In the practices of specific projects,both of you had undertaken the ecological planting design of large city park. Professor James was the planting designer for 2012 London Olympic Park, and professor DONG designed the ecological landscape planting for 2008 Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Could you respectively talk about some of the guiding ecology theories in your work or have you encountered any troubles and how they were settled?
James: The key ecological theories in my work are generally how plants compete with one another and how this effects the long-term composition of those plantings. The levers we use to get the best outcomes are often plant selection and design of plant communities to reduce the likelyhood of a vigorous species out competing its neighbours (these species are used at low densities to reduce these effects), and secondly the use of low nutrient soils to slow down the growth of species to reduce competitive effects. But then of course this causes problems with clients who want very rapid growth, which is something you cannot have whilst at the same time minimising competitive loss (Fig. 6, 7).
DONG: I was invited to participate in the team of overall planning of Beijing Olympic Forest Park in 2005, and apart from being an expert member in the team, I was also engaged in the task of plant landscape ecological planning of Beijing Olympic Forest Park. It should be said that the project which is in such a huge scale more than 700 hm2and called “forest park” is a big challenge to us. Through thinking it over at that time, I think now that it is called “forest park”,the construction of plant landscape in this park should be the most important content, and plant landscape should meet at least two points: the first point is that it should look like forest. What are the features of forest? Which forest should it look like? How do we make it look like forest?The first feature of forest is naturalness, second is that it looks like forest in this zone, and the third is that how does it look like forest. We introduced the design concept of similar to the nature and natural degree, and we studied structure characteristics of vegetation under the condition of different natural degrees in Beijing region,which laid a foundation for plant landscape planning and design of forest park. The second point is that it should have some functions like real forest. We dare not say the patches of manbuilt green land in cities can have the function like the real forest in the nature, but at least we hope it can have part of functions, and what is the most important function of the forest? That’s habitat. So when in 2005 we studied the zonal animals’ demand for plants in Beijing from the point of view of habitat, of course, it was a very preliminary research and it is one of basis that we choose plants. Of course, many other aspects are also considered including adaptability, ecological bene fits, culture and so on. It should be said that these original studies are not in vain, now forest park indeed have played a huge role in animals and especially birds’ habitat, and currently there has appeared more than 200 kinds of birds flying here (Fig. 8-15).
LA: What is your design concept in the coming Beijing Expo 2019? What makes it a special project comparing with the previous projects? Have you encountered any problems in the whole process?
James: Well, in terms of what makes the Expo difference, one of the things is it is founded on a large scale and will have huge number of people come to it. I don’t think I’ve ever designed anything which would have 15~16 million people coming to look at it. This level of visitors means a fantastic opportunity to communicate some new or unfamiliar ideas.
Our garden the “New Silk Road” for the Expo is inspired by the idea of the Silk Route, crossing the dry central steppes of China from east to west.The vegetation for the garden is based upon the idea of designed plant communities. The design of these re flects the organization of plants in natural habitats. Within our garden there are essentially five distinctive designed habitats.
11~13 北京奥林匹克森林公园植物景观The Plant landscape of Beijing Olympic Forest Park
One of the things we have experienced when we has been designing plantings in China, and in particularly when we want to make plant communities,we have often struggled to find plant material commercially available for us to use. So I think this is a major additional difficulty in China (Fig. 16). I will speak more about this tomorrow afternoon at the designers conference about how both with native and non-native species the range of plants available is actually relatively small in relation to what could be available. And this does limit you when you are trying to design vegetation along community design principles.
14、15 北京奥林匹克森林公园植物景观The Plant landscape of Beijing Olympic Forest Park
One of the challenges for China is to develop a Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and nursery sector that is dynamic, creative and really wants to work with a diversity of plant materials. China is a very diverse place naturally and culturally,and it would be great to reflect that diversity in horticulture in the designed plant world.
LA: Professor DONG, plant material is definitely an important element in the design of garden. We have invited many famous foreign design masters to give their good design ideas and present their beautiful gardens. So as for their designs and works, what’s your suggestion in a professional way? And what’s your expectation of their practice of gardens? And what kind of changes it would bring to our life?
DONG: Through this exposition, many internationally famous designers are invited.I think its main purpose is to let domestic designers learn from them. “Foreign stones may serve to polish domestic jades”. Some of the advancing practiced theories and design methods in developed countries have important reference significance for the urban construction in our rapid urbanization process. As to designing gardens, I think the biggest challenge may still be plant materials. One of the fundamental principles of designing plant landscape is to adjust measures to local conditions. Designers must use the plants that can survive and grow well in local natural environment and weather conditions. Only in this way can they make their design philosophy or design thinking come true. Lacking of garden plant materials may be a big challenge for them.China is the mother of the world gardens. As what have been mentioned before, China is a very important area that enjoys rich resources of ornamental plants, but China is indeed not very suf ficient in plant resources exploitation and plant industry development. Therefore, the lack of plant materials will be a restriction to achieve the good design philosophies of design masters.So no matter how these gardens will be built eventually, I hope their design philosophies, design methods and the achievements would not only provide a learning opportunity for us, but also can promote our plant industry in some extent.Of course, I am also looking forward to that the excellent designers from other countries, through this opportunity, can have a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture and traditional Chinese design philosophy of gardens as well as a better understanding towards the wisdom of our ancestors that is shown in dealing with the relationship between them and the nature. I hope the essence of our traditional Chinese culture would be spread throughout the world. Therefore,exposition is indeed a two-way process, during which we learn from others and at the same time spread our excellent traditional culture. This is another aspect that I expect.
LA: Through the previous introduction,professor James, I learned that you are an authoritative expert in the design and management of extensive communities of nature-like herbaceous vegetation,and professor DONG you had carried out researches regarding the wild flower application in urban landscape of Beijing.So, I want to ask, you two, what do you think about the application of meadow landscape in Beijing area? What are the differences or difficulties comparing with that of other areas?
James: At around latitude 40oN Beijing is on the transition zone between warm season and cool season grasses; people in Beijing seem to think that there climate etc. is tough for plants, but of course the climate of Beijing is very common around the world. Much of the central southern regions of the USA for example are climatically very similar to North East China, so the big issue in Beijing is to identify plants that are really well suited to the Beijing climate. This requires an extensive research effort, not just a bit of work here and a bit of work here, but a 10-20 year plan in which the inevitability of large changes to the climate of Beijing is factored in.
DONG: Whether meadow landscape, what we may call wildflower meadow before, or the form of a kind of any other plants landscape, I think that in the design we should adjust measures to local conditions to adopt it. In past years the biggest problem of our country is following the trend in the aspect of plant landscape construction.No matter what kind of plant is admired by everyone or leaders, we will copy it in a rush regardless of what it is and what functions of green space have, which is my worry most. There is no fault form in plant landscape, but only designers use it in wrong place. So I suggest that designers should hold scienti fic and cautious attitude toward your so-called meadow landscape here.
LA: As we all know, ecology theory is one of the most important guiding thoughts for present urban landscape design, you two have also concentrated on relevant theories and methodologies of planting design in ecological city, so, could you give us some introduction of your own researches?
James: My research has centred around whether it is possible to maintain hyper-flowery perennial herbaceous vegetation in the long term, as a means of getting people who might not like the disorder of meadow like vegetation to buy in to this.Our research and practice experience shows that when meadow like vegetation is very colourful over a long season it can be valued even by people who would otherwise find it unaccpetably messy. So my work has partly been about how to make and maintain this type of vegetation and secondly exploring human respose to this through Environmental Psychology type methodologies (Fig. 17).
16 很多有价值的本土物种没有商业供应(此照片为内蒙古野外考察时拍摄)Lots of valuable native species are not available in market (this is a pic from field trip in Inner magolia)
17 城市人需要极具视觉吸引力,且能保持长期观赏效应的多年生草本植物群落Hyper-flowery and long-term perennial herbaceous vegetation is important to citizens
18 在剑桥植物园内使用本土及来自于气候环境极相似地区的植物Use native species and non-native species from climately similar areas to create vegetation in certain climate in Cambridge Botanical Garden, designed by James Hiychmough
DONG: At present, my major research is ecological functions of plant landscape, including the selection of plant materials and con figuration mode at different scale, for the purpose of making ecological functions more excellent, such as regulating the function of urban regions and micro climate, functions of purifying air particulate matter, and including as a function of bird habitat.Of course, for a very long time I was also working on the research of regional characteristics of plant landscape, hoping it can provide our plant landscape design with practical theory support.
LA: As we all know, the climate, soil condition and other environmental elements of Beijing vary a lot from that of Britain, Professor James, have you tried applying ecological herbaceous plant community to Beijing? Have you encountered bottlenecks in the planting design of the Beijing Expo 2019? Why and how did you settle them?
James: You can get a pretty good idea of how to get around the climatic challenges of Beijing by looking at what is growing naturally in the region at low to moderate altitudes and secondly by looking at the landscapes of the other parts of the world I referred to earlier that are very similar to Beijing.Beijing is not unique, I have travelled very extensively so I am connected to these other places as reference points (Fig. 18).
LA: Through the practice in this Beijing Expo 2019, do you have any new ideas and understandings about ecological planting design to share with us?
James: Its difficult to comment on the Expo as a whole but it terms of Tom and my parts, we hope to create a garden that will be very unfamiliar yet fascinating, quite strongly disordered and natural looking but also very colourful with a long season of positive seasonal change. I hope to have a Chinese Ph.D. student working with me by 2019 who will interview many visitors to gain an insight into what they think of the different vegetation types (including our garden) at the Expo.
LA: Finally, could you please talk about your expectations or wishes to the Beijing Expo 2019?
James: Yes, I hope the Beijing Expo 2019 is enormously successful and I also hope our design is enormously successful, too.
DONG: I not only hope that the Beijing Expo 2019 can succeed wonderfully, but also sincerely hope this exposition and its related activities can actually have influence on our national industry and public life. Ultimately, we need to present the best garden work to the public, and only in this way can we change our life. So I expect that this exposition can facilitate our country from the two above-mentioned aspects.
Acknowledgement:Thanks to WANG Yilan for her contribution to this interview during early preparation period.
Fig. 1-7, 16-18 are provided by James Hitchmough and HANG Ye; Fig. 8, 10-12, 14, 15 are photographed by HAN Jing; Fig. 9, 13 are photographed by CAI Yu.