文/戴维·西尔弗伯格 译/肖颖
By David Silverberg
In a manufacturedcarbon-copy1 carbon-copy 相似的事物。pop landscape, only one true American art form is more important than ever to preserve.Jazz deserves our attention and it has the potential to bring much-needed spontaneity back to live music.当今的流行乐坛,千篇一律的音乐四处泛滥,唯有一种真正的美国艺术形式比以往更值得维护。爵士乐应当得到大家的关注,它能让现场演出迫切需要的即兴发挥回归舞台。
Last week, I was sitting with some friends at a barbecue and we were talking music.I told them I enjoy hard rock, hip-hop, lounge beats and jazz.They were nodding in agreement the whole way through until I dropped the j-bomb.
[2]“Jazz?”one friend asked.“Dave,are you 45 or something? No one listens to jazz anymore.”
[3]I blinked twice, couldn’t believe what I heard and replied,“Oh really?Then why are Oscar Peterson shows sold out.Why does theLincoln Centre2 位于纽约,全世界最大的艺术会场。sell tickets at $100 a pop andget awaywith3 get away with 做了让人接受不了的事情,而未受到干预。此处意译。it? Why are jazz festivals cramming audiences inside outdoor tents to catch a glimpse at a seemingly unknownquartet4 quartet 四人乐队。?”
[4]My friend didn’t hesitate when he said,“Jazz islame5 lame 没落。.It’s all Kenny G and lounge singers.”
[5]And that’s the problem right there.Jazz has beenmarginalized6 marginalize 边缘化。in today’s cultural landscape because it isn’t understood.Although jazz was born in the U.S., few Americans canrattle off7 rattle off 快速说出。the founders of the jazzscene8 scene 活动领域,……界。from the 1940s.In fact, I doubt many people could name the city where jazz was born (New Orleans).What amazes me to this day is how this vibrant musical formleaves an ugly taste in the mouths of9 源自leave a bad/nasty taste in the mouth 留下不好的印象。many music fans today.What shocks me even deeper is how thetalent pool10 talent pool 人才储备。in jazz music is still strong,but misconceptions about its meaning remain prevalent.
[6]I’m reminded of an essay printed in theDetroit Free Pressin April.Music critic Mark Stryker wrote how jazz musicians can barely make a living today.It surprised me when he wrote:
The fabric that once supported jazz musicians, fans, the club scene and recording industry has been torn apart.The challenge facing jazz today is to repair the cloth, to create a new infrastructure, to weave a new fabric.
[7]He cites an obvious reason for the decline: jazz music sales account for 3 per cent of all music sales.It might not be a true shocker, in light of record companies hoping tolure11 lure 吸引,引诱。youth to their pop princes and princesses.
[8]Pianist Ramsey Lewis points the finger squarely in the faces of the artists themselves.He told theSan Diego Tribune:
Jazz people are passive people.They don’t spread the word.We don’t go to non-jazz people, and say ‘Have you heard this?’ We need to help ourselves,becauseMadison Avenue12 麦迪逊大街,指美国广告业。sees us, they watch us… And then they watch us go back into the world and just talk to each other.So we have to ask: What can we do to further the music? We musicians talk the talk, but how many of us walk the walk?
[9]Great questions, but they won’t be answered anytime soon.All I know is how the jazz scene is trying tolook out-side the box13 源自think outside the box 创造性地思考。.Take my localTD Canada Trust Toronto Jazz Festival14 多伦多爵士音乐节,由加拿大道明信托银行(TD Canada Trust)赞助。, going down in various venues from June 22 to July 1.More than 60 musicians will grace Toronto stages to offer a variety of the music, from traditional jazz to avantgarde experimental jazz to acid jazz to a blues-jazz hybrid.The fest will welcome artists like Dave Brubeck, Herbie Hancock, Mavis Staples, Roy Hargrove and Freddy Cole (brother of Nat Cole).But the lineup just doesn’t stop at thestalwarts15 stalwart忠实拥护者。; unusual inclusions like Sean Lennon, Antibalas, DJ Kid Koala and Nikki Yanovsky.It’s a genius move.
[10]If a jazz fest is going to attract youth andold-schoolers16 源自old-school,传统的、老派的。alike, it needs to look beyond the traditional programming ideas.By inviting DJs and rock artists, Toronto’s jazzfest17is hoping to get people in the door so they can enjoy what jazz has to offer.It’s not justhighhats18 high-hat架子鼓中的带踏板的踩镲。andstand-up bass19 即double bass低音提琴,也称原声贝斯。lines; jazz is about emotion and sweat and pouring originality into every guitarlick20 lick 吉他演奏的小过门。, every swingingoutro21 outro 乐曲的结尾部分。.
[11]And it’s about spontaneity.Watching a live jazz show is unlike attending a rock or hip-hop gig.Jazz musicians live and die by improv, so they’re constantlythrowing curveballs22 源自throw a curveball,指出其不意、捉摸不定的事物。at our earholes.You won’t find Herbie Hancockbanging23 bang 敲击。out the same piano sole night after night because hisvibe24 vibe 情绪,氛围。is constantly change from one show to the next.But I’ve been to lame rock shows where the band did the same set as two weeks ago,simply growing through routine because it was safe and easy.
[12]Anyone out there who doubt my theory that jazz music is an intellectual and emotional music (a strange combo,indeed), give a listen some artists who’ve inspired me to dive further into jazzcatalogues25 catalogue 一系列事物的列举。.Spend an afternoon with Miles Davis.Get acquainted with Oscar Peterson.Lounge on your deck with Django Reinhardt.Go on a road trip with Medeski Martin & Wood.Fall asleep to the soothing vocals of Count Basie.
[13]And most importantly, if you live in a major city, there’s likely a jazz festival in your neighbourhood, sometime in the summer.Why not give jazz a chance one evening? Maybe you don’t want to check out the elevator-musiclike“smooth jazz”so realize there’s more on the musical menu than just the clichéd forms.Take a risk and see some acid jazz, or put on your dancing shoes for a night of Latin jazz.
[14]It’s the kind of music for spontaneous music lovers.And it will only survive if people turn off the radio drivel that all sounds the same and return to an art form that tells the story of America’s growth.