
2018-04-21 07:04建筑设计格康玛格及合伙人建筑师事务所
世界建筑 2018年4期





















Berlin's new Central Station –Europe's largest train station for long-distance, regional, and local transport – was built on its historical site in the Tiergarten District. At this station the new underground north-south link of the Inter City Express service connects with the west-east line running on a curved railway track. Additionally,suburban railway runs in both directions, as well as an underground line from north to south arrive at this station. The north-south track runs 15 m below ground level in a tunnel, which also passes below the River Spree and the Tiergarten. A train station for long-distance journeys with eight platforms, four platforms for long-distance and regional transport as well as a new train station for the U5 underground line positioned parallel to the eastern platform was realised in this location.The east-west line is elevated 10 m above street level und corresponds to the previous course of the railway tracks. A total of four long-distance railway tracks and two urban train tracks run on four newly constructed urban railway bridges. 1,800 trains call at the station per day and the daily number of passengers has reached 300,000. The train station gains additional significance from its proximity to the government district south of the Spreebogen.Simultaneously it serves the urban district Berlin-Moabit adjoining in the north.

The key design principle of Berlin's Central Station is the clear emphasis of the existing course of the railway tracks in the urban environment.Large, lightweight glass roofs as well as two intersecting office buildings translate this principle with architectural means.

The traffic of the train station is organised on three levels:

Level –2: Long-distance and regional lines from north to south; U5 underground line

Level ±0: Local public transport; individual transport (access road, short-term car park); bicycles and pedestrians; tourist transport (coaches, ships)

Level +1: Long-distance and regional lines on the urban railway track; S3, S5, S6, S7, and S9 urban railway lines.

The new Berlin Central Station comprises a total floor area of 175,000m², with approximately 15,000m² reserved for shops and gastronomy,50,000m² are provided as office space in the arch buildings, 5,500m² serve for operational railway use as well as 21,000m² as circulation area. The platforms cover an area of 32,000m², the garage comprises 25,000m².

The glazed halls

The platform hall, 430 m long and orientated in east-westerly direction, is spanned with a large,light-weight glass roof over a length of (at present only) 321 m. It intersects two building bars, their location and alignment defining the north-south part of the train station located underground in the urban environment. From an urban planning and architectural aspect, these so-called arch buildings form a unity with the glass halls of the train station.The north-south station hall, 45 m wide and 159 m long, is located between these building bars and also covered by a fine, vaulted glass roof structure. The hall offers an inviting gesture towards the Moabit district on one side as well as the government district on the other, consequently taking on an additional function of connection between government district and urban quarter. The glass roof of the north-south orientated entrance hall is connected to the lateral arch buildings. The vaulted glass surface of the roof is supported by 4.70-metrehigh fi sh beams resting on the external load-bearing structure of the arch buildings.

Glass roof structure of the east-west platform hall

The above-ground, curved urban railway bridges, running in an east-westerly direction,with a total of six tracks and three platforms located in between, are column-free spanned with a lightweight shell construction, which is vaulted in three directions. Bars of arch are positioned at a spacing of 1.50 m to 1.70 m in the longitudinal direction, which together with longitudinal bars located in between form almost square (respectively rectangular) net modules. Each of these modules is diagonally braced with cables and covered with glass.The combination of vaults, longitudinal beams, and diagonal cables forms a shell-like structure.

Platform hall and base building

4-6 外景/Exterior views

7 中央大厅内景/Interior view, central hall

The cruciform train station rests on a building base, which simultaneously integrates the dominant, diagonal building bars. The rectangular base is accessible on all four sides via stair links and offers open public spaces at a height of 4.43 m above street level, which are clearly separated from the circulation zones. From an urban planning aspect,the building parts accommodated in the base serve to integrate the cruciform hall ensemble and the urban district. Simultaneously it adds further usesto the train station complex, giving an important impetus to the overall urban district. Service and delivery functions are located in the base element on the eastern and western sides. Large areas for shops are found primarily on levels – 1 and ±0 in the western part. Railway-specific uses are located on the mezzanine –1/2. The control point of Berlin's Central Station is also to be found in this location.

The arch buildings

Two 46-m-high building bars bridge the east west railway track, with the lattice structure of the façade reflecting the lightweight appearance of the glass station halls. The supporting steel structure of the building bars is visibly positioned in front of the façade level, consequently defining the character of the north-south station hall. The external façade of the building bars forms an architectural unity with the train station hall by serving as a joint external wall on levels ±0 to +4. In the area of the urban railway bridge, a cantilevered building structure stretches over 87 m on levels +7 to +10. Load transfer for the bridge element is provided via an external steel framework across the complete bridge height, integrating external columns and beams.

After its completion in 2006, Berlin Central Station as Europe's largest intersection train station serves as important transport centre in immediate proximity to the government district, and simultaneously presents a lively building complex thanks to its mixed use with commercial areas and offices, integrating the various surrounding urban environments.□

8-11 中央大厅内景/Interior views, central hall

12 地下2层平面/Floor -2 plan

13 地下1层平面/Floor -1 plan

14 首层平面/Ground fl oor plan

15 1.5层平面/0.5 fl oor plan

16 二层平面/1st fl oor plan








WANG Jiangyan: Berlin Central Station, built in 2006, is the largest railway station hub in Europe, which includes long-distance, regional and city transport services. Every passenger who has used it and tourist who has been to the station for leisure, travel, eating and shopping would be deeply impressed by its compact and intensive transportation hub layout, convenient transfer, architectural design that added beauty to the surrounding landscape,and the comprehensive business and office functions of the station. The central hall on the fifth floor and the glass halls on the west and east sides define the clear function of long and short distance transport, and the crossing transfer arrangement creates a convenient and comfortable transfer environment. Although it is a railway station, it has become a must-go destination in Berlin. Therefore, the Berlin Central Station is not only a transportation hub, but also an architectural masterpiece and a successful example of transit-oriented development. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

WANG Mu: Berlin Central Station is the biggest, most modern train station in Europe. It's located at the city central area, the former border between DDR and BRD. Not only did it become a distinctive symbol of Germany's unification,but more importantly, sitting at the core of European highspeed rail network, it also strengthened the central position of Berlin in the new Europe and presented the German national image to the whole world.

The design of the station laid emphasis on matching it with the long-term development of the city central and the integrity of region: forming a very modern image with the simple, firm but also light cubic glass appearance, responding to the Parliament House across Spree River (moat), and making up the three iconic landmarks in the city centre together with Brandenburger Tor not far away; keeping coordination to the 47m height of the Parliament House from top of the dome to the ground with the 46m height of the station; intentionally making the railway underground and connecting the North-South space with the hall on the first floor of the station to adapt to the intensive land use condition in the city central area; making the whole station look light and transparent by the large usage of glass and metal material and structure, and the volume treatment of breaking into pieces, although the station is massive, which kept the figure to be outstanding but not too abrupt; using vaulted glass canopy along the side of the platforms and implying the train moving direction underground with the two office tower buildings across the platforms which also enhanced the identity of the train station.

The site design of the station is divided into three parts: the north square, the step foundation and the south square. The space organisation is very intensive,which shortens its distance from other buildings in the city. The 4.43m high step foundation is directly connected to the second floor of the station. It not only increases the sense of weight of the station, but also forms the transition from the surrounding buildings to the station.As a layout area for the outdoor functions of the station,it also adds to the frontal image of the station in the city.

In terms of vertical functional layout, the Berlin Station has adopted the typical sandwich structure:the levels of 3F and B2 are mainly the external rail transportation facilities of the station and from B1 to 2F are the commercial service areas matching to the station.Linking all the commercial space with transportation transfer route greatly enhanced the commercial value of commercial space. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

项目信息/Credits and Data

业主/Client: 德国铁路股份有限公司/Deutsche Bahn AG represented by DB ProjektVerkehrsbau GmbH

主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 迈因哈德·冯-格康,于尔根·希尔默/Meinhard von Gerkan, Jürgen Hillmer

铁路项目负责人/Project Managers, Long-Distance Rail:Hans-Joachim Glahn, Klaus Hoyer

玻璃屋面项目负责人/Project Manager, Glass Roofs: Prisca Marschner

U型建筑项目负责人/Project Manager, Building Slabs:Prisca Marschner, Susanne Winter

结构设计/Structural Engineering: SchlaichBergermann und Partner, IVZ/Emch+Berger

照明设计/Lighting Design: Peter Andres + Conceptlicht GmbH

建筑设备/Technical Building Equipment: Brandi IGH

建筑面积/Gross Floor Area: 175,000m2(5个交通层/5

transportation levels)

东西向玻璃屋面长度/Length of Glass Roof: 321m

玻璃屋面宽度/Width of Glass Roof: 59~68m

玻璃屋面高度/Hight of Glass Roof: 自站台标高算起15~17m/15~17m from platform

基地面积/Site Area: 100,000m2

建设周期/Construction Period: 1996-2006

摄影/Photos: Marcus Bredt

17.18 剖面/Sections

19 横剖面/Cross section

Train Station火车站