The Life of John the Baptist

2018-03-29 06:45ByChristianGeorge
英语世界 2018年2期

By Christian George

John the Baptist, the first biblical prophet to appear in 400 years of Israel’s history, would lay the foundation for the ministry of Jesus. In the only mention of John outside the New Testament, first century historian Josephus explains that John became such a threat to the stability of the Roman Empire that the governor of Judea “decided that it would be much better to strike first and be rid of him before his work led to an uprising.” What events in John’s life led to his execution?

[2] According to Luke, the man about whom Jesus would say, “Truly I tell you,among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater” (Matthew 11:11),was the son of a priest named Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth1(音译)撒迦利亚和以利沙伯。, who was a relative of Mary the mother of Jesus.

[3] Boys who were born into priestly families typically became priests themselves. However, John did not work in the temple in Jerusalem. Instead, he preached and baptized in the wilderness of the desolate Judean mountains.




Because John was born to elderly parents, it’s possible the he was adopted by the Essenes2(音译)艾塞尼,古犹太人中推崇苦修的神秘教派。, a group of Jewish ascetics3ascetic禁欲主义者。who lived in communities along the Dead Sea. Essenes were known for their disciplined lifestyles. They took vows of celibacy, ate in silence, shared possessions, avoided large cities and did not relieve themselves on the Sabbath. Obsessed with ritual purity, they immersed themselves in water several times a day.

[4] Matthew and Mark paint a picture of John that is consistent with this way of life. John’s clothing was rugged4rug-ged粗糙的;结实的。and improvised5improvised简易的;临时凑成的。—the hair of a camel for a tunic and an unworked animal skin tied around his waist. For protein, John ate from any of 800 species of wild locusts—roasted, boiled or dipped in honey. If John had taken the Nazirite6古希伯来人中的苦修者。该字希伯来文的意思是“立约的人”,与神立约的人。他在神面前因为约而受拘束,不饮酒不近色,不剪头发不剃胡子。vow, his hair and beard would have been long, unkempt7unkempt(头发)蓬乱的,未加梳理的。and likely matted8matted缠结的。from exposure to the elements9elements(常用复数)天气,尤其是风雨。.

[5] Many believed that John was sent by God to pave the way for a king who would overthrow the Roman occupation of Israel. Several years before Jesus launched His ministry, John was preaching this dangerous idea—the inauguration10inauguration开始;开创。of the kingdom of God.Two things were required of citizens of this kingdom: repentance and baptism.Immersion was nothing new for Jews.But John popularized it by baptizing Jews—including Jesus—in the Jordan River.



[6] When John criticized Herod’s unlawful divorce and incestuous11incestuous乱伦的。remarriage to Herodias, he was arrested and sent to a fortified palace overlooking the Dead Sea. The Gospel of Mark records that after two years of imprisonment,John was beheaded.

[7] The last glimpse we get of John in the Gospels is of a man resolved to die in his cell12cell小牢房。but eager to ask Jesus one final question: “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else? ”(Matthew 11:3) ■


[7]福音书里最后一次提到约翰,是他决意坐死牢里,但急于问耶稣最后一个问题:“那将要来的是你吗?还是我们等候别人呢?”(《马太福音》11∶3) □
