《四年级下册 Unit 8 How are you?第一课时》教学实录与评析

2018-03-27 10:30虞利平钱希洁
教育界·中旬 2017年8期

虞利平 钱希洁

一、課题:译林小学英语四年级下册 Unit 8 How are you?(Story time)




1. 能认识并正确朗读单词cold, fever,词组come to school。

2. 能正确朗读句子Im sorry to hear that. Take care. 并理解其用法和人文含义。

3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:This is... speaking. May I speak to... ? Im sorry to hear that. How are you? Im fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you.

4. 能正确地理解课文,并能流利、准确地朗读。





1. 能认识并正确朗读单词cold, fever, 词组come to school。

2. 能正确朗读句子Im sorry to hear that. Take care. 并理解其用法和人文含义。

3. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:This is... speaking. May I speak to... ? See you tomorrow. See you.


能听懂、会说、会读句型:This is... speaking. May I speak to... ? See you tomorrow. See you.




1.以free talk开头,通过师生交流了解学生身体状况、爱好等信息,为下文引出对老师的了解做铺垫,利用信息沟,训练学生的口语能力。


3.通过一通电话过渡到书本中的电话通话,提出两个提纲挈领式的问题:Who is calling?和What are they talking about?带领学生看卡通,整体感知语篇,并操练重点单词与句子。

4.分层理解第一段电话通话内容:通过问题Whats the matter?引出(对a cold和a fever进行教学)→How do you react?出示重点句子Im sorry to hear that.进行朗读与理解→give some suggestions启发学生的扩散性思维。

5. 分层理解第二段电话通话内容:先思考Miss Li 可以怎么来问Yang Ling问题,讨论并动态生成问题,然后根据学生提出的问题读课文,理解文章第二部分。

6. 跟录音读课文,角色扮演。

7. 通过Make a telephone call for your friend,让学生达到学以致用的目的。


Step 1. Free Talk


T:Good morning,class.

Ss:Good morning,Mr Yu.

T:Hi!Im Mr Yu.Whats your name?


T:Nice to meet you.

S1:Nice to meet you,too.

T:Hello!Whats your name?


T:Good morning.

S2:Good morning.

T:Its a fine day.Do you like fine days?


T:What can you do on fine days?

S2:I can...

T:Hello!Whats your name?


T:Im fine today.How are you?

S3:Im fine,too.

T:How are you,boys and girls?

Ss:Im fine.

2.T:Now,I know something about you.Do you want to know something about me?


T:OK.Whos your new English teacher today?

S:Mr Yu./You.

T:Right! Look at me.What can you see?



T:OK.Look,this is me.Do you know more about me?You can guess.

What can you guess from ABC.

S1:Maybe you like English.

S2:You are an English teacher.

S3:You can sing “ABC”song.


T:Good guess.Now next one,Look, a number. What number is it? What can you guess with 10?

S1:You have 10 English lessons every week.

S2:You like number10.

S3: You go to bed at 10.


T:Oh,I know you are about ten years old, my son is 10 years old,too.He is as old as you.So I like 10.I love you,too.

T:Look at the last one,This is a smiling face .What can you guess from my smiling face?Why?

S1:You like smiling.

S2:You are happy. Why?

S3: You have new clothes.


T:Good job!Now, you know something about me.

(引导学生用1.You are...;2.You have...;3.You can...4.You like…等句子表达。让学生从内在中了解他人。)


1.T:Im happy,especially today.Because I have some new students and my friend will invite me too.

T:Look,the telephone is ringing.Let me answer it.


F:Hello,this is Huang Shuliang speaking.May I speak to Yu Liping?(出现句子)

T:Hello,Huang Shuliang.This is Yu Liping.

F:How are you?

T:Im fine, thank you.

F:Lets have a picnic tomorrow.

T:Ok.See you tomorrow.

F:See you.

T:My good friend calls me.what does he say?



(教学句子, speak eat →speak →speaking,在句中区分speak与speaking单词的发音。)

板书:This is ... speaking.May I speak to ...This is...


T:OK!Who can make a telephone call to Mr Yu?



T:Great!Can you call Mr Yu,now?Please call me together.

Ss:Hello,this is XX speaking.May I speak to Mr Yu?

T:Hello,this is Mr Yu.

T:Boys and girls.lets make a telephone call like this with your partners.

A:Hello,this is ... speaking.May I speak to ... ?

B:Hello.This is ...

A:How are you?

B:Im fine,thank you.



(work in pairs and check it)

Step3. learning the dialogue part1

1.T: Well done. You can make telephone calls now.

T:Listen,another telephone is ringing.

Who is calling?And what are they talking about?

1)Who is calling?

A.Yang ling and Mr Green. B.Yang ling and Miss Li.

2)what are they talking about?

A.Yang ling is ill. She cant go to school.

B.Yang ling is tired. She cant go to school.

T:Lets watch the cartoon and find the answers.

S1:1 is B.

S2:2 is A.

2.T:Thats right. Yang Ling is ill.(出示课文图片) Look, Whats the matter with her?

S:She has a cold and a fever.

Teach: a cold、a fever (板书)

T:If you are Yang Ling,how should you say it?

S1: I have a cold and a fever.

S2: I have a cold and a fever.

S3: I have a cold and a fever.

3.(当学生说:I have a cold and a fever时)T:Im sorry to hear that.

出示有关Im sorry to hear that.句子的提示:Im sorry to hear that.意思是听到这消息我感到很难过。一般是听到别人说不好的事情时你的反应,也表达同情、安慰。

Teach:Im sorry to hear that. (here—hear)

T:播放杨玲的话:I have a cold and a fever,引導学生在情景中训练答句。

Ss:Im sorry to hear that.

T:Yang Ling has a cold and a fever.Can you give her some suggestions?

课件提示:Yang Ling, you can...

S:Yang Ling, you can...(take some pills/drink some water/go to bed/see a doctor...)

T:I think Yang Ling,you should take care.

Teach: Take care.(pear-care)

4.T:You are wonderful. lets read after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

Step4. Learning the dialogue part2

1.Brain storm: What can Miss Li say to Yang Ling?

T:We know Yang ling is ill.She cant come to school in the morning.

T:Look,a clock.What time is it?

S:Its four oclock.


T: School is over. Miss Li is worried about Yang Ling. She calls Yang Ling. If you are Miss Li,what will you ask Yang Ling?Now,four students a group.Lets discuss in groups.

①How are you now?

②Whats the matter?

③Can you come to school tomorrow?

④Are you ill/fine/happy?


T:Good.You have many good questions.When someone is ill,we can ask “Whats the matter?”but in the morning, Miss Li knows Yang Ling is ill.Here, she still asks “Whats the matter?”right?

T:So,here ,we shouldnt ask the question.(Clean the question)

T:Can you come to school tomorrow? It is a good question.

Teach:tomorrow . Today is Friday.Tomorrow is Saturday. “tomorrow” ,understand ?

T: OK.Now,lets read the dialogue on P51 and answer the questions.

(Check it together)

2.T:Lets read after the tape. Try to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

What does “see you”mean?

A.Goodbye. B.Nice to meet you.


T:Look at the blackboard.In the morning,Yang ling is ill. So she calls Miss Li . She says , “(Hello, this is ...speaking. May I speak to ...? I have a cold and a fever. )” And Miss Li says, “(Im sorry to hear that.)”

T:In the afternoon, Miss Li calls Yang ling.And Yang ling is (fine) ,she can go to school tomorrow.Miss Li is happy.So she says: See you tomorrow. (Write:fine 、see you tomorrow)

T: Boys and girls, when we begin to the telephone call,we should say ‘Hello, this is... speaking. May I speak to ...?When we end the call,we should say “see you”.so we should “Be polite”on the phone. Right? (Write:be polite)

T:We also know Yang Ling is ill.Miss Li cares about her.We should care about each other.(Write:care about)

Step5. Read and act the dialogue

T:Well done ,boys and girls.Now please read the dialogue and act with your partner.You can choose part1 or part2.


(Check it .)

Step6. Consolidation

T:Yang Ling is fine now.She is happy.Im happy too. Because my friend asked me to have a picnic. Now I want to invite someone to join us. Who wants to be my friend?

For example:

T:Hello!This is Mr Yu speaking.May speak to...?

S1:This is ...

T:How are you?

S1:Im fine,thank you.

T:Lets go and have a picnic tomorrow.


T:Lets meet at ten tomorrow morning.

S1:Ok.See you tomorrow.

T:See you.

T:Boys and girls,holiday is coming soon.Lets make a telephone call to your friend.Ask him or her to go and play together.Ok!Find your friend and call him or her!Lets go!

Key sentences:

A:Hello! This is ... speaking.May I speak to ...?

B:This is ...

A:How are you?

B: ...


A:See you.

B:See you.

Step7. Homework

1.Listen, read and act the story.

2.Make a telephone call to your friends.



在2017年江苏省“蓝天杯”小学英语课堂教学展评活动中,由江苏省丹阳市丹凤实验小学虞利平老师执教的四年级下册 Unit 8 How are you?给我留下了比较深刻的印象。在虞老师的课堂里,我们看到了教师的智慧,也正是因为教师的智慧,课堂才有了一份非同一般的生动。


在这一次故事教学的准备阶段,虞老师采用了“Lets guess ”的方式,分别为“ABC”图标、数字“10”和一个笑脸,让学生根据这三个提示,对上课老师的个人信息进行猜测,在学生猜测、表达和教师交流的过程中,让学生基于原有的认知水平和英语语言基础,逐渐以比较自然的方式走进这一次英语学习活动的“最近发展区”。在交流活动的过程中,他们的思维得到了有效的激活。


在四年级下册 Unit 8 How are you? Story time這一板块的教学内容中,包含了一个重点内容,即用英语打电话。因此,在正式进入文本解读之前,虞老师设计了一个“外出郊游”的邀约,通过一串真实的电话铃声,创设了一个真实的语境,呈现了一个用英语打电话的语境,从而让学生在这个真实的语境中,较好地理解关于打电话的语言,为他们能较好地理解文本内容降低语言难度。


由于兼顾到小学生英语语言知识水平尚处于较低的层面,因此,当今小学英语教材中的故事内容都相对简单,就思想性而言,很多时候更是低于学生应有的思想层次,因此,学习文本的过程中,教师应根据文本内容凸显文本内容的文化价值,从而发展学生的文化品格,这也是发展学生英语核心素养的有效途径。在虞老师的课堂教学中,在充分解读故事文本第一部分的基础上,虞老师就故事文本的第一部分内容创设如下问题情境“If you were Yang Ling, what would you say ?”引导学生学会换位思考,站在文本主人公杨玲的立场,用英语进行表达。学生的自然表达自然形成了新的语境,教师及时呈现新的句型“Im sorry to hear that”,让学生在这样的语境中深刻体会“Im sorry to hear that”的语言意义和它所包含的文化价值,从而在发展学生英语语言能力的同时,也培养了学生的文化品格,课堂教学也因此更凸显了其丰富的文化价值。


近年来,在英语课堂教学中培养学生的思维品质是提升学生英语学科核心素养的一项重要内容,也是当今小学英语课堂教学新的风向标。然而,很多老师还较为普遍地停留在理念层面的认同,而缺乏实践层面的真正落实。因此,如何使培养学生思维品质的理念在课堂教学中真正落地生根,也是我们需要努力的一个方向。在虞老师的课堂中,我们可以看到虞老师也尝试着通过文本拓展的途径发展学生的思维品质。在他的教学中,他在引导学生理解故事文本基本内容的基础上,针对故事文本中主人公Yang Ling 生病的信息,进一步创设问题情境“Yang Ling has a cold and a fever. Can you give her some suggestions? ”从而引导学生基于自己的认知水平和英语语言水平,积极思考,为文本主人公提出建议,在发展自身英语语言能力的过程中,发展自身的思维品质。


当今, 随着社会物质文化的日益丰富和现代教学媒体的强劲冲击,在小学英语课堂教学中,尤其是各级各类公开教学或者课堂教学展评中,曾经的板书已经很少展现出它独特的魅力。课堂教学的华丽让我们感觉到当今教学成本在几何级地提高,这令很多老师大有“吃了这顿必须饿几天”的感慨,这使英语课堂教学失去了应该有的本真。因此,我们在选择教学媒体的时候,是否也可以适当地考虑一下教学的成本?是不是也该想一想怎样以较低的成本和较为方便的方式达到同样甚至更好的教学效果,同时还课堂一份生态的环境?在虞老师的课堂教学中,我有幸再次看到了这一份久违的生态美。在整个课堂教学中,随着课堂教学的展开,虞老师用粉笔将文本的内容逐渐勾画在黑板上,并用电话线将文本中的两次电话有机地形成一个整体,就是这么一支小小的粉笔,重点、难点得到了凸显,课堂也因此多了一份生态和生动,在这一份生动里,我们看到了教师的智慧。




