
2018-03-20 05:28:11设计艾伯特安杰尔
世界建筑 2018年3期


1 Kwerk奥斯曼空间大厅/The green lobby of Kwerk Haussmann













It all starts with the idea of an office. The initial intention was to create a workplace that is unique,adaptive, ergonomic and creatively nurturing.

At Kwerk, desks can be raised or lowered to allow users to change their working position with ease or to adjust their workstations according to personal preference. Designer Albert Angel sees the solution in the partitions between offices, which double as practical storage units, freeing up an immense amount of floor-space.

Transforming the workplace into a gallery,vitrines have become a characteristic part of Kwerk.Intersecting and interacting with the office-space of Kwerk, the vitrines are filled with familiar,whitewashed items from daily life and popular culture. As these objects gradually disappear from our lives, replaced by a digital counterpart or by the creation of a 3D printer, at Kwerk they are transformed into a monochromic collection.

In this unique way, Albert Angel pays tribute to Paris as a city of artistic archives. By placing these items in vitrines, they take the form of an intangible library of inspiration and fantasy, one that won't be forgotten.

Transparency remains the guiding principle of our designs, but in these locations the vitrines are fitted with dichroic lamps that diffract light and give just a sense of the infinite beyond.

Our open-plan offices come with a waist-high partition in cork, which helps to create a private space without compromising on the conviviality and transparency that hallmark Kwerk's creations.

Kwerk Haussmann: To a green lobby

We began with a great glass canopy, opening up to the natural world and filling the atrium with light and space, transforming it into a magnificent lobby of luxury and illumination. This is the core of Kwerk Haussmann's identity – a place of biodiversity and spiritual retreat.

A natural cocoon. The canopy's architectural patterns disseminate throughout the building,enveloping members and guests in a kind of forest designed by Albert Angel. Everything is built around inclusivity. In the atrium, pillars stand like tree trunks while hundreds of plants bring greenery,earth and water to the space. This world has been designed to exist as a whole, an architectural ecosystem, a unique "cathedral" of flora.

2 Kwerk奥斯曼空间主厅/The main lobby of Kwerk Haussmann

3 Kwerk奥斯曼空间绿植平台/The jungle terrace of Kwerk Haussmann






4个神灵面具立在坚固的柱子上,作为Kwerk的卫士守护着这个办公室空间,是庇佑我们的神灵。它们给工作空间带来了幽默与个性,是这个品牌不断升华的神话之中的最新亮点,完美地再现了这一空间神形合一的本质。□(尚晋 译)

On entering the space, you are plunged immediately into a world of greenery and earth, as a display case of leafy Kokedama orbs, seemingly suspended in mid-air, comes into view, their images reflecting ad infinitum off the surface of the case. An old-fashioned cabinet presents an array of gemstones, each one a symbol of the geology beneath. Finally, visitors are greeted by an immense image from the corpus of South African artist Mohau Modisakeng.

The main lobby is framed by two Versant Edition lounge chairs, completed with colossal walnut armrests and the same thematic green interiors that are used throughout the building's communal spaces. A vast table in polished teak,offers a communal space for visitors as well as members looking for a change of scenery.

Ten storeys of balconies and terraces give this building its unique, U-shaped identity. Demarcating office and social spaces, the jungle terrace is an enclosed sanctuary, away from the stress of city life.

Kwerk Tour First: The Sky Lobby

The Sky Lobby at Kwerk Tour First is the bold frontline of the design. Standing at a towering 11 metres in height on a floor space of 200 square metres, the Sky Lobby feels like an immense cathedral-cum-library where some 8000 all-white books populate the shelves, giving the illusion of even greater dimensions to the space.

Drawing inspiration from the Dutch painter Maurits Cornelis Escher, whose etchings and lithographs of minutely-crafted impossibility in architecture play unsettling tricks on the eyes of the viewer, Albert Angel has taken the idea of mindbending construction and run with it. Suspended on a ceiling canvas, a vast mirror redoubles the sense of infinity.

4 Kwerk第一旅行空间大厅/The main lobby of Kwerk Tour First

Nestled among the library's vast bookshelves,giant screens and video display walls conjure images of the fantastical and the impossible, playing on the divide between 2D and 3D. Changing at both regular and irregular intervals, the images onscreen are in a constant state of flux, forming and reforming to give the space a new identity.

Closer to the floor, a few lightly-coloured,feminine sofas are fixed to the library's upright wall. Users can either sit happily on the armrests of these gravity-defying furniture items or on the more ordinary but no less comfortable selection of horizontal sofas in the lobby, admiring the view over the city or of the books. Fitted with amphitheatric seating, the Lobby's capacity for the dramatic naturally lends itself to members' events.

Standing guard over the offices are four sentinels, spiritual masks sitting atop sturdy pillars, who watch over the space in their role as the custodians of Kwerk – our protective spirits.Bringing humour and personality to the workplace,they are the latest characters to join the ranks of the brand's growing mythology, perfectly representing the symbiosis of body and soul that defines our space.□

5-7 办公空间/Working area

项目信息/Credits and Data

Kwerk奥斯曼空间/Kwerk Haussmann

设计团队/Design Team: Elle Kunnos, Phillip Youakim,Minghao Li, Sarah Hunt

建筑面积/Floor Area: 4400m2

设计时间/Design Period: 6周/6 weeks

完成时间/Completion Time: 5个月/5 months

摄影/Photos: Thomas Humery

Kwerk第一旅行空间/Kwerk Tour First

设计团队/Design Team: Elle Kunnos, Phillip Youakim,Minghao Li, Sarah Hunt

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3800m2

设计时间/Design Teriod: 6周/6 weeks

完成时间/Completion Time: 3个月/3 months

摄影/Photos: Thomas Humery

8 神灵面具/Spiritual mask

9 玻璃展柜/Vitrines










AA:用户表示他们的注意力和创作水平都有所提高,因为Kwerk让他们能兼顾身心的舒适。□ (尚晋 译)

10 Kwerk第一旅行空间大厅/The main lobby of Kwerk Tour First

11 办公空间/Working area

12 休息区/Lounge area

WA: What is the role of the design in this project?

Albert Angel (AA): Our co-working spaces are centred around design and wellness. Both are integral part of feeling good at work and reducing physical stress. Our spaces are designed to ignite emotions, trigger your imagination and inspire.All our working spaces are focused on bringing wellness to the office. Our offices are equipped with pneumatic desks and three different type of seating(wobble stool, knee chair and standard office chair).All our offices feature integrated storage to reduce clutter and our partitions are vitrines to inspire and transport you.

WA: What is the most creative and attractive solution?

AA: Everything! Our goal is to provide a place of work which is inspiring yet functional. Each location features a unique lobby space based on the existing typology of the building. These lobbies are designed to stand out of the ordinary like for example at Kwerk Tour First we have a 10-meter tall library inspired by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher. At Kwerk Haussmann our lobby is a botanical library featuring over 150 different species of plants. Our common areas are designed to woo you and transport you.

WA: What was the most difficult part in the process of design?

AA: Construction delays.

WA: What is the feedback from the users?

AA: Users love our co-working spaces. They enjoy the fact that they have multiple environments to choose from, be it working in the lobby or in the dedicated lounges, or relaxing in the nap room, or doing a yoga class, users are never short of spatial diversity to work and feel good all day.

WA: How did this project improve the users' work?

AA: Users say that their attention and productivity levels has increased because they are able to look after both mind and body thanks to Kwerk.

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