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[1]赵铱民.口腔修复学[M]. 7版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2012:294-354.
[1]Chen Xinmin, Zhao Yunfeng. Oral biomechinics[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010:225-234.
[1]冯海兰. 牙列缺失的全口义齿修复[M]//赵铱民. 口腔修复学. 6版. 北京: 人民卫生出版社, 2008:286-347.
期刊[序号]作者(3位作者以内者全列出,中间加逗号;3位以上作者,写出前3位作者,后加“,等”或外文与之相应之词,西文作者姓名写法应姓前名缩写于后).题名[文献类型标志].杂志名称(外文者可按Dental medicus所列略语书写),年份,卷(期):起、止页码
[1]李光辉, 王茜, 居兆钰, 等. 应用外周血CD34+细胞与骨髓间充质干细胞共培养细胞膜片修复兔颅骨缺损[J].实用口腔医学杂志,2013,29(6):761-765.
[1]Brauer JA, Geronemus RG. Laser treatment in the management of infantile hemangiomas and capillary vascular malformations[J]. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol, 2013, 16(1):51-54.
[1]姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药剂制备方案:中国, 88102607.3[P].1989-07-26.
学位论文[序号]作者. 题名[D]. 保存地: 保存者,年份.
[1]应淑女. 面部解剖标志点与咬合垂直距离相关性研究[D]. 浙江:浙江大学,2012.
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Journal of Practical Stomatology is a vehicle for the publication of basic and clinical researches and experiences in stomatology. The journal is published bimonthly in January, March, May, July, September and November by the School of Stomatology, the Fourth Military Medical University. The journal is stringently edited and all the manuscripts were peer-reviewed to ensure the scientific merit, originality and practicality of the articles. The contents of the journal suit for stomatological teachers, researchers and doctors at all levels. Your submission to our journal is warmly welcomed. The scope of Journal of Practical Stomatology includes basic and clinical stomatological researches, introduction of clinical experiences, technical innovations, case reports, reviews, perspectives, forum, study garden and practical dentist garden.
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Book: Situ Zhenqiang, Wu Junzheng. Cell culture[M]. Xi'an: Xi'an World Publishing Corporation, 2007:10-74.
Journal article: Mizuno N, Ozeki Y, Shiba H, et al. Humoral factors released from human periodontal ligament cells influence calcification and proliferation in human bond marrow mesenchymal stem cells[J]. J Periodontal, 2008,79(12):2361-2370.
Patent: Yamaguchi K, Hayashi A. Plant growth promotor and productionthereof [P]. Jpn, Jp1290606. 1999-11-22.
Thesis: Rosenstiel S. The marginal Reproduction of Two Elasto meric Impression Materals [D]. Indianapolis: Indiana University, 1997.
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