A Bloodless Victory

2018-03-14 01:46ByDongHai
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Dong Hai

There is an old saying that

goes, every family has

happiness and sorrow.And another one that says, behind every successful family man, there is a woman whose intelligence is off the charts.

My old buddy Curry is an ace Mahjong player. Known as the“one-finger master,” he could guess a Mahjong tile just by touching it with one finger. He used to call or text us to join him for a game or two by saying “one short three,” meaning he was ready to play with three others,as Mahjong is a game of four persons. Then one day out of the blue he announced he was quitting gambling.

I was thrown for a loop. Could he really make a clean break of gambling? Or was it that his wife had had a fit which changed his mind?

“Well,” sighed Curry, “she is the perfect woman. She has never once objected to my Mahjong hobby. Actually, whenever I played, it was always her serving the food and drinks, and even helping me keep track of the gambling chips so that I could focus on the game.”

I was floored. Could any wife be so perfect?
















Curry sighed even more deeply this time and continued, “She separates the profits and losses,which means, if I lose, I have to pay the losses out of my own pocket, but if I win, the profits end up in her pocket.”

Curry is not the Lone Ranger,an old classmate of mine with such a high alcohol tolerance once attended five banquets in a day without getting drunk announced he had quit drinking. If in a situation where he has to drink,he keeps it to just one shot of Chinese white wine or one bottle of beer at the most, and if anyone tries to force more alcohol on him,he turns into a ferocious beast and just lays into them. I asked him if he had gone to the doctor and found something wrong, but he just shook his head and said that all was well. So, I asked if his wife was giving him the runaround about his drinking. Again he shook his head and said his wife was very lenient to him and never stopped him from drinking even one drop, and was even of the opinion that a man who doesn’t drink is no man at all.

“Then why would you give up alcohol?” I wondered.

“The thing is,” my classmate said with a serious expression,“whenever I drank at home with my friends she would always gang up with them to get me drunk so I would pass out as soon as possible; and whenever I went out drinking, she would always encourage me to just have fun and forget about her, then she would come home even later than me. I mean, yeah yeah, people always say it’s like she’s the perfect woman, but I can’t help feeling that something’s rotten in Denmark.”

The shocking news that chain smoker Old Ji decided to quit smoking came as a bombshell to us all. We all agreed that he’s a tough dude, and that if he could manage to kick the cigarettes to the curb, what else couldn’t he be capable of?

His wife once suggested, “Don’t smoke too many cigarettes.Smoke some good quality ones if you must.” But Old Ji retorted,“Not even my own father ever had the nerve to nose around in my business. Why in the world do you think a wife has that right?”

So why would this hard-headed man suddenly go soft and decide to quit smoking? I was burning with curiosity.

Old Ji said, looking rather glum, “That very same day I dozed off smoking in bed. Suddenly the blanket was on fire, and I woke up when it started burning me.I started panicking but my wife was just standing there watching with a big smile on her face. I was furious at her for being so flippant about it, but she replied, ‘Not even your own father had the nerve to nose around in your business,what would give your little old wife that right?’”

According to Old Ji, he seriously doubted if the fire was an accident, or rather, it was set on purpose.

(From Collected Chinese Humorous Stories of 2016,Changjiang Literature & Art Press. Translation: Zhu Yaguang)
