The Belt and Road Initiative:A Theme Westerners Know Little About

2018-03-14 01:46BySammyBuhrUS
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Sammy Buhr [US]

Sammy Buhr grew up in New York and relocated to China in 2008. “I love the Chinese people and their culture.” She has taught English at UESTC and SWUFE.

Recently I was sitting

around the dinner

table with my brother and some friends. We were talking about our lives and the latest happenings. Having been engrossed in conversation about the usual topics for some time,it seemed like the evening was just about winding down when one or the other of us realized...wait a second... we have not yet discussed the recent goings on in Turkmenistan. And come to think of it, not one of us had had anything meaningful to say about Azerbaijan the whole entire evening. Having realized how entirely dense we were being to leave out such subjects,we immediately began a lively discussion that finished off our evening nicely.

Yep, that never happened.Because the sad truth is, with the exception of the adorable wunderkind who appeared on Jimmy Kimmel in 2013, there are no Americans alive today who know where Turkmenistan is...or how to spell it... or that it’s an actual country. Many Americans are vaguely aware of their own ethnocentricity and are likely to be somewhat apologetic about it when they meet someone foreign at a dinner party and mistakenly take Sierra Leone for an Italian province or have to be corrected after introducing a colleague as coming from Bangladesh, the capital of India. But charming self deprecation is not going to save us in the coming decades.

The fact is, there are sections of the world that are poised to change rapidly with profound implications for the economic and political landscapes of Asia, the Middle East and Europe; possibly the world. And for many of us,we've never heard of these places before. The reason for these changes likely to take place in the coming years, has its roots in the Silk Road of ancient times.









第一次看到关于“一带一路”倡议时,我不明所以。我熟悉丝绸之路的历史概念,但“丝绸带”又指什么呢?我学习高中历史课时,错过什么吗? 这个历史术语更像一个时髦辞令,让我费解。




The Silk Road of Ancient Times

For most people, mention of the Silk Road will conjure up images of camel trains trudging over sand dunes, carrying their precious cargo of exotic spices and of course, silk, westward, perhaps towards Rome. A romantic notion like this one glosses over some of the complexities of the history of the Silk Road. For instance,rather than being just one road,the Silk Road of ancient times consisted of a collection of routes that may have begun as trade routes between what is now Iran and the Mediterranean. While historians may debate on the exact location of certain parts of the route or the exact way the Silk Road evolved, one thing beyond debate is that the Silk Road was of major historical significance not only because goods were exchanged, but also because of the results of the exchange of culture,language, technology and science.Today there is another significant development in the region of the world once known for its trade routes connecting East and West.

In September and October 2013, President Xi Jinping, while visiting key spots in Central and Southeast Asia, announced China’s new plan for economic development, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative. Commonly referred to as the Belt and Road Initiative,this economic strategy aims to facilitate economic and cultural cooperation among countries primarily in Eurasia. The plans for these improvements are on a truly grand scale. To facilitate the financing of the projects, a new bank was formed, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.Its primary purpose, as its name suggests, is to lend money for infrastructure projects. This means new roads, bridges and possibly railways. As a further reflection of the scope of the initiative, China has created the Silk Road Fund, a 40 billion USD fund dedicated to the needs of the Belt and Road Initiative.This fund is distinguished from the bank in that its purpose is to lend to businesses to stimulate economic growth rather than lend money for infrastructure building projects. The stage is thus generously set for some rapid changes in these regions.

Belt... Road... Silk?

Now, the first time I saw reference to the Belt and Road Initiative I was a little thrown off by the name. I was familiar with the Silk Road. But what was this Silk Belt?Had I missed something in high school history class? It’s quite possible I completely missed an important historical fact here and there. Still, I think any historical term that also sounds like such a fashionable accessory would have stuck in my mind. After doing some research into the matter, it turns out my confusion was not without reason. To be clear, the term “Belt” actually refers to a region of land, or “belt” of land that is commonly associated with the Silk Road of long ago.The initiative to build up the infrastructure, streamline trade practices and increase cultural exchange within countries belonging to this “belt” or region is what is being referenced in the “Belt” of the Belt and Road initiative. This region of land stretches from West Asia to the Middle East and Europe.In addition it involves such farflung places as Oceania and East Africa. Perhaps officials went with the term “Belt” on account of the fact that there were in reality many routes along the Silk Road, not just one. Also perhaps“Belt and Road” sounded better than “Region and Road” which is quite vague sounding after all.The “Road” in the Belt and Road Initiative is not a road at all.Instead it refers to a collection of maritime routes connecting the waterways of Southeast Asia, Oceania and North Africa.This oceangoing initiative,sometimes called the Maritime Silk Road, aims to create a cohesive economic cooperation that will bring trade benefits to participating countries.

How Will This Affect Us?

Perhaps most relevant to China’s youth, this economic coalition is resulting in a uniting of institutes of higher learning throughout the Belt and Road region. In May, 2015, The New Silk Road University Union was established by Xi’an Jiaotong University.106 universities in 22 countries have joined the union. In addition, the “The Belt and Road Universities Strategic Alliance”was instituted in Dunhuang,Gansu in October, 2015 and 46 universities have joined to date.These unions purpose to create platforms for communication,cultural and academic exchange among participating universities.As Tom McGregor notes in his article, “Belt and Road Initiative:Taking China’s culture beyond borders,” “Academia can play a larger role (in sparking renewed interest in cultural matters)by conducting more in-depth research, sponsoring forums and publishing written materials on the New Silk Road.”

The Silk Road of ancient times prompted advancements in the fields of science and technology.Ideas and philosophies were spread and cultures were forever changed. What will be the result of the economic advancement and the cultural and academic exchange brought on by the Belt and Road Initiative? We can only wait and see.

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