Career Choice and Envied Luck

2018-03-14 01:46ByHuangTongtong
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Huang Tongtong

Career Choice and Envied Luck

By Huang Tongtong

In the past few days, my bestie Miss Blue and I have been engaged in a lively discussion about the recent buzzword “the rocket pack that allows pigs to fly,” which reminded us the importance of career choices in one’s life and the “rocket packs” we’ve seen in China over the past few decades.

For the post-60s generation(those born between 1960 and 1969 in Mainland China), there have been many such “rocket packs” as going into business and being your own boss in the 1990s. For example, one of my cousins was a worker in a machine factory in our town. Back in the late 1980s, everyone thought that punching a time card at the factory every day was the best and most stable way to earn a living.Yet ignoring objections from his family members, he quitted job,started a brick mill and gradually became somebody, and later even bought out the machine factory which he worked for before.Now he’s a local celebrity in my hometown.

For the post-70s generation,engaging in the real estate business was their “rocket pack.”In the 1990s, three red-hot majors as foreign languages, computers and civil engineering are more favored in my college time. Time proves all things as many of those who majored in foreign languages in college are now mediocrities.They fought tooth and nail to go abroad but now sincerely regret that they missed out on China’s 20-year period of lightning-

fast development. Those who majored in computers did pretty well for themselves; at least they are a part of the middle class.But those who majored in civil engineering are absolutely loaded.It didn’t matter if they opened a real estate company or worked at a real estate company, or if they majored in architecture, as long as these people did something remotely associated with real estate, they are now richer than anyone I know. Even the lowliest of those who went into real estate back in those days now have a mansion somewhere in Changsha,the capital city of Hunan Province where we spent our college time.

For the post-80s generation, it was finance.

For people like Miss Blue,there were two popular majors:one was journalism, the other being finance. Back in the day,the idealistic ones went off to study news media, while the non-idealistic bunch went off to study finance. No one could have predicted the Great Recession of 2008 that hit the news media industry like a ton of bricks.Those who studied finance went,one after the other, off to work at the banks. Now those upstarts are driving around in BMW and Mercedes Benz. Of course, the finance industry didn’t entirely escape the collateral damage of the recession, as for the last few years it hasn’t been doing that well either, but for at least ten years or so, the members of the eighties generation who went intofinance have gotten to live high on the hog.

For the post-90s generation,it was definitely anything weboriented or being a me-media personality in the Web 2.0 internet landscape. Rising to prominence in 2013, the memedia stars, including internet celebrities, vloggers and gamers are from the 90s generation. I myself have seen an incredibly inspirational example of this with my own eyes. A non-descript girl of a family of limited means hailing from small-town China who graduated from a generic art academy became an overnight sensation on a karaoke website.Later she began to do live video streaming, and finally became a WeChat entrepreneur. She now does several million yuan in business per year, leaving her parents, who themselves make only around 50,000 yuan per year, with their mouths agape and eyes as big as dinner plates.Another perfect example is my neighbor’s son, a chubby nerd who sat at home all day playinggames like some couch potato.The whole family was convinced he had no future, but I heard he made millions doing live video streaming and is now the owner of a shiny new Porsche amongst other flashy toys.

Every new era ushers in sweeping changes. China has had thirty years of change equaling three hundred years of change in Europe. Those who want to control their own destiny amid the torrents of life mostly do so by luck, and many people have parlayed their luck into their first fortune. But later they didn’t rely entirely on luck alone. My wellconnected friend, who made his riches in civil engineering became the preeminent mogul of the 1990s due to his father’s connections in high places,later lost it all on high-stakes investments that didn’t pan out.Likewise, not many of those who risked it all to go into the real estate business became a genuine real estate mogul in their own right, someone like Xu Jiayin or Wang Shi. The odds are stacked against you getting a hold of a rocket pack. And even when you get one, whether it propels you to wealth and glamor is ultimately just up to whether you are able to grasp it.

Take myself for example, I’m an unlucky member of the post-70s generation wholly engrossed in learning foreign language who made the switch to media communications and suffered from hand and brain cramps on account of all the writing I had to do. I had been in the entertainment business for ten years when, by a fluke, in 2014 I got my big break by hopping onto the post-90s generation’s memedia gravy train. And though I can’t say I compare to those white hot social media personalities with massive social authority,

you can’t say that I’m struggling either. I’m living the kind of life that I want. Maybe we can just chalk it up to luck, but if I hadn’t been so persistent and tenacious after I got that big break, I would never have gotten my golden ticket aboard the said gravy train.

Looking back on it I can’t help but think of a universal truth,that is, “Money can’t buy a crystal ball.” It’s better to live your life than to go searching high and low for a rocket pack to blast you into the stratosphere. Put priority on going in search of what you are good at and what you like to do and then become devoted to that body, mind and soul. Most of the time, if you can land in the top twenty percentile of your industry, no matter what industry it is, you will never have to worry where your next meal is. And if you’re lucky enough to pair your industry with a rocket pack, you can probably change your whole occupational sphere.

There are always those angsty newbies to the job market who ask me how to choose a career,and how to zone in on where the rocket pack might be stashed.I look them straight in the eyes and tell them point blank: the rocket pack is just the luck of the draw, you can’t force it make an appearance, so don’t bother trying. A much more practical way to go is to live your life and work hard at leveling up your skills. It’s like this, at the end of the day, the rocket pack comes but once in a blue moon, it’s best to concentrate on what you can control, and see it through to the end. That is by far the best choice for all the average Joes out there in the world who will probably never get the chance to blast off to the stars. (From Shanghai Wave, November 2017.Translation: Chase Coulson)













