You are a Beacon for Others

2018-03-14 01:46ByHanSongluo
Special Focus 2018年1期

By Han Songluo

Ove’s wife Sonia died of illness six months ago,and Ove wanted to follow her footsteps by taking his own life.However, his attempts to commit suicide were always interrupted by his neighbors.

Ove, at 59 years of age, has worked for the railways for 43 years and lived in his community for 30 years. Years of experience as a trackwalker have made him intolerant of any disorderly conduct. Carrying a grim face,he maintains everything in his neighborhood, making sure that behaviors like illegal car parking,scattering about things, disposal of waste without sorting, and driving on the sidewalk are minimized.

After the death of his wife, he started spending his life inside an airtight protective cocoon,displaying no sign of emotion to others. Even when he looked after his neighbor’s children, he would keep a straight face; and after fixing a bicycle for a young fellow, he would complain of his carelessness.

His neighbors had seen enough of it, and they understood him thoroughly. The first time he put a rope around his neck, his neighbor backed a truck into his mailbox while moving; the second time he tried to hang himself,his neighbor’s kids passed his window and peeped into his house with curiosity; and the third time, when he locked himself in a car, attempting to kill himself by filling the car with exhaust fumes, his neighbor banged on the garage door, hoping that he could drive her to the hospital.His suicidal attempts were held up over and over again. Though it may have seemed accidental,those disruptions were actually intentional. In fact, he was waiting for them as well. Whenever he saw a sign that prevented him from taking further actions, he would take advantage of it and drop the idea of killing himself.

During his suicidal preparations,his recollections explained why he was so reluctant to part with life.His childhood, the early death of his mother, the embrace that his father—also a railway worker—gave him after his mother’s death,his work experience at the railways,his first flat, Sonia—the woman he







即便是最孤独的人,其实也难得孤独。总有人来敲门,met unexpectedly on the train who later became his wife—his happy life in marriage, his honeymoon trip to Spain, and the streetlamps that lit up the way home for him and his neighbors… All of these fragments of memory form an intangible hand that pulls him back from the abyss of suffering.

In the novel A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman, all the chapters are named in an interesting way—such as“a man called Ove makes his neighborhood inspection” and “a man called Ove backs up with a trailer.” These minutiae are not only related to Ove himself, but also concern the people around him. You always find him lending a helping hand to others. For example, he would teach someone how to drive a car, or help someone repair his bicycle. He is always strengthening his tie with the world bit by bit, and spreading out his roots deep into the soil just like a tree; therefore, when he considers leaving eternally, the world is holding him back. Death is one of the biggest motives for our lives, yet it is difficult to make it happen, even though some of us are well-prepared and have stepped into the “waiting room” at an early stage.

Even if you are the loneliest person in the world, it would still be hard for you to feel lonely,as the knocking at the door,the shining lights, the pleasant smell of the dishes, and the noise in your ears will always be of company to you. The movie The Devotion of Suspect X depicts the life of a reclusive person,Tetsuya Ishigami, a brilliant mathematics teacher who lives like a dying person in a flat—alone and quiet. However, the mother and daughter living next door are constantly making noise, and he can always smell the aroma of their dishes and hear their laughter.Although the sounds and smells do not belong to him, when he is at home, he gets tremendous comfort from the lights shining next door.

In fact, so-called loners who claim to be reclusive and solemn can also be a beacon of light for others. Shining from afar, they can always illuminate the way towards happiness.

(From Response, April 2017.Translation: Zhu Yaguang)总有灯火亮起,总有饭菜的香味飘来,总有吵闹声在耳畔响起。在一部同样描绘孤独者的电影《嫌疑人X的献身》里,数学天才石神哲哉孤独地住在公寓里,像个将亡之人,但隔壁母女俩却总在发出响动,总在制造饭菜香气和嬉笑声。尽管那声音和气味并不属于他,但当他归家的时候,望望隔壁母女家的灯火,就会感到莫大的慰藉。



The Blind Man