(中国农业大学农业部土壤-机器-植物系统技术重点实验室,北京 100083)
振动深松具有减阻的优势,但振动对拖拉机及驾驶员的不利影响制约其推广,该文对振动深松机多组振动深松铲进行自平衡性能分析。在优化试验中,多组深松铲振动作业时的剧烈振动易造成试验设备损坏,仿真试验可避免危险工作环境下的实车试验。对拖拉机-振动深松机系统进行受力分析,并基于ADAMS建立其仿真模型,建模过程包括导入三维模型、定义轮胎与地面之间接触力和摩擦力等。理论与仿真分析相互验证,得到拖拉机后轮所受支持力均值分别为27.8、26.4 kN,误差为1.4 kN,并且二者主振动曲线变化趋势一致。采用加权加速度均方根值评价振动对驾驶员的影响。通过MATLAB编程,利用功率谱密度函数,计算得到驾驶座质心总加权加速度均方根值。利用Design-Expert软件设计试验并优化得到6组振动影响较小的四组振动松土铲作业初始相位角组合,减振比率超过90%,实现了振动深松机作业时的自平衡。
1.拖拉机 2.振动深松机 3.变速箱 4.偏心轴 5.连杆 6.拉杆 7.松土铲
1. Tractor 2.Oscillatory subsoiler 3.Gearbox 4.Eccentric shaft 5.Connecting rod 6.Pull rod 7.Break shovel
图1 振动深松机受力简图 Fig.1 Force diagrams of oscillatory subsoiler
注: C为松土铲质心;ωe为偏心轴角速度,rad·s-1;J3J4为连杆长度,mm;J2J3为偏心距,mm;J1J4为拉杆挂接距离,mm。
表1 常发CF700型拖拉机参数表
图3 后轮所受支持力时域图
利用SolidWorks建立拖拉机-振动深松机三维装配体模型(.X_T)导入ADAMS/View,如图4所示。拖拉机轮胎材质为橡胶,密度为1×10-6kg/mm³,杨氏模量为6.1 N/mm²,泊松比为0.49。地面材质为土壤,密度为2×10-9kg/mm³,杨氏模量为1.2 N/mm²,泊松比为0.25。其他零部件材质为普通碳钢,密度为7.801×10-6kg/mm³,杨氏模量为2.07×105N/mm²,泊松比为0.29。
图4 拖拉机-振动深松机系统仿真模型
2.2.1 万向联轴器的简化
2.2.2 过约束的处理
2.3.1 定义接触力
根据聂信天等[23]试验分析得到导向轮、驱动轮轮胎径向刚度、阻尼系数与轮胎充气压力的回归方程。在140~220 kPa范围内,轮胎的变形较小,轮胎阻尼主要是由轮胎橡胶的变形决定,阻尼较稳定。在仿真过程中,本文选取轮胎充气压力为200 kPa,得到导向轮径向刚度345 kN/m,阻尼系数1 772 N/(m/s);驱动轮径向刚度419 kN/m,阻尼系数2 105 N/( m/s)。
根据伦佳琪[16]得到定胎压下轮胎沉陷量拟合方程,计算得到驱动轮沉陷量24.9 mm,导向轮沉陷量13.2 mm。轮胎沉陷量即拖拉机行驶过程中轮胎对地面的切入深度。
表2 车轮-地面接触参数表
Shahgoli G[29]等研究得出,铲头上表面作业时(切削阶段),耕作阻力大;铲头下表面作业时(后退阶段),耕作阻力小。振动松土过程中,耕作阻力呈正弦曲线规律变化,变化周期与松土铲振动周期近似一致。由此得到耕阻的近似表达式
图5 单组振动深松铲土槽作业
表3 试验土壤条件
表4 各向受力统计值
图6 系统仿真模型构建与试验流程图
经过上述约束与定义,得到拖拉机-振动深松机系统仿真模型。设置仿真时间为10 s,仿真步数为2 000,运行仿真,分别进行单组铲、四组铲振动作业仿真试验。
在ADAMS后处理模块,调出驾驶座质心位置、、共3个方向的加速度曲线以及后轮竖直方向接触力曲线。仿真开始阶段,软件仿真启动惯性力较大,加速度上下波动剧烈。实际作业中,拖拉机动力输出轴转动加速较平稳。因此,舍弃0~5 s仿真数据,以5~10 s仿真数据作为分析对象。
如图7所示,对单组铲振动作业仿真试验竖直方向接触力曲线进行频谱分析得到幅值谱,因作傅里叶变换为点投影累加,且有一半能量到负频率区域,故要真实反应信号幅值,离散傅里叶变换应乘以幅值谱系数2/(≠0)、1/(=0)[30],由此得到接触力均值为26.4 kN,与理论计算相差1.4 kN。幅值谱图中2个幅值较高的主振动(如图7b所示),振频分别为4、15.2 Hz。4 Hz由松土铲振动产生,15.2 Hz由拖拉机前进时轮胎与地面接触点的变化产生。由幅值谱得到实际幅值分别为3.5、4.0 kN,并由相位谱得到初始相位分别为1.842、−1.978,由此得到二者叠加振动的时域图。对比图3可知,二者变化趋势一致。综合以上分析,理论计算与仿真结果可相互验证。
图7 后轮与地面接触力(竖直方向)频谱分析
ADAMS可将驾驶座质心位置加速度时间历程曲线输出为表格数据(.tab)格式。利用Microsoft Excel将“.tab”格式数据转换为“.xlsx”格式数据,MATLAB的“xlread”函数可读取该格式数据。
图8 仿真数据分析及试验优化流程图
考察三因素交互作用,至少需要三次项,通过预试验得出四次多项式回归拟合优度较好,利用Design-Expert优化响应面设计,得到试验方案,如表6所示,其中0°可替换为360°。通过回归分析得到方差分析表7,决定系数、预测决定系数、修正决定系数分别为0.894 8、0.841 1、0.765,回归模型拟合优度良好。
表5 试验因素及指标
表6 试验设计与结果
表7 方差分析表
表8 初始相位角组合仿真优化结果
根据农业轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动的评价指标(GB/T13876-2007)[33],轮式拖拉机驾驶员全身振动总加权加速度a应不大于3 m/s2,仿真试验优化结果满足该要求。
1)对拖拉机-振动深松机系统进行受力分析,设定振动深松机振频为4 Hz,列出系统平衡方程,计算得到拖拉机后轮所受支持力变化曲线,变化频率为4 Hz,变化幅值为5.1 kN,均值为27.8 kN。
2)基于ADAMS建立拖拉机-振动深松机系统仿真模型,包括导入三维模型、定义轮胎与地面之间接触力和摩擦力等。仿真分析得到后轮所受支持力变化曲线,得到2个幅值较高的主振动,振频分别为4、15.2 Hz,对应幅值分别为3.5、4.0 kN,二者叠加振动曲线与理论计算结果曲线变化趋势一致。仿真分析得到后轮所受支持力均值为26.4 kN,与理论计算相比,误差为1.4 kN。理论与仿真分析相互验证。
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Self-balancing performance and simulation analysis of multi-group vibrating sholvels of oscillatory subsoiler
Sun Yapeng, Dong Xiangqian, Song Jiannong※, Wang Jicheng, Liu Cailing, Xu Guanghao
Oscillation tillage could reduce the drag resistance and power consumption during tillage. But the oscillation has a bad effect on tractor driver. In order to do vibration analysis, a four-tine oscillatory subsoiler and a tractor model were designed using 3D modeling software in this study. In the process of oscillation tillage, the tillage forces and inertia force were unbalanced, these force transferred to the tractor and driver, and negatively impact them to some extent. These vibrations prevent the spreading use of oscillatory subsoiler. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a vibration optimization test. The simulation optimization test could avoid the real car test in the dangerous working environment. A simulation model of the tractor-subsoiler system was established based on ADAMS. The modeling process had four parts, including introduction of 3D model, adding constraints, loading, defining the contact force and friction between tire and ground. During the contact force definition part, on the basis of the wheel damping coefficient-cut depth curve and the adhesion coefficient-slip rate curve of a running tractor, the contact force and friction force between tire and soil was defined by using the STEP function. This could improve the accuracy of the simulation model. During the contact force definition part, related research had shown that the maximum draft occurred during the period tine had their top face active (cutting) and the minimum draft occurred during the period tine had their underside active (backward). The statistical results showed that a sinusoidal force relationship was between these two peaks. In order to get the actual draft force of the tine during oscillation tillage, a single group tine oscillation tillage test was carried out in the soil bin, and the single tine draft force curve was obtained using statistical software. After that, the optimization tests were started. During the tests, the experimental index was the vibrations at the tractor driver’s seat. The working parameters to be considered were each tine’s initial phase angle of oscillation. The tests result showed that the theoretical and simulation analysis verifies each other. The mean value of the supporting force in the rear wheel of the tractor was 27.8 kN, 26.4 kN, respectively, the error was 1.4kN, and the tendency of the main vibration curve was consistent. The optimization goal was to reduce the root mean square of weighed acceleration on the tractor seat. According to the evaluation index of whole body vibration of agricultural wheeled tractor driver (GB/T13876-2007), the influence of vibration on the driver was evaluated by using the mean square root of weighted acceleration. By using the power spectral density function in MATLAB, the mean square root of the total weighted acceleration of the driving seat was calculated. Related research showed that the relative changes of the initial phase angle of the various groups affected the vibration size of the seat. During the test of four-group vibrating shovels of oscillatory subsoiler, we fixed one of the break shovel initial phase angle of 0°. The other three groups break shovel initial phase angle range of 0-360°. The relative changes of multi-group vibrating shovels’ initial phase angle can influence seat's vibration. The test for three factors can be used to consider the influence of four-group initial phase angles. As such, the test could reduce the test factors and test times. Using optimal design in Design-Expert software, the quartic order regression model was founded. According to the regression analysis, the variance analysis was obtained, and the R-squared, Adj R-squared, Pred R-squared were 0.8948, 0.8411, and 0.765, respectively, and the regression model was good. Six groups for the optimal solution of initial phase angle combination were obtained by using the regression model. Compared with the un-optimized combination, the vibration reduction ratio was over 90%, and the self-balance of the oscillatory subsoiler was realized.
agricultural machinery; vibrations; computer simulation; subsoiling; self-balancing; ADAMS
孙亚朋,董向前,宋建农,王继承,刘彩玲,徐光浩. 振动深松机多组振动深松铲自平衡性能及仿真分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(4):92-99.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.04.011 http://www.tcsae.org
Sun Yapeng, Dong Xiangqian, Song Jiannong, Wang Jicheng, Liu Cailing, Xu Guanghao. Self-balancing performance and simulation analysis of multi-group vibrating sholvels of oscillatory subsoiler[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(4): 92-99. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.04.011 http://www.tcsae.org