Abstracts of Papers in This Issue

2018-03-06 08:31
外文研究 2018年2期


CHUHangjun(School of Foreign Studies, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China)

Terrence Deacon is an American contemporary anthropologist.TheSymbolicSpecies:TheCo-evolutionofLanguageandBrainby him in 1997, which has gained widespread influence in international academic circles, is an interdisciplinary book involving linguistics, neuroscience and many other subjects.The compliments and criticism of this book have been coexisting since its publication.Based on a brief review of the academic background of the theme of this book, Deacon’s thought of the co-evolution of language and brain is interpreted and the core concepts of this book are examined in this paper.It is revealed by this analysis that though there are many evidences to support Deacon’s co-evolutionary idea, the verification of certain details should be improved; besides, Deacon’s thought of co-evolution of language and brain shows great insights into the biological basis of language and deserves to be further explored and studied in future.


XUShijing(Faculty of Linguistic Sciences, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

Adverbial clause is a very important typological parameter.In traditional Chinese studies, this phenomenon is regarded as modifying compound.This kind of research idea and research method is different from that in Western linguistics.Research from the perspective of typology will let the domestic research results gear to international linguistic study.Chinese adverbial clauses conform to universality on the one hand, and on the other hand, have their own indivi-duality.There are five criteria for defining Chinese adverbial clauses.Chinese adverbial clauses have two types: first, the adverbial clauses of Logic Relation, which is the most representative type of adverbial clauses in typology and second, adverbial clauses of Description.The former includes 4 adverbial clauses: Condition, Cause, Concession and Purpose; the latter only includes adverbial clause of Time.


PENGCheng(School of Foreign Languages, West Anhui University, Lu’an 237012, China)

The classical generative grammar gives a good account of syntactic dependencies in terms of competence.In recent years, many scholars regard syntactic dependency as the result of performance, which is compatible with the Minimalist Program.Both language parsing and language production may play an important role in the formation of this phenomenon.Competence over-generates significantly.Only a proper subset of grammatically licensed sentences is judged as fully acceptable.This phenomenon needs speech processing (parsing and production) to explain.


YANGJinlong(School of International Relations, Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing 400031, China)

SHENQi&LIWeifeng(Research Center for Foreign Language Planning & Policy, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

With “the Belt and Road” initiative well under the way, relevant research on language demands and language services is long overdue.Based on the collected data concerning the Linguistic Landscape in Guguan town of Shaanxi Province, Yinchuan city of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and Linxia city of Linxia Hui Autonomous prefecture in Gansu, and by means of interviews with local Muslims from the above-mentioned regions, the study aims to exhaustively analyze the use of Arabic in the three regions and, on that basis, put forward some feasible suggestions as to how to provide Arabic language services for language planning department.The study shows that in Guguan, billboards with Arabic signs concentrate in commercial and private areas, while in Yinchuan, billboards with both Chinese and Arabic signs mainly appear in public places and few such boards can be found in Linxia.Besides, Arabic writing on many billboards is far from being standardized and misspellings are not uncommon.Local Muslims’ know-ledge about the Arabic language is rather scant and the Arabic signs are intended to attract prospective customers and promote local economy.


YUChenglin(School of English Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)

Hamlet and Larry Slade, the protagonists in Shakespeare’sHamletand Eugene O’Neill’sTheIcemanCometh, are confronted with similar existential predicament although they live in different ages.On the one hand, the insight into the dark side of human nature and illusion of life thrusts them into despair.On the other hand, the sense of responsibility and love makes it hard for them to abandon the world.Both of them endeavor to transcend such a boundary-situation after philosophical meditations on existential problems: Hamlet self-destructively shoulders the burden of saving the world, while Larry chooses to live in a world of dire desperation with love, endurance, sympathy and compassion.Varied approaches as they try, they both endeavor to infuse meaning into life.During these endeavors the values and dignity of human beings are highlighted, and thus tragic spirits are vividly represented.


ZHANGHuihui(Faculty of Liberal Arts, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China)

In Monica Ali’s novelBrickLane, the male immigrants have failed to pursue their identity in Western society, which is typically reflected by Chanu-Nazneen’s husband.The comic color of Chanu’s character cannot cover up his tragic failure of his pursuit of identity.The paper intends to analyze Chanu’s pursuit of identity in cultural clashes and explores the reasons of his failure.Chanu dreams to be a “Brown Sahib”, but is in fact an “oriental other” in the eyes of Westerners.His imagined identity contradicts his identity in real life.Unable to construct a unified identity, he turns to the glorious history of his motherland to avoid his sense of frustration, but his journey to Bangladesh also proves a tragic one, which turns Chanu into a tramp between the East and the West.


WANGDan&WUXiaomei(College of Foreign Languages, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China)

OneOutofManyis a short story by V.S.Naipaul, the Father of Caribbean literature.It describes various ironic experiences of the protagonist Santosh who follows his employer to immigrate to Washington from Bombay.From the perspective of cultural identity, this paper aims at interpreting the crisis, the pursuit and the reconstruction of Santosh’s cultural identity by means of textual analysis and literature research so as to explore the practical significance of “the third space” and the fluidity of cultural identity.


LILulu(School of Foreign Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)

ZHANGYuqian(School of Foreign Languages, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

In the “informationized” and “digitalized” age, the majority are quite familiar with the “speed of liberation”.However, when human beings are cheerfully heading towards the seemingly boundless future out of sight, Paul Virilio, contemporary French thinker widely-known as a “pessimist”, has made through his philosophy of speed (velocity and acceleration) as well as his theory of progressive destruction(including cyber warfare) a profound reflection on and criticism of the uninterrupted and ubiquitous hegemony of technology in post-modern society, thus appealing for the return of human society to the value of humanism.This paper intends to review Paul Virilio’s aesthetic criticism theory through three dimensions: the “subversion of time and space”, the “transition caused by picnolepsy” and the “mists of trauma”.


BAIYun(School of Russian, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)

The narrative perspective is the central issue of the structure of artwork, which is related to all art forms.In literary works, the perspective is defined as the point of view from which the story is told.In the structure of literary narratives, it is often not a single subject that displays the world of art in isolation.The narrative tasks are mostly performed by several subjects.So different viewpoints and modalities intermingle with each other to produce a perspective conversion.This paper combines the concepts of subjectification and objectification presented by Russian scholars В.В.Виноградов, В.В.Одинцов and А.И.Горшков.The narrative perspective conversion is divided into the subjectification of narrative perspective and the objectification of narrative perspective.Б.А.Успенский believes that there are four dimensions of perspective: evaluation, language, time and space, psychology, and each dimension has different ways of perspective conversion.This paper explores the way of realizing the conversion of narrative perspective from the time dimension, and illustrates the function of subjectification of narrative perspective and the objectification of narrative perspective.


WANGHong(School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China)

LIUXingfeng(School of Foreign Languages, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China)

TheClassicofTeahas been translated into many foreign languages and has cast great influence on tea studies and tea culture in the world.After a brief overview of the English translation ofTheClassicofTea, this paper makes a systemic survey of its domestic studies in the past de-cade and then comments on a few representative academic papers.Meanwhile a number of useful solutions are proposed to tackle the drawbacks and problems in the research field.


CAOLingzhi&ZHAOZhengjun(School of Foreign Languages, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China)

ThePeonyPavilionoccupies an important role in the history of Chinese and Western dramas.Previous English translation studies mainly focus on the main texts, ignoring its supplementary functions.In this article, the paratextual theory put forward by Gerard Genette is drawn on in the analysis of the English translation ofThePeonyPavilionby Cyril Birch and Wang Rongpei.By comparing the differences of the paratextual elements in their translations, this article finds that paratext is of great importance to the judgement of translation quality and the acceptability by foreign readers.Proper treatment of paratexts could better promote the Chinese Culture “Going-out” strategies.


WANGPin(School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)

Within the theoretical framework of discourse semantics established by J.R.Martin as a further extension of M.A.K.Halliday’s classic systemic functional grammar, this paper attempts to look into the experiential meaning in the original Sanskrit text ofTheHeartSutra, Xuanzang’s Chinese translation and Conze’s English translation, and to conduct a comparative study between the Sanskrit text and the two translated versions.The study focuses on the organization of nuclear relations and activity sequences of the original and the translated texts, with a tentative interpretation of the differences between the original and the translated texts and between the Chinese and English translations.The study suggests that the differences in experiential meaning among the three texts largely stem from the inherent linguistic features of the three languages; in addition, the Chinese translation strives to disseminate Buddha’s teaching while the English translation strives to represent the original meaning: the distinct purposes in translation result in different output.


WANGRong(Nanjing High School, Jiangyin 214437, China)

This paper aims to investigate the linguistic style ofTessoftheD’urbervillesand its three Chinese versions on the basis of a parallel corpus.The findings of this study are as follows.There are noticeable differences between the original English version and each Chinese version.The number of tokens is noticeably higher in each Chinese version than in the original English version, which centers around the tokens of verbs, nouns, adverbs and numerals; the average sentence length is higher in each Chinese version than in the original English version; and the average sentence segment length is lower in each Chinese version than in the original English version.In addition, the study also finds that there are similarities and differences between different Chinese versions.In terms of similarities, the three Chinese versions all display expli-citation and simplification.Differences also occur among the three Chinese versions.Zhang’s version is characte-rized by the highest number of tokens, the longest average sentence length, the shortest average sentence segment length and the lowest lexical density; Sun’s version is chara-cterized by the lowest number of tokens, the shortest average sentence length, the highest number of STTR, the lowest number of lexical density and the lowest repetition of high frequency words; WANG’s version is characterized by the longest average sentence segment, the lowest number of STTR and the highest repetition of high frequency words.


WUShufang(School of Foreign Languanges, Nanyang Institute of Technology, Nanyang 473004, China)

There is a consensus in today’s academic circles that single teaching method fails to achieve the desired teaching objectives, and the correct approach should be inclusive.Translation me-thod, as an important and effective foreign language teaching method, has attracted academic attention again after being rejected for a long time.As an outstanding representative to establish translation method in foreign language teaching in the west, Guy Cook wroteTranslationinLanguangeTeaching:AnArgumentforReassesmentin March, 2010.This paper tries to analyze the writing background of the book, introduces the main content and highlights of the book in detail, and probes into the application and significance of the book in combination with the practice of English teaching in China.


XUENingning(School of Interpreting & Translation Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)

Chinese translation studies enjoy a long history and rich contents.Nowadays, an increasing concern with translation studies has made the construction of contemporary Chinese translation theories an important trend in the academic circle.The book,TheRecordsofTranslation:NewObservationsandNewThoughtsonContemporaryTranslationStudies, written by Zhang Boran and Xin Hongjuan, discusses traditional Chinese translation theories and Western translation theories from the perspective of cultural integration and philosophical speculation, making new exploration for the construction of contemporary Chinese translation theories.


HUOJing&WUShuqiong(School of Foreign Studies, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 401120, China)

The bookPragmaticsandLaw:PhilosophicalPerspectives, taking pragmatics as its theoretical basis, probes into legal problems from the perspective of philosophy.Focusing on legal language, it tests the validity and explanatory power of pragmatic theories in solving legal problems.The book is substantial in content, which contains the latest findings in the interdiscipline field of pragmatics and law and thereby reflects the research tendendcy of forensic linguistics.This paper makes a brief review on it.