文 / 李 健
和Base Date“基准日期”一样,建设工程合同中Commencement Date “开工日期”也是一个对当事人权利义务关系会产生重要影响的时间节点。
例 1—“Commencement Date” means the date notified under Sub-Clause 8.1 [Commencement of Works] ( Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice of the Commencement Date. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions, the Commencement Date shall be within 42 days after the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance. … (8.1). (Contract for Construction, FIDIC, 1999)
试 译 :“Commencement Date” includes the Scheduled Commencement Date and the Actual Commencement Date. The Scheduled Commencement Date means the Commencement Date specified in the Contract Agreement, and the Actual Commencement Date means the Commencement Date specified in Notice of Commencement Date issued by the Construction Project Management Enterprise under Sub-Clause 7.3.2 [Commencement Notice] subject to the Law.
1.开工日期,首先是工期计算的时间起始点,直接关系到工期延误或顺延以及相应索赔的计算;其次,业主如果不合理地耽误确定(实际)开工日期而造成承包商受到损害,则应当承担相应责任(参见中国示范文本第7.3.2项,例2中未引)。因为开工日期对当事人权利义务关系会产生重要影响,实践中需要有开工通知Notice of Commencement Date,且应当采用书面形式,即in written form or in writing。
3.建设工程实践中,通知notice也会直接影响权利义务关系,需要正确表达give notice。关于通知(期限),以下两种表达都是正确的:第一种,Under Clause **, the party shall give the other party one month’s notice to terminate the agreement.或者 Under Clause **, one month’s notice is required in order to terminate the agreement. 第二种,Under Clause **, a one-month notice period is required in order to terminate the agreement. 它们意思相同,即根据第**条规定,当事人应当于终止协议前一个月发出通知,或终止协议前要求有一个月的通知期限。第一种中“notice”,不可数名词,相当于information,前面不需“a/an”。第二种中“notice period”,中心词period可数,单数时前面需要“a/an”;“one-month”是复合形容词。记住,给某人通知give sb notice,不能说成give sb a notice;但是,给某人一周通知期限give sb a week’s notice是可以的,因为这里“a”修饰的是“week”,同样“a”也可换成“two”。这样,提前两周通知某人,或给某人两周的通知期限,可译作give sb two weeks’notice(这里two weeks’是复数所有格形式),或give sb a twoweek notice period。因此,例1中The Engineer shall give the Contractor not less than 7 days’ notice of the Commencement Date,不是错误的表达,这里not less than 7 days’用复数所有格形式修饰不可数的notice。当然,这句还可说成The Engineer shall give the Contractor not-less-than-7-day notice of the Commencement Date.这里not-less-than-7-day是复合形容词。