摘要 试验于2015—2016年在嘉禾县普满乡试验示范基地进行,选用6个供试品种,以研究其生长发育、抗病性、经济性状、外观质量和感官质量等方面的特点。结果表明,根据当地的气候环境,供试品种均能够适应,而NC71和CZ-43形状检测更好;NC71和CZ-43的发病种类最少,感病指数较低;CZ-43的产量、产值、均价、上等烟比例和中上等烟比例等经济性状最高,其次为NC71,而2个品种之间无显著差异;上、中、下部位烟叶的综合得分均是CZ-43最高,其次为NC71、粤烟98;CZ-43的香气质、香气量和感官质量评价总分最高。据此,CZ-43、NC71可初步作为郴州烟区的备选品种进行推广和示范。
关键词 烤烟;品种;生长发育;抗病性;经济性状;外观质量;评吸质量;湖南郴州
中图分类号 S572.037 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-5739(2018)02-0029-04
Comparative Test of Different Tobacco Varieties in Chenzhou Tobacco Area
LI Yan 1 LI Hong-guang 2 FANG Ming 2 JIANG Xiang-wei 1 ZENG Pei-shuai 1 *
(1 Jiahe Branch,Chenzhou City Tobacco Company in Hunan Province,Jiahe Hunan 424500; 2 Chenzhou City Tobacco Company in Hunan Province)
Abstract The experiment was settled in demonstration base of Puman village in Jiahe County from 2015 to 2016.Taking six tobacco varieties as test material,the disease resistance,economic characters,appearance quality etc of tobacco were studied. The results were as follow:according to the local climate,all the varieties could adapt to the condition,while NC71 and CZ-43 shape were better;Disease types of NC71 and CZ-43 were at least,disease index was lower;the yield,output value,average price,fine proportion and superior proportion of tobacco and other economic value of CZ-43 were the highest,followed by NC71,but there was no significant difference between the two varieties.Composite scores on up,middle and lower parts of the tobacco leaves of CZ-43 was the highest,followed by NC71,Yueyan 98. Comprehensive score on aroma quality,aroma concentration,sensory quality of CZ-43 were highest. Consequently,CZ-43,NC71 could be used as promoting and demonstrating varieties in Chenzhou area.
Key words flue-cured tobacco;variety;growth and development;disease resistance;economic characters;appearance quality;smoking quality;Chenzhou Hunan
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况
试验于2015—2016年在湖南省郴州市嘉禾县普满乡试验示范基地进行,嘉禾县普满乡地处湘南,地形为丘陵,海拔275 m,属亚热带湿润季风气候,光照资源充足,雨量丰沛,年均温18 ℃,年降水量1 416 mm,无霜期294 d,当地海拔、气候、水等条件与烟叶生长发育的需求规律基本吻合。土壤质地多为浅黄泥和灰黄泥土,土壤中等肥力,前茬作物为水稻。土壤有机质含量为45.01 g/kg、速效氮176.32 mg/kg、速效磷15.6 mg/kg、速效钾110.3 mg/kg,pH值为6.5。endprint