2018-02-10 14:11
江西社会科学 2018年9期

(1)The Political Philosopher on Spartan Woman and Politeia——An Analysis of Xenophon’s Spartan ConstitutionChen Rongnv

The first chapter of Xenophon’s Spartan Constitution(15 chapters in total)displays the life,education and marriage of Spartan woman,therefore,this work has been regarded as an important historical records of Spartan society,especially history of Spartan women.Through reading and interpreting the third and fourth sentence(1.3-1.4)of the first chapter of this work,this paper is trying to analyze why Xenophon shows us Spartan legislation on woman’s eating,drinking,laboring and exercising which have been totally different from measures of other Greek cities.Outwardly,Xenophon praises what Lycurgus has legislated for Sparta while he investigates the morals of Spartan woman and city’s spirit inwardly.From the point of view of political philosopher,Xenophon offers us his thinking about the relationship between Spartan woman and politeia.Hence,his disguised critique of Spartan woman could be understood as a critique of Sparta.From the first chapter or very beginning of Spartan Constitution,Xenophon is encouraging us to think whether Sparta is really better than other Greek cities or not.

(2)Does Rise of Central China Strategy Boost a Stronger Economic Growth? Lu Jun Nie Wei

Rise of Central China Strategy is the third region level development strategy following“Western Development” and “Revitalize the Northeast”,which is put forwarded by central government with the purpose of coordinating regional economy of China.Did this strategy stimulate the economic growth in Central China and narrow the development gap between different regions?This article quantitatively tested the economic growth stimulating effect of Rise of Central China Strategy based on the perpetual city data from 2000 to 2016.Comprehensively combine the result of panel DID,spatial DID and PSM DID,this paper got the conclusion that this strategy did exert growth effect and increase the growth speed of about 2%in Central China.Mechanic analysis proved that this economic growth ef-fect derived from higher industry investment and development of industry enterprises.Finally,this article compared with Western Development strategy and explain why this strategy could exert positive effect on local economic growth.This strategy arouses the enthusiasm of local government in central China to develop industry economy.Local government actively change inner resources structure to attract direct investment from the Eastern China and finally achieve fast development of industry economy.This paper recommended that central government should put forward more industry encourage policies attached with this strategy,which could be helpful to the attracting investment behavior of local government and improvement of industry quality.

(3)Foreign Literature Studies:the Trouble of Theory and the Call of Criticism Wang Jiezhi

Foreign literature research in china has made great achievements,but there is also a question worth pondering.Various foreign theories,especially many dazzling non-literary theories,have invaded the field of literary research to a large extent.This phenomenon of foreign theoretical invasion has turned literary studies into a platform for expressing their own views,while literary studies are being deformed into the validity of those foreign theories.To get rid of this trouble,it is necessary to find causes from the perspective of the sender and the receiver,strengthen and deepen the basic and research in the field of literary criticism,and call for the return of the critical tradition.

(4)The Diversification of the Group of Historiographers in Song Dynasty Yan Yongcheng

With the enlarging scale of the official history compilation in Song dynasty,the number of historiographic officials increased.The tradition that the historiographic were composed of independent,ancestral,apprenticed historiographers and historians in certain regions who spotted a feature in history compilation had been changed,thus forming a new group of historiographers.Among them,not only did ancestral historiographic officials,ancestral historiographic researchers,historiographic compliers who affiliated to different schools and historiographic compliers with regional characters spring up,but also outstanding achievements and history compilation effects had been accomplished.Hence,the full development of history compilation in Song dynasty and the achievements higher than ever were closely related to the diversification of the group of historiographers.

(5)The Connotation and Realization of the Organic Unification of the Party Rules and the State Laws in the New Era Zeng Mingsheng

The organic unification of party rules and state laws in the new era means that under the background of the new era,the party rules and state laws coexist and cooperate.It also means that the party rules are stricter than the state laws,but the state laws are higher than the party rules,and they are interconnected and complement with each other,and form an organic system.There is an inclusive relationship between this organic unity of governing the country according to laws and governing the Party according to rules and that organic unification of party rules and state laws.The joint may appear,and the cross-repetition should not be excluded in special cases.The transformation of party rules and state laws involves not only the change of their contents,but also the extension construction of their organic unification.The unidirectional transformation of party rules to state law is principled,but the possibility of reverse transformation should not be ruled out under certain circumstances.

(6)Rural Vitalization Strategy:Solution and Development Path of Issues of Agriculture,Farmer and Rural Area in the New Era Tan Huijuan Luo Jiawei

With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization,rural society has undergone an unprecedented transformation.The relationship between urban and rural areas in China has changed from “rural China” to “urban and rural China” However,the modern construction logic of“attaching more importance to cities than townships” and “dividing urban and rural areas” has led to the longterm backwardness of rural society,the gap between urban and rural areas continues to widen in the middle and late stages of urbanization and industrialization,thus forming a serious“agriculture,countryside and farmers”problem.In order to build a powerful socialist modernization,safeguard urban and rural space justice and activate rural social functions,the 19thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the strategy of rural revitalization,which contains the extremely rich theoretical implications of the transformation of agricultural modernization,the harmonious coexistence of human and nature,the modernization reconstruction of village culture,the combination of virtue and law in rural governance,and the sharing of development achievements between urban and rural areas.To realize rural revitalization,we should continue to release institutional dividends,break down obstacles to the flow of factors of production,build a modern agricultural system,consolidate the foundation of social governance,promote cultural revival and integration,aiming at the problems of“agriculture,countryside and farmers”, focusing on activating resource efficiency and rebuild cultural value.