舞蹈中的即兴无处不在,但当它被放在舞台上正式演出的时候,不免会受到一些争议,许多舞蹈家一方面迷恋古典舞技巧的华丽形式,另一方面又向往现代舞即兴的自由内涵。看似毫无章法的即兴可以作为表演形式吗?舞者如果事先经过排练,那还叫作“即兴表演”吗?在充斥着古典主义审美的舞蹈市场中,即兴演出的观赏价值具有市场竞争力吗?笔者曾参与2017年台湾古舞团定期举办的“I·Dance Taipei爱跳舞即兴节”(IDT),这一即兴节在一般舞蹈节中常见的工作坊、圆桌会议之外开办了“即兴流水席”(报名参与)、“开放即兴”(自由参与)以及“舞蹈光谱”(即兴舞蹈公演)等活动。笔者置身其中,感受到即兴跳脱了学校的教育、亦不囿于舞蹈领域的能量,从而引发了笔者对上述问题的思考。
在2017年的 IDT活动中,笔者目所能及的参与者都是身体灵活的即兴舞蹈好手。笔者刻意避开“舞蹈家”一词,是因为有一部分参与者并非舞蹈专业人士,他们有的是非舞蹈专业的教师,有的是白领,有的是画家或音乐家。其中,有80岁的老人,也有2岁的小朋友,他们有时热情地加入即兴,有时又坐在一旁仿佛格格不入。看着这些进入舞蹈的“来客”即兴而舞,总能感受到他们对舞蹈的执着,甚至着迷成瘾。舞蹈竟然能与“普通人”的生活这般如影随形,令笔者感到百思不得其解,却又惊喜万分。
Thoughts on lmprovisation Dance and Performance
Chen Qianqian
Improvisation is common in dance, but improvisation in serious performances is a subject of controversy.Many dancers stick to the pompous patterns of classical dance, and yet they love the freestyle improvisation of modern dance.At the “I·Dance Taipei” (IDT), an annual freestyle dance festival organized by Ku & Dancers, the author felt the power of improvisation dance: it is free from the discipline of school education and habitual movement patterns and has more energy than traditional dance.However, there are several questions to be addressed.
l.ls improvisation a dance genre? Does it belong to modern dance?
Improvisation has come in two waves in the history of dance.The first wave occurred in Germany in the early days of modern dance, and the founder was Rudolf Laban, a pioneer of modern dance in Europe.The purpose was to get free from the restrictions of classical ballet through unfettered and creative body movement.In the late 1960s, when modern dance became “classical” and began to fetter the body movements of the new generation of dancers, improvisation rose in the United States as a method of dance creation, and later became an effective means for postmodern dancers to recognize, discover and affirm their own self.In this sense, improvisation rose as part of the modern dance popularity, but it is not a dance genre: it is only a means of creation.We can safely argue that most creations begin with improvisation.Therefore, unlike any dance genre that has a value system, improvisation is process-oriented from the very beginning, following the artistic principle that process is the purpose, which is a characteristic of post-modern dance.
ll.Who can dance improvisation dance?
The question can be put in another way: Is improvisation suitable for all dancers? The answer is“yes” because everyone has the right and power to assert their own self with their own body and dance movement.Since its rise, improvisation has always been a welcomed form of dance but has remained unpopular in actual performance.That, however, does not affect its uniqueness and importance in dance.Why? There are two reasons: First, improvisation as a creative method is widely used in the creation of various dances, because it is very practical.It is not the box office winner, but still wins the heart of dancers.Second, improvisation as an art form carrying the traits of modern and contemporary dance does not reshape classics but facilitates the emergence of new concepts and innovative thinking.In other words, improvisation is more about the exploration of body movements in dance, and thus stimulates the mind.For improvisation dance, any criticism serves for reference only.The assertion and expression of the self,or self awareness, is the main concern of improvisation dancers.
lll.What is the difference between improvisation dance and impromtu performance?
Impromptu performance is the “finished product.” It is not what everyone can do.Impromptu or improvisational performers have several distinct qualities.First, the body technique of impromtu dancers transcends discipline.They boast rich body language, flexibility of the body,superior muscle control and explosiveness.Without longterm discipline and training, it is unlikely for any dancer to improvise in front of the audience.Impromtu dancers can deconstruct their body discipline and recombine the essentials into a new work, which is difficult for ordinary dancers.Second, impromptu performers must be able to “talk through the body.” Impromptu performances are conversations through the body.Under whatever theme, the dancers on the stage are engaged in body communication while they create one wonderful picture after another in front of the audience.In addition to the above-mentioned physical qualities and skills, the performers also need keen observation, resilience and tolerance to avoid riotus dancing or unintelligible expression.
improvisation dance, improvisational creation, impromptu performance, body culture