
2018-01-22 05:27:44张永祥
中国药理学与毒理学杂志 2018年1期


刚才各位专家和代表积极发言、各抒己见,针对中药新药和健康产品的研发阐述了自己的观点,指出了研发中的薄弱环节和存在问题,提出了很好的意见和建议。4位外国专家非常关注中药新药和健康产品的研发,提出了自己观点、意见和建议,很有启发性,值得我们认真思考。本次论坛是近年来中国药理学会第一次与制药企业联合举办、产学研结合的学术论坛,为中外药理学界和企业界专家和代表同台面对面交流和研讨提供了一个很好的平台。国家卫生和计划生育委员会科技教育司重大专项处顾金辉处长专程前来参加本次论坛,不仅给予了我们大力支持,而且带来了国家关于中药新药创制的指导意见。在大家的共同努力下,我们的论坛卓有成效,非常成功,达到了举办本次论坛的预期目的。各位专家的观点、意见和建议对中药、天然药物新药及健康产品研发及国际化发展具有重要参考价值和指导意义,希望会后各位专家能够将自己的发言整理一下,在《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》发表,以便与更多从事中药和天然药物新药以及健康产品研发以及相关工作的同行分享各位专家的观点、意见和建议。论坛结束之际,我谨代表本次论坛的共同主席杜冠华教授、肖伟董事长,再次向各位专家和代表、组委会以及会务组的同事们表示衷心感谢!希望论坛结束后大家能够继续保持联系,开展多种形式的交流与合作,并祝愿大家在研发工作中做出新的、更大的成绩,为推动中药、天然药物新药和健康产品研发与国际化发展做出新的贡献!谢谢!【Just now,the experts and dele⁃gates expressed their views and opinions on the R&D of new TCM drugs and health products,as well as pointed out the weak links and problems in the process of R&D.Four foreign experts have directed much attention to the R&D of new TCM drugs and health products.Their views and opin⁃ions are enlightening and worthy of serious consideration.This is the first time that CNPHARS and pharmaceutical enterprises have co-held a forum involving production,teaching and research in recent years.The forum provides a good plat⁃form for domestic and overseas pharmaceutical researchers and pharmaceutical enterprise to communicate face to face.The attendance of GU Jin-hui,Chief of the Division of National Science and Technology Major Project for Drug Innovation,Department of Health Science,Tech⁃nology and Education,National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC has not only rendered much support to us,but also made known the state guidelines for R&D of new drugs of TCM.With your joint effort,this forum is quite fruitful,successful and has achieved the intended goal.The views,comments and advice from each expert are of great value and significance for the R&D and internationalization ofTCM,new natural drugs and health products of TCM.We would like each expert to summarize your views that will be published inChinese Journal of Phar⁃macology and Toxicologyso that the researchers in the field of R&D of TCM,new natural product drugs and health products can share the ideas,opinions and advice.On the close of forum,I would like to express sincere thanks to each ofthe participants here,to the organizing committee and to each of the staff of the forum on behalf of Professor DU Guan-hua and Dr.XIAO Wei.I hope that all of us can keep in touch,exchange and cooperate in various forms after the forum.I wish you all new and greater achievements in your workand new contribu⁃tions to the R&D and internationalization of TCM,natural drugs and health products.Thank you very much!】

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