2018-01-22 05:27:44
中国药理学与毒理学杂志 2018年1期

由中国科学技术协会海智办、中国药理学会、江苏省科学技术协会、连云港市人民政府共同主办的“2017中国(连云港)国际医药技术大会”于2017年11月15-17日在江苏省连云港市召开。本次会议邀请了300多位中外专家学者,安排了大会报告、中美论坛及中欧论坛等多种形式交流。会议期间,中国药理学会中药与天然药物药理专业委员会与江苏康缘药业股份有限公司共同举办了“中药新药及健康产品研发与国际化发展论坛”,由中国药理学会理事长兼中药与天然药物药理学专业委员会主任委员张永祥研究员、中国药理学会前任理事长兼中药与天然药物药理专业委员会副主任委员杜冠华和江苏康缘药业股份有限公司董事长肖伟担任论坛共同主席。张永祥研究员致开幕辞,对前来参加论坛的国内外专家、有关部门领导和代表表示热烈欢迎!指出中药和健康产品在防治疾病中均具有明显特色和优势,二者具有密切的关系。许多健康产品都是基于药食同源的中药研制的,在研发理念、思路和方法上也有共同之处。论坛的目的是结合国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项的实施,为从事中药新药研发和健康产品研发的国内外专家和代表提供一个同台交流的平台,就中药、天然药物新药和健康产品研发的新理念、新思路、新方法、新成果、新经验等进行深入交流,共同研讨新产品研发及国际化发展的关键问题。希望通过此次论坛,为不断提高中药、天然药物新药和健康产品的研发水平和产品质量,扩大在世界范围内的应用发挥积极推动作用,同时希望能够为进一步建立和加强国际合作发挥积极推动作用。【The 2017 China(Lianyungang)International Medical Technology Conference was held in Lianyungang,Jiangsu Province,during November 15-17,which was jointly sponsored by the Office of"HOME Program"of China Association for Science and Technology,Chinese Pharmacological Society(CNPHARS),Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology and the Municipal Government of Lianyungang.This conference invited more than 300 experts from home and abroad and arranged various forms of communication including a symposium,the Sino-American Forum and Sino-European Forum.During the conference,the Division for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products Pharmacology of CNPHARS and Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.jointly sponsored the Forum on the R&D and Internationalization of New Drugs and Health Products of Traditional Chinese Medicine,which wasco-chaired by ProfessorZHANG Yong-xiang,Presidentof CNPHARS and Chair of Division for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products Pharma⁃cology of CNPHARS,Professor DU Guan-hua,former President of CNPHARS and Vice-Chair of Division for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products Pharmacology of CNPHARS,and Dr.XIAO Wei,Chairman of the Board of Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.Professor ZHANG Yong-xiang delivered the opening speech and expressed warm welcome to every partici⁃pant of the forum.He said that both traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and health products had distinct properties and superiority in preventing and treating diseases,and they were closely related.Many health products were developed from the TCM with"the homology of medicine and food"so that there was something in common between TCM and health products on the views and methods of R&D.The forum was intended to create a platform for domestic and overseas experts to exchange new ideas,new thoughts,new approaches,new findings and new experience as well as discuss key problems in R&D of new drugs of TCM and health products with the implementation of National Science and Technology Major Project for Drug Innovation(Drug Innovation Major Project).Professor ZHANG expressed the hope that this forum can play an active role in improving the level of R&D and quality of new drugs of TCM,natural products and health products,contributing to wider use of these products worldwide and strengthening international cooperation in this field.】

国家卫生和计划生育委员会科技教育司重大专项处顾金辉处长在讲话中首先对论坛的召开表示祝贺,然后介绍了国家“重大新药创制”科技重大专项支持中药新药研发的情况。指出自重大专项实施以来,针对中药新品种研发、大品种改造、中药关键技术研究及中药大平台建设等进行了系统部署,取得了一系列重大成果,包括一批高质量中药新药品种获准上市;技术提升了一批中药大品种,实现了中药大品种做大做强的目标;中药国际化注册不断提速;国内专家研究制定的多项中药标准被纳入欧美药典;中药新药研发能力得到明显提升。期待通过重大专项的实施和中医药学界的努力,使中药的国际化发展在“十三五”阶段有新的突破和成果,希望与会专家能在本次论坛中多为中药创新药研发及国际化发展出谋划策,并为重大专项实施过程中的不足提出意见和建议。【GU Jin-hui,Chief of the Division of National Science and Technology Major Project for Drug Innovation,Department of Health Science,Technology and Education,National Health and Family Planning Commission of the People′s Republic of China(PRC),first expressed congratulations on the opening of this forum,then he introduced the supporting for TCM by Drug Innovation Major Project.He said that since the implementation of Drug Innovation Major Project,the R&D of new drugs of TCM,transformation of TCM grant variety,research on key technologies and the mega platform for TCM have been system⁃atically planned.As a result,some high-quality and new drugs of TCM have been approved for marketing,and a batch of important drugs of TCM has been upgraded and made dominating.In addition,registration of TCM drugs has been accelerated abroad,standards for drugs of TCM formulated by Chinese experts have been included in European and American Pharmacopoeia and the ability of R&D of TCM new drugs has been improvedsignificantly.Heexpectedthatthe implementation of Drug Innovation Major Project and the effort of TCM would lead to new break⁃throughs and fruits of the internationalization of TCM during the Thirteenth Five-year Plan Period of PRC.He hoped that the experts present at the forum could give advices on the R&D and inter⁃nationalization ofdrugsofTCM and make comments on the deficiency of Drug Innovation Major Project.】

本次论坛分2个阶段。第一阶段是专题报告,由中国药理学会秘书长兼中药与天然药物药理专业委员会常务委员张永鹤教授和中国药理学会副秘书长、中药与天然药物药理专业委员会副主任委员兼秘书长周文霞研究员共同主持,6位国内外专家就中药新药及健康产品研发与国际化发展等问题做专题报告。国际药理学联合会(International Union of Basic&Clinical Pharmacology,IUPHAR)秘书长Michael SPEDDING教授作了题为“IUPHAR and world-wide initiatives on natural medicines:the quest for evidence-based medicine”的报告,主要介绍了IUPHAR在天然药物研发方面的理念及研究概况,特别介绍了天然药物在抗炎免疫方面的进展;韩国药理学会理事长金仁谦教授做了题为“Flavonoids in cardiovascular health”的报告,主要介绍了黄酮在维护心血管健康方面的研究进展;中国药理学会前理事长杜冠华教授作了题为“How to make TCM benefit the world”,重点介绍了中药新药的研究及来源于中药黄芩的新药百克利抗帕金森病的研究进展;IUPHAR天然药物药理分委会副主席Valérie SCHINI-KERTH教授作了题为“Natural products for healthy ageing”的报告,重点介绍了天然药物在抗衰老方面的研究进展;英国Robert Gordon大学天然药物研究中心主任Cherry WAINWRIGHT教授作了题为“Natural product drug&nutraceutical discovery:converging industries”的报告,主要介绍了天然药物与营养食品在英国的研究现状;最后,江苏康缘药业股份有限公司张怡博士作了题为“Functions of Ginkgo Diterpene Lactone Meglumine(GDLM)for treatment of ischemic stroke”的报告,主要介绍了江苏康缘药业股份有限公司的新药银杏二萜内酯葡胺注射液治疗缺血性卒中的研究进展。【The forum had two stages.Stage one was a symposium which was co-chaired by Professor ZHANG Yong-he,Secretary-General of CNPHARS and Standing Member of the Division for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Prod⁃ucts Pharmacology and Professor ZHOU Wen-xia,Deputy Secretary-General of CNPHARS and Secretary-General of the Division for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products Pharma⁃cology.Six experts from domestic and overseas gave presentations on the R&D and international⁃ization of new drugs of TCM and health prod⁃ucts.Professor Michael SPEDDING,Secretary-General of IUPHAR,gave a presentation entitled"IUPHAR and World-wide Initiatives on Natural Medicines:the Quest for Evidence-based Medi⁃cine",which focused on the IUPHAR′s ideas and the general research situation of natural drugs and particularly introduced the progress of the anti-inflammatory action of natural drugs.Professor InKyeom KIM,Director of the Korean Society of Pharmacology,gave a presentation entitled"FlavonoidsinCardiovascularHealth",which was concerned with the research progress of flavo⁃noids in maintaining cardiovascular health.Professor DU Guan-hua,former President of CNPHARS delivered a speech entitled"How to Make Tradi⁃tionalChinese Medicine BenefittheWorld",which focused on research of new drugs of TCM and the progress of Bakeli,a new drug derived from Radix Scutellariae for Parkinson disease.Professor Valérie SCHINI-KERTH,Vice-Chair of the Natural Product Section of IUPHAR,gave a presentation entitled"Natural Products for Healthy Ageing",which mainly introduced the research progress of natural products on anti-ageing.Professor Cherry WAINWRIGHT,Director of Centre for Natural Product Drugs of Robert Gordon University,gave a presentation entitled"Natural Product Drug&Nutra⁃ceutical Discovery:Converging Industries",which outlined the current research on natural product drugs and nutritional foods in the UK.Finally,Dr.ZHANG Yi from Jiangsu Kanion Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.gave a presentation entitled"Functions of Ginkgo Diterpene Lactone Meglumine(GDLM)for Treatment of Ischemic Stroke",which described the research progress of GDLM for treatment in ischemic stroke.】

第二阶段为综合讨论阶段。6位报告专家齐聚台上,由张永祥研究员主持,针对中药、天然药物新药与健康产品研发与国际化发展等相关问题进行了广泛、深入的讨论,专家们各抒己见、畅所欲言,气氛非常热烈。会后,在与会专家的大力支持和共同努力之下,我们将部分专家的观点和意见进行了整理,而且为了扩大学术交流范围,将专家发言进行了中英文互译,将译文放在“【】”内,以中英文对照的形式予以刊出,希望对于提高我国中药、天然药物新药与健康产品的研发水平及国际化发展发挥积极的推动作用。【The second stage of the forum was in-depth discussions chaired by Professor ZHANG Yong-xiang.Six experts who had given presentations were invited onto the stage for an in-depth discussion on a wide range of issues involving the R&D and internationalization of TCM,new natural drugs and health products.The experts gave their own opinions freely and the atmosphere was quite lively.With the support and effort of the experts,we summarized and translated the viewsand opinionsofsome experts and published them here both in Chinese and English(the translation was put in the"【】")in order to promote the domestic and overseas academic exchanges and play an active role in the improvement of R&D and internationalization of TCM,new natural drugs and health products.】

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